It seems like everyone, their dog and their dog’s best friend does a year in review post.  I hereby refuse to sit and regurgitate all the things I’ve already written about this year.  It’s the equivalent of those damn clip shows that TV series run where it’s nothing but flashbacks to previous episodes.  We’ve seen all the episodes already…it’s just shy of jumping the shark.  That being said I hereby reserve the right to do year in review posts in the future because I am fickle and contradictory by nature.  I make no excuses or apologies. *grin*

Instead, I am going to do a Year of Lessons Learned (and hopefully they’ve been learned for the LAST time!).  I’ve had my ass kicked this year in every imaginable way…I’ve also been blessed in every imaginable way.  To quote my dear Adam Ant: “That’s just the yin and the yang of it.”  So without further ado I bring you…

Life Lessons of 2011

  1.     Hang in there.  Sometimes things will suck…they will suck bad…sometimes really really bad.  Ride it out.  There’s always light and hope on the other side.  That doesn’t make it suck any less, but it helps to know that the bad times can’t last forever.
  2.      Going after your dreams is scary, but it’s worth it.  You know the old adage – it’s better to have tried and failed than never to have tried at all.  As long as you try you’ll never have to wonder “what if…”
  3.      Listen to your gut…it knows things.  Mine had been insisting for months that November 15th was an important date…that there was something important we were supposed to do that day and I just couldn’t remember what it was.  As it turned out the 15th was a MAJOR day in my life.  If I had quit trying to rationalize that persistent thought and actually tried to listen to it, I  might have been better prepared for what that day held.
  4.      Miracles happen.  My beloved Mischa had a stroke about two weeks ago.  I woke up and his head was turned at a 90 degree angle, he was walking in circles and he had facial paralysis.  I rushed him to the vet.  The diagnosis?  It could have been a stroke or a nasty inner-ear infection.  So we treated with steroids and antibiotics.  24 hours later there was no improvement.  48 hours there was still no improvement and the vet then felt confident that my little fella did, in fact, have a stroke.  The whole time I babied  him.  I stayed awake with him for two days.  He was handfed, watered, helped on and off the bed to use the bathroom.  He even allowed me to give him a reiki treatment.  He sat there for 15 minutes and rested his forehead against my forehead while I worked with his head cupped in my hands.  It was awesome.  On the third morning I looked at the foot of the bed and there he was, looking completely normal save a small, barely perceptible bit of droop to  his left eyelid.  When he went to see the vet for another follow up his doctor was stunned.  He was looking and acting completely normal.  Excellent response, walking normally, and his head tilt is about 3 degrees to the right…noticeable to no one but me.  What a blessing. 
  5.      Forgiveness brings peace to your soul.  It’s true.  anger, resentment, hate, revenge – these are emotional and energetic burdens.  Forgiveness seems hard to many but it’s really just a matter of doing it.  You just do it.  You make a conscious decision to let go.  It doesn’t mean you agree with what was done…it merely means you forgive them.  Bear them no ill will.  Your heart will thank you later.

Are there any lessons you learned this year?  Feel free to share them in the comments.  Your lesson just might help someone else.

Before I sign off I would like to thank you all.  I am blessed to have you as part of my tribe.  I love you all for your love and support.  You all rock my socks.

Best wishes & sending Mad, Mad Love to you all!

Happy New Year!

Kisses &  Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credits:  all images D. Sharon Pruitt
Posted in MY LIFE | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

I don’t know about you guys, but 2011 has been seriously hard for me… and I know I’m not the only one.  I am ticking off the days on my calendar in anticipation of a fresh start…a new beginning…a universal do-over (don’t you wish life were as simple as a game of 4 square?) in the form of a new year.  I, for one, want to kick off 2012 with some serious Love, Positivity and Awesomeness.  How about you?

