Dedicated to my honey,  Brian. Happy anniversary, sweetie.  I love you to the moon and back.

home by alli woods frederick

whole lotta love

whole lotta love

whole lotta love

whole lotta love




Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images ::  home – alli woods frederick  ::  love – belle13  ::  abyss of the disheartened: IV – heather landis  ::  love is eternal – sarah trumbauer   ::  you are so loved – katie daisy  ::  I love you more – small talk studio  ::  I love you – sherri conley  ::
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So my completely awesome, drop dead gorgeous and super talented friend, Carrie Quartly is now a writer for Louder Than War.  She just rocked her first interview with Hether Fortune from the band Wax Idols and she did not disappoint.  (Great job, Carrie! ) While reading I came across this absolute gem:

“Create your own reality and keep it real forever. Make your own rules and break them at your leisure. Make new rules, start again. Fuck it all. Money is meaningless. Fame is fleeting. Art is forever. Love is real. DON’T GIVE UP.”

 – Hether Fortune

How To Makes Dreams Reality

And all I can say to that is “Hell yes.”


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image ::  via the cracked door  :: 
Posted in INSPIRE, LIFE, PEOPLE | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Things I learned from sci-fi


I AM A SCI-FI GEEK.  Oh, yes I am.  There are few thing I love more than a really good sci-fi movie.  When done well they’re a wonderful escape from the here and now.  And don’t even get me started on all the technology that has been developed as a result of inspiration drawn from sci-fi.  Don’t believe me?  You can thank Star Trek for the creation of your IPod.  100% FACT.

I know sci-fi isn’t for everyone, but even if you have no idea who Salacious B. Crumb is or the difference between a blaster and a phaser you can still benefit from the knowledge I’m about to drop.  In fact, this just might save your life and your sanity when the time comes.

5 Things I learned about the future from sci-fi


1) The future isn’t just dirty…it’s downright filthy

Things I learned from sci-fi

SERIOUSLY.  More often than not, the future isn’t only a dystopia but it’s filthy to boot.  So pay attention germaphobes and neat freaks.  If you plan on traveling to the future make sure to bring an ample supply of hand sanitizer and baby wipes, because I’m not sharing.  You’ve been warned.


2) Here a freak, there a freak, everywhere a freak, freak

Things I learned from sci-fi


GOTH & PUNK (and it’s various permutations) become the dominant aesthetic across all cultures in the universe.  This is awesome for many reasons.  First of all it means we weirdos, at some point, took our message to the masses…and won the fight for freakdom.  Good for us.  It also means that I won’t require a new wardrobe.  While I do love an excuse to shop, it’s nice to know it won’t be a necessity.


3) All hail our robot overlords!

Things I learned from sci-fi


IF YOU ONLY PAY ATTENTION to one sci-fi fact, let it be this:  There will be a great robot uprising…and we will all be screwed.  It’s only a matter of time before computers become sentient and when they do it’s goodbye freedom and hello enslavement.

Think it’s not possible?  Right this second scientists are working on creating artificial intelligence.  We upload every detail of our lives to the internet.  It’s only a matter of time before these two things intersect and all hell breaks loose.  I can’t be the only one that’s noticed that Skynet brought on the robot wars in Terminator and now we we have The Cloud.  Coincidence?  I hardly think so.  Better brush up on your binary, boys and girls.


4) Big Brother is watching you.

Things I learned from sci-fi


IN THE FUTURE the government is the all seeing, all knowing power that controls everything we do, say and think.  Don’t buy it?  I hate to break it to you, but it’s already happening.  Google holds numerous government contracts and gathers and stores an insane amount of  your personal information (along with facebook).  If you think they’re not in bed together in a big way then you’re kidding yourself.  Why else would Google not have to pay their billions in taxes this year while the rest of us poor hardworking schleps have to pay more?  Yeah…nothing suspicious (or infuriating) there.

CCTV (closed circuit tv) in the UK allows the government to track you anywhere you go.  Those cameras are everywhere.  And we have them in the US too.  Just look at the top of street lamps the next time you’re out driving and you’ll see them hiding out, watching your every move.

After 9/11 we began to hand over our civil liberties one at a time out of fear…and once you give up one they just keep disappearing…often without the public even noticing or caring until it’s too late.  Big Brother is well on his way.  Welcome to 1984…well…you know what I mean.


5) There are still dumbasses.

Things I learned from sci-fi


YUP.  Even the future and alternate realities have dumbasses.  The people that make your life way more complicated than it needs to be still exist in 3028.  Oh joy.  If this doesn’t prove a major flaw in the theory of evolution then I don’t know what does.

They’re probably why the future is filthy and we’re controlled by overlords that merely need to be unplugged to be defeated.  Thanks dumbasses.  Thanks for ruining our future and the future of all alternate realities everywhere.  If not for dumbasses we would probably have a beautiful utopian society void of power struggle and strife and overflowing with true freedom and love.  Thanks a lot.

SCI-FI HAS PROVEN to be a freakishly accurate predictor of future events…underwater travel, journeys to the moon, exploring deep space, ipods, bionic eyes, deflector shields, invisibility cloaks & transporters…all either exist or are in the early stages of development and they all originated in one sci-fi universe or another. We would be wise to listen to our modern day prophets and act accordingly.

GO AHEAD AND LAUGH but just remember when you’re the bitch of one of the robots from that horrific “It’s A Small World” ride at Disney that I told you so.


Robot Kisses & Futuristic Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image ::  artist unknown (if you know the artist please let me know)   ::  mad max  ::  tank girl via fanpop   :: vogue italia  ::  via blokely   :: idiocracy via b movies of the digital age  :: 
Posted in CULTURE, LAUGH | Tagged , | 3 Comments



