“Eccentricity has always abounded when and where strength of character had abounded; and the amount of eccentricity in a society has generally been proportional to the amount of genius, mental vigor, and courage which it contained.”

-John Stuart Mill

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credit:  Little Edie Beale via slagheap
Posted in INSPIRE, LIFESTYLE, PHOTOGRAPHY | Tagged , | 2 Comments

“If you’re going through hell, keep going.”

-Winston Churchill

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credit:  nobody can see me by Walter Breidenbach
Posted in INSPIRE, PHOTOGRAPHY | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

So I was reading a post over at Lariats & Lavender (one of my lovely February sponsors) and I read about a self-portrait challenge she joined which she read about at The Paper Mama (who got the idea from Sometimes Sweet) and it seemed like so much fun I decided to jump in and play along.  I fully encourage you to do the same.   You can get the details here (and if you do play along, please share with the rest of us by linking to your pretty self in the comments section).  Did I mention there’s a prize involved?  Oh, there totally is.  And it’s a good one.  The winner gets $100 towards  a custom family portrait courtesy of Chelsey of The Paper Mama.  How’s that for a little incentive?  Sooooo…without further ado…


Obsessing Over:  Obviously digitized photography.  Don’t get me wrong…I still have a soft spot and will continue to shoot darkly nostalgic photos.  I have a love of vignetting, tilt shift, toy cameras, soft focus and hazy colors and always will.  They all play a key role in the universe I create with my photography…but in all honesty I’m pretty tired of every single picture everyone posts looking like it was taken with my old Kodak Instamatic with its 110 film and flashcube (BOY did I just totally date myself…and YES, I still have that camera.).  So I’m going (at least partially) the other way.  I’m going bold and pixelated and oddly layered.  (and yes, the above image is one my first forays into my new universe)  I’m rather excited, I must say.  I can’t wait to see how it flows and goes.

Working On:  Putting the pieces of my life back together.  I won’t violate others privacy (nor mine for that matter) with the details, but let’s just say my life was completely, totally and devastatingly shattered over the fall.  I don’t know if I’ll ever be complete again, but I’m doing my best to piece the remnants back together.  Good thing I’m not afraid of rolling up my sleeves and doing hard work, because this is the hardest, most heartbreaking, gut-wrenching work I’ve ever had to do.  I am endlessly thankful for all of you.  Even though most of you have no idea what I’m going through, the fact that you’re here means the world to me.  I love you all to bits. <3

Thinking About:  An upcoming engagement shoot I have in Baton Rouge.  I am soooooooooo excited!  The couple is above and beyond sweet.  The concept they came up with for their shoot is going to be so mind-blowingly fun, creative and adorable I can hardly stand it.  And to top it all off I get to travel to one of my favorite places in the world.  I’m even considering making a side-trip to New Orleans to visit some friends I haven’t seen in years.  I couldn’t be happier.  Just thinking about it all makes me giddy.  Teehee!

Anticipating:  A couple of rough months ahead.  I’m dreading them in fact.  Thank god for that Louisiana trip.  I’m hoping it will make up for the upcoming turmoil and upheaval.  I just need to remember to take my own advice and B-R-E-A-T-H-E.  Just breathe.  I’ve had cancer FFS.  I can do this, right?  Right.  Damn straight.

Listening To:  Indian Jewelry.  They’re touring right now (I know…I’m totally shoving them down your throat) and I can’t wait to see them play.  It’s been years.

Inspired By:  Stillness and Isolation…and, as always, music, Music, MUSIC!  I have several ideas rattling around in my noggin based upon the musical brilliance of Brett Detar and the general disrepair of various buildings that surround me.

For The Record:  I have always been of a morbid disposition.  When I was 4 years old I was highly concerned with having my own will.  I wanted to make sure that my possessions would be divided evenly between my parents in the event of my untimely demise.  Weird kid…I know.

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credit:  self-portrait by yours truly. ©2012 alli woods frederick all rights reserved.
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I don’t know about you, but this week was hectic for me.  Between family members in hospitals, a new camera to play with (Thanks Uncommon Goods!…more on the camera at a later date), appointments galore and a slew of other weirdness I am actually looking forward to Monday.  *gasp!*  I’m hoping to have time to go catch “The Artist” while it’s still in the theater.  Have any of you had a chance to see it yet?  I’ve heard it’s stunning.  But I digress.  Here’s this weeks little postscript of noteworthy odds and ends.  Enjoy, my dears and have a smashing Sunday filled with rainbows, unicorns and lollipops.