If you answered yes, then you’re in luck.  I, along with the help of some amazing artists, musicians, bloggers and all-round powerfully positive people, want to help you do just that.  One lucky winner will be getting The Ultimate Kick-ass 2012 Gift Basket overflowing with awesomeness.  Seriously…it’s pretty freakin’ awesome.  Let me go over the goodies with you and then I’ll tell you how to enter.

Goodies Up for Grabs

One lucky winner will receive:

A subscription to Love & Sequins courtesy of the ever fabulous Gala Darling.

Rooted (an e-course) from the lovely Megan Monique.

An original sculpture by artist Prof. Van de Graeff of Mindustry Labs™.

Goodies from the band Glasnost including:  2 T shirts (size M or L), not 1, not 2 but 4(!) CD’s (including a limited edition copy of Valis their 2008 Demos) and a set of buttons and stickers!  WoW!  They’re what The Cure and Joy Division’s lovechild would sound like.  They’ll make your ears happy.  That’s a promise.

2 “Fall in Love with your Life Coaching” sessions with Jo Anna Rothman of The Receiving Project (“The first session is the time to dream and explore. We will look into what it is you want to create in your life.  The second session will be in service to creating action to assist you in living the life of your dreams. Each session will be 60 minutes long.”  – Jo Anna)

A pile of positivity (including a Radical Uprise zine, postcards, pins and more) donated by lifestreamer and positivity promoter Jetta Vegas.

"Pocket Sized Positivity Cards", photography, affirmations

A set of limited edition printed (on lush paper I might add!) Pocket Sized Positivity Cards™  courtesy of yours truly.

How to Enter

It’s pretty simple.  Below is a list of the awesome contributors along with a link to their  facebook pages.  Simply “Like” all the facebook pages (all 8 of ’em..), come back here and leave a comment on this post (preferably a good joke or strange bit of trivia…this is a random drawing so no extra points are awarded for flattery *wink*).  Make sure That’s it!  You MUST “like” each and every single one of the facebook pages and leave a comment here to be entered.   (If you’re already a fan of all the pages, no worries.  Just leave a comment.)  The contest ends at 12 noon CST on January 1, 2012.  The winner will be selected at random and will announced January 2, 2012.  Want to increase your chances of winning?  You can get an extra entry by tweeting*:

I entered the awesome “Kick-Ass 2012 Kickoff Contest” on You should too! @AlliWFrederick

*NOTE:  one extra entry per person ONLY… you’ll only get one extra entry regardless of how many times you tweet.

Meet The Contributors

Aaron Van de Graeff – Mindustry Labs™

*Facebook: Mindustry Labs™

Here at Mindustry Labs™, a very ultra top duper secret, scientific & super mysterious art facility we search the cosmos for ideas.  The ideas that are generated at our laboratory come in many shapes, sizes, from many dimensions, quantums and time lines.  Together with Prof. Vand de Graeff and his alter ego Dr. Destruction, Mindustry Labs™ strives to take those ideas and create the finest art things in the Universe.  We prepare our products much the same way as St. Nicolas does, with a little – Alchemy, fluff, sprinkles, magic, time travel, a smidge of WONDERCOLOR™ and a few choice words that are not necessary to mention as they are proprietary.

Alli Woods Frederick – &

*Facebook:  Alli Woods Frederick

I’m a photographer, artist, writer and art editor for All Things Girl magazine.  I love glitter and big boots. My alter-ego is a zombie slayer, massage therapist, reiki master, intuitive, & mild mannered adorer of cats. I am a cancer survivor and yoga practitioner. Did I mention I love glitter and big boots? I really love glitter and big boots.  I also feel it imperative that you know:  · My cat and my husband are the bee’s knees and I love them so much it’s pathological.  · I enjoy a good tea party and fancy dress.

Amanda Oaks –

*Facebook:  Kind Over Matter

Kind Over Matter is dedicated to kind acts, inspirational stories, art & projects.  In essence, feel good nouns.  Visit with your morning cup of coffee or tea, I’ll be so grateful to have you.

