pee my pants


I’M A PICKY movie watcher.  It’s true.  And comedies are no exception.  I take my comedies very seriously. (is that weird?)  If I’m going to spend 2 hours of my life staring at a screen I want it to be worthwhile.

NON-COMEDY EXAMPLE:  Silence of the Lambs (obviously not a comedy…and if you think it is then you might want to consider psychotherapy and anti-psychotic medication) was a good movie.  It’s sequel, Hannibal (also not a comedy) was a travesty.  I’m still mad I’ll never get those 90 minutes of my life back. (shame on you Julianne Moore. shame. on. you.)




THAT BEING SAID, here is my list of 10 comedies that are worth a watch (or 20…but maybe that’s just my OCD talking).  Some I’m sure you’ve seen, others may be new to you…and if you’re wondering why some were omitted (like Harold & Maude or Zombieland) I promise it wasn’t an oversight.  They were intentionally left off the list because they’re already on one of my other 10 Films That *insert witty phrasing here* posts.  So pull up your Netflix or Amazon Instant and get ready to click and queue.


10 Movies That Almost Made Me Pee My Pants

…because they’re that funny…


1)  Harvey

pee my pants


JIMMY STEWART is Edward P. Dowd and his best friend is a six foot tall rabbit that no one else can see or hear.  This just might be the best comedy of all time.  Yup.  It’s that good.  If you haven’t seen it yet then add it to your Netflix queue immediately.  You’ll never questions the reality of imaginary friends ever again…

AND you’re welcome.





2)  This is 40

pee my pants


THE FUNNIEST and most accurate portrayal of married life to ever be filmed.  (Brian and I kept saying “Oh my God, that’s us isn’t it?” between giggles)  The writing is excellent, the direction is perfect and the acting is superb.

DID I MENTION it stars Paul Rudd?  In the event you are unaware Paul Rudd, at least comedically, can do no wrong…at least not that I’ve seen…not even in Clueless.





3)  Arsenic and Old Lace



TWO SWEET elderly Aunts have a few skeletons in their closets…and their basement…and their trunk…

CARY GRANT was never better.  This movie has some of the best one-liners I’ve ever heard (sorry, Bob).

A LOT OF PEOPLE think the humor in older films doesn’t translate to today, but you gotta believe me when I tell you it does.  Funny is funny.  And when it’s well done it withstands the ages.  Just ask Shakespeare.





4)  Road to Morocco

Annex - Hope, Bob (Road to Morocco)_02


BOB HOPE.  That is all.





5)  Happy, Texas



TWO ESCAPED CONVICTS wind up posing as a gay couple of traveling beauty pageant coaches.  Corny?  Yes.  Predictable?  Absolutely.  Hilarious?  Damn straight. (no pun intended)

THIS MOVIE actually enraged the real residents of Happy, Texas, who felt it portrayed their town as being filled with poorly educated halfwits and country bumpkins.  *eyeroll*  It’s a fictional story.  I’m willing to guarantee the only reason Happy was chosen is because of the name.  Would you want to watch a movie called Ozona, Texas?  Yeah.  Me neither.  So ignore the locals and enjoy watching a redneck felon trying to teach little girls to dance, throw a punch all while deciding what type of stitch is best to use when applying an applique heart to a leotard.





6)  The Hangover



WHEN BRIAN AND I saw this in the theater we actually missed large portions of dialogue because we were laughing so hard.  My secret celebrity husband, Zach Galafianakis (don’t tell my other hubby, Bruce Campbell, okay?) , is brilliant.  The rest of the cast, as far as I’m concerned is filler.  I’ve seen Zach doing his standup many times and my favorite parts are his impersonations…he shines when he’s allowed to be the gifted character actor that he is…and he sparkles like a damn diamond in The Hangover.  But you’ve seen it, so it’s not like I’m telling you anything you didn’t already know.

AND THE TRUTH of the matter is, I like movies where babies get hit in the face with car doors.  I’m sick and twisted that way.  On a completely unrelated note if anyone needs a nanny, I’m available.





7)  Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead



A MORE CEREBRAL sort of humor, to be sure.  While you don’t have to be familiar with Hamlet to enjoy this existential comedy it certainly helps.

ROSENCRANTZ & GUILDENSTERN are inseparable, so much so that they don’t know which of them is Rosencrantz and which is Guildenstern…nor does anyone else.  The movie is their experience inside Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

I ADMIT this film won’t be for everyone.  Some will find it boring as hell, others will think it’s pretentious, but if you dig it, you’ll DIG it. (and it stars Gary Oldman.  Hello!)





8)  Clue



THE FIRST (I think?) and most certainly best of the game-turned-movie films.  This is a classic.  Slapstick whodoneit?  Yes, please.

THIS CULT CLASSIC was even spoofed (brilliantly spoofed) on this season of Psych…complete with a good portion of the original cast.

I ONLY WISH the game were as fun as the movie.