  • I have fallen in love…with the work of Laetitia Soulier.  I am seriously digging on 2 of her series:  Vanity and Fractal Architectures.  Vanity is just flat out innocent and creepy while Fractal Architectures is rich, complex and insanely detailed (make sure you watch the slide show to see just how much work went into the creation of her photos).
  • I am not much of a drinker (when I had cancer I stopped altogether and now only have a drink every once in a blue moon) but these two drinks sound so yummy:  Blood Orange Basil Gimlet and Shrinking Violet Champagne Cocktail.
  • I have mentioned them before and I’ll mention them again – Houston based band Indian Jewelry are fan-freakin-tastic AND they’re on tour right this very moment!  Check out their tour schedule and if they’re playing anywhere near you go, Go, GO!!!  Come hell or high water I’m going.  *warning:  they are known for using lots of strobe lights, so if you’re epileptic be careful.*
  • Jayson Home – an amazing online flea market full of completely drool worthy goods.  If only that money tree I planted last year would start blooming, I’d be set.
  • Cloches…I love them, be they the hat or bell jar variety.  Why?  Hell if I know.  Maybe it’s because I always imagine them in some immense and stunning 2 story study with dark wood, brass fixtures, a rolling library ladder and the cloches house odd artifacts like this 10,000 year old cave bear skull.
  • Need a dry erase board but tired of how fugly they all seem to be?  Why not make your own?
  • Interested in street photography but scared to give it a try (after all, some people really do not like to have their photos taken)?  Download Going Candid, a free ebook courtesy of Thomas Leuthard.
  • And let’s round out the week with two lovely bits of romantic advice (Valentine’s Day is just around the corner!) from Rhett & Link:


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credits:  Creme de Violette by Veronika Lukasova  *  Antique via Jayson Home 
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What do Daleks, hookers and bubble gum have in common?  Me, that’s what.  Today I shall reveal 5 completely random facts about myself.  Please try to contain your excitement and hold all applause and/or questions until the end.  *wink*

Ready?  Set?  Reveal!

  1. My name is Alli, but you can call me nemesis…at least if you ask one girl.  I was hanging out with some old friends one night and, upon returning from getting a beer, was informed that one of the females who had been seated at our table (don’t ask me her name because I honestly don’t recall) announced to the group that I was “her nemesis.”  It was amusing then and I still find it amusing now.  Why am I her nemesis?   I don’t have a clue.  That is known only to her…but I must say it makes me feel kinda special.  Look at the people who have arch-enemies:  Doctor Who has the Daleks, Sherlock Holmes has Moriarty, Batman has The Joker…you see where I’m going with this?daleks
  2. I do NOT like giant squid.  Seriously.  They give me the heebeegeebees & I suspect they may, in fact, be evil…very evil.  They get in fights with sperm whales.  Sperm whales are not small.  Anything that is large enough to beat up a sperm whale, has a beak, 8 arms, 2 tentacles and is that smart I simply cannot trust.  Plain and simple.
  3. A very out-of-place-at-a-punk-show heavily accented Italian gentleman in a linen suit and gold chains once tried to solicit me for prostitution.  I still find this very confusing.  I’m not sure what led him to think I was a hooker.  I had dreadlocks, was wearing a wife beater, a beat up pair of cut off army pants, striped socks and combat boots and was busy rocking out.  *shrug*  I still don’t get it…he was dragged out of the show and arrested.  I doubt going to jail was on his list of things to do while on vacation.
  4. I collect Adam Ant memorabilia.  Compared to others in the ant community, my collection is paltry…it’s as weak as a sailor with scurvy…but what I do have I love.  (And yes, this photo is part of my collection. <3)
  5. The sound of someone smacking gum makes me so ill I almost fly into a homicidal rage when I hear it.  And for all the people that think it’s hilarious to loudly smack their gum after they find out how ill it makes me:  you are so not  funny.  It’s been done by others before you and your name shall join theirs on my “Must Seek Revenge List.”   You have been warned.   *insert evil but playful grin here*

Want to reveal 5 facts about yourself?  Leave them in the comments or, if you post them on your own blog, please share the link.  Tit for tat, my dears.

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

image credits:   dalek image © BBC  *  giant squid via sciencephoto.com  *  untitled by JDert  *  Adam Ant via Absolutely Fabulisa  *   oh so retro by little sourire
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