Gala Darling –

*Facebook:  Gala Darling

Writer, public speaker and named one of the 10 most influential style bloggers in the world (Fashionista), Gala believes in pink lingerie, sequins, stardust & candy-coloured Cadillacs. She believes in making mischief & the triumph of magic over the brute. She believes in short skirts & lip gloss & bringing about the radical self love revolution. She believes life doesn’t have to be serious, that you create your own reality & that beauty is all around us.


*Facebook:  Glasnost

“Glasnost sounds like warm butter spreading on toast. Soft, yet crisp.” Blouse – Omar 9/4/2009
Aside from producing killer dance floor remixes, Glasnost is also a live, four piece, electro pop band. The band formed out of two electronic acts (Das Automatic & DJ Cuba Gooding Jr.) that realized there was something to be said for live rock show performances. By taking the elements of pop bands such a New Order, Duran Duran etc and combining it with the energy and sound of a live rock show a unique sound and experience was formed.

Jetta Vegas – & The Radical Uprise

*Facebook: The Radical Uprise

I am all about kicking life’s ass every day, and being an inspirational, motivational lady.  I constantly strive to be the most positive and enthusiastic person I know.  I’ve been known to drive across the country to meet someone I met through twitter, eat an entire dozen of cupcakes in a single day and  spend at least two hours a day searching for my car keys.

Jo Anna Rothman – The Receiving Project

*Facebook:  The Receiving Project

Jo Anna Rothman, MA is an intuitive coach and facilitator of The Receiving Project. She revels in assisting people in falling in love with their lives. She is committed to living a life full of pleasure, purpose and enthusiasm. And perhaps most important, she knows the secret to the perfect s’more.


*Facebook: If I Were A Rainbow

Writer, Spirit Guide, Sacred Space Facilitator. Shining light on your unique path to connect Mind, Body, and Spirit.



Good luck to you all and here’s to a magical and amazing 2012!  Smooches!

Happy New Year!

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

Posted in ANNOUNCEMENTS | Tagged , , , , | 23 Comments

I would be remiss to not post this.  Zombie preparedness is important…even during the holidays.  Don’t become a statistic this holiday season.  This educational film will help you keep your holiday festivities fun, safe and zombie-free.  Enjoy, my dears.

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


suggested reading for surviving the zombie apocalypse

Posted in CULTURE, LAUGH, TIPS + TRICKS, ZOMBIES | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Welcome to the future.  That’s right, the future…of makeup and beauty.  Some of these are blowing my mind and some of them…well, let’s just say I’m dubious but curious.  Maybe some of these goodies will tide us over until we finally get those flying cars we were promised.

Nails Inc. – Magnetic Polish

Yup.  Magnetic nail polish.  A magnet in the cap creates the design.  Check out this video for the complete how to.



magnetic polish

Paperself – Deer & Butterfly Eyelashes

Laser-cut paper eyelashes in an assortment of unique, nature-inspired styles?  Count me in…although I would trim them down a bit and use them for the outer lashes only, but that’s just me.

"deer and butterflies lashes by paperself"

Violent Lips – Lip Tattoos

Temporary tattoos for your lips.  The designs range from understated glitter to over the top Union Jack which takes anglopilia to a whole new (and questionable) level.

"violent lips lip tattoo on model via"

Did I miss anything?  If you know about some futuristic face-stuff that I missed, please tell me about it in the comments.


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credit:  sephora  *  unknown  *  sephora
Posted in LIFESTYLE | Tagged | Leave a comment

I’m looking for a few chronic procrastinators to give a new top-secret service a test drive.  Interested or know someone who might be?  Contact me with the subject line “test drive” for details.  Won’t you please by my guinea pig?

"carl and gerta cori in the lab"

*Note: If you’re interested then that means you procrastinate.  Ironically, in order to be considered for participation you need to contact me now…not three weeks from now.  So hop to it!

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

image credit: Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori (1896-1957) and Carl Ferdinand Cori (1896-1984) from The Smithsonian Institution
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