SERIOUSLY.  That game sucks.  Has anyone ever had a good time playing clue?  Anyone?





9)  The Jerk



HE WAS BORN a poor black child.  A rags to riches to rags tale as only Steve Martin can tell it.  This has been a favorite of mine since I was 6 years old.  (Steve was my second childhood crush.  What can I say…I have a thing for funny guys.)  Since everyone has seen this movie there’s really no point in giving you a synopsis.  Let’s just bask in our collective memories of laughing our asses off, shall we?





10)  Heathers



TEEN ANGST reaches a whole new level.  Mysterious loner meets disenchanted popular girl and hilarious serial killing ensues amid a backdrop of oblivious adults, croquette, swatches, scrunchies and Corn Nuts.  The best roles of Winona Ryder & Christian Slater’s lives, hands down.

I STILL quote the sh*t out of this movie, and have since I was 14.  Genius.





And while My Big Fat Greek Wedding didn’t make the list (but only by a hair), this movie still totally did because it’s just too damn funny to not share:

big fat greek

This is totally how I felt when I met my honey…and I’m pretty sure I looked like that too.


What are your favorite comedies of all time?  What do you think should have made the list?

Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick


images ::  all movie stills © their respective studios.
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the cheshire cat

the cheshire cat


Ginsberg:  And she comes to the fork in the road, then she says to the Cheshire Cat, “Which road do I take?”

Peggy:  I know this.  “Where do you want to go?”

Ginsberg:  “I don’t know.”

Peggy:  “Then it doesn’t matter.”


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image ::  which way to go? – the evil mighty f  ::
Posted in BITS + BOBS, INSPIRE | Tagged , , | Leave a comment


Don’t Go Far Off

Pablo Neruda

Don’t go far off, not even for a day, because —
because — I don’t know how to say it: a day is long
and I will be waiting for you, as in an empty station
when the trains are parked off somewhere else, asleep.

Don’t leave me, even for an hour, because
then the little drops of anguish will all run together,
the smoke that roams looking for a home will drift
into me, choking my lost heart.

Oh, may your silhouette never dissolve on the beach;
may your eyelids never flutter into the empty distance.
Don’t leave me for a second, my dearest,

because in that moment you’ll have gone so far
I’ll wander mazily over all the earth, asking,
Will you come back? Will you leave me here, dying?
~ Pablo Neruda

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image ::  soldier’s goodbye & bobbie the cat – sam hood



PS – on a very un-romantic note, Romwe has decided to run a killer mid-season sale to make up for how short their Memorial Day sale was…and boy are they doing it up right.  Romwe mid-season sale , over 1000 styles with up to 70% off! Valid date: 06/01~06/07/2013.

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romantic comedies suck



Believe it or not, my husband is a fan of romantic comedies (I hope he doesn’t mind me admitting that publicly).  But me?  Not so much.

Sure I’ll watch them with him and I giggle here and there and on a rare occasion I even enjoy them despite their obvious shortcomings (hello Bridget Jones & My Big Fat Greek Wedding!), but all in all I don’t care for them.  When it comes to choosing a movie, romcoms are last on my must-see list.


“But romantic comedies are harmless!  Cute little romantic romps that are good for a smile and getting a little teary-eyed.  What could you possibly have against them?”


Plenty.  I have plenty against them.  In fact I have 5 good, solid reasons why romantic comedies suck and should be limited to only one theatrical release per year (Sorry, honey.  I hate to rally against one of your favorite film genres but it must be done…but I promise to watch any action film you want without complaint, no matter how big the plot holes may be.  X my heart).  Allow me to explain:







romantic comedies suck


Guy and girl meet.  There are a series of predictable mishaps and predictable hilarity ensues.  After numerous predictable false starts, stalls and delays they finally fall madly in predictable love. 

The story lines are so formulaic that they’re an insult to our collective intelligence.  Want a romantic comedy that breaks all the rules and is truly worth a watch?  Harold & Maude.  Enough said.




romantic comedies suck



The movie stars the handsome scamp, the young Lothario who lies, cheats, manipulates, and uses women.  He’s a womanizing asshat to the nth degree.  An attractive man that treats women like toilet paper yet he is still adored (even if only grudgingly at first).

In the movie he’s misunderstood.  Buried under that cocky exterior is a man with a heart of gold who simply hasn’t met the right woman.  The right woman can change him…and in the movie she always does.  He stops his lying and cheating, turns over a new leaf and becomes a one woman man who would die for her.




In real life this guy would be reviled and would spread STI’s faster than a head lice epidemic in an elementary school.  He’s the guy you cock block at the bar to save your best friend the heartbreak of wondering why he never called her back.


In real life the guy’s a bastard and he never changes.  Never.  Not for any woman.  Ever.  He spends his life hopping from bed to bed, even if he is ever fortunate enough to find a woman to put up with his cheating, self-involved, arrogant ass.  He’s a grade A jerk and should be avoided at all costs.  There are no happy endings here…unless you mean the one he gets at the Oriental massage parlor.




romantic comedies suck


Whatever demon from the pits of hell is responsible for the creation of these auditory abortions known as soundtracks should be publicly flogged, bathed in holy water and made to listen to 72 consecutive hours of Celine Dion as punishment for their crimes against good taste.  Naturally there are exceptions to this rule but as a whole the soundtracks suck in a really big way and serve only to enhance my irritation with the romcom experience as a whole.




romantic comedies suck


We’ve already addressed the unlikely and unlikable leading man who takes the form of the asshat archetype, but the ingénue is usually just as unlikable or better yet, completely foreign to us and the reality in which we live.

How many of us are trust fund babies who’ve lost everything and are rebuilding our lives and our fortune from scratch all while falling head over Louboutins for the blue collar guy her family will never accept?

How many of us live in Manhattan working a minimum wage retail job while struggling as an artist but somehow, by what I can only imagine is the direct result of a deal with the devil, are able to afford a MASSIVE (and gorgeous) apartment complete with stunning architectural detail, designer clothes and still have enough money left over for cocktails and cab fare every night of the week?  I’m sorry but even with rent control there’s simply no way.  No.  Freakin’.  Way.

And let’s not forget the best friend.  The ingénue is usually found whining about all the complications in her life to her best friend(s) who is either:

  1. a gay man
  2. a less attractive but much funnier female
  3. a group of 2-3 equally attractive, less funny but more outspoken group of women who enjoy casting dispersions on the entire male gender while loudly cackling and publicly discussing their sex lives in vivid detail
  4. a tub of ice cream and/or a cat (this is to drive home the point that she’s sad and lonely, since only sad and lonely women eat ice cream and have cats and every woman who doesn’t have a man is obviously sad and lonely.  duh.)

Does any of this sound vaguely reminiscent of you and your life?  Yeah.  Me neither.




romantic comedies suck


This one kills me.  I mean really kills me.  Even during the predictable chaos portion of the romcom – you know the part where everything’s crazy and they’re falling in love but are both too stupid, too stubborn or too self-absorbed to realize it yet – everything is perfect and cute. 




So nauseating, in fact, that it should make the characters sick…and if it did make them sick they would still be horking up Lisa Frank-esque rainbows with glitter hearts, the glitter vomit would taste like candy and the disgustingly adorable wretch-fest would be set to one of the aforementioned songs-in-the-key-of-crap to create a perfect and cute montage of the whole foul but endearing event.

Even when they’re at their worst these fantasy relationships are still borderline unattainable and 100% unrealistic.  I don’t know about you but no argument I have ever had with a boyfriend (or my husband) even remotely resembles the average romcom row. 

Romantic comedies have done irreparable damage to society’s idea of what a relationship is supposed to look like, in good times and in bad.

Romcoms so drastically distort reality that I’m inclined to go so far as to say that they and they alone are responsible for the belief that some men have that women don’t poop or fart.  For those men who labor under such delusions please allow me to direct you to any women’s public bathroom. 

There is no greater proof of just how disgusting and unhygienic women can be.  There are bodily functions galore and the trail of unidentifiable fluids some women leave on surfaces in their wake is devastating. 




So far I’ve only seen one that I can recall: Megan (played by Melissa McCarthy) in Bridesmaids.

romantic comedies suck

There’s only one director who routinely creates reality in his romantic comedies and that’s Judd Apatow.  Watch This Is 40 and tell me that’s not an accurate portrayal of life for pretty much every straight American couple, give or take a couple 0’s from each paycheck.  But he is the exception, not the rule.  Plain and simple, romantic comedies suck.



So until Judd Apatow becomes the sole creator of romantic comedies in this and all parallel universes they’ll continue to stay at the bottom of my Netflix queue until my husband asks otherwise.



Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick



images ::  arabia weddings  ::  aeva couture  ::   wowkeren  ::  gareth rhodes  ::  aceshowbiz  ::  broadway world ::  film fever  ::
Posted in CULTURE, LAUGH, LIFE | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment


bright idea

this is what happens when youre bored at 3 in the morning

bright idea

lightbulb with fly

bright idea

bright idea

light bulb chandelier

light bulb chandelier II

dim bulb

light bulb man




Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images ::  x-ray light bulbs – ideum  ::  this is what happens when you get bored at 3 in the morning – madyson david  ::  big ideas – shaun lowe  ::  light bulb with fly – kelly is nice  ::  no light, no light – malena t. persson  ::  lighted – ~kim~  ::  light bulb chandelier I & II  – johnny reed  ::  dim bulb – seebee  ::  light bulb man – andre metzger  ::


PS – Romwe is having a killer sale right now: $19.99 leggings for any pair. 3 days only! 05/28/2013- 05/30/2013. Don’t miss out >> Romwe Leggings Flash Sale!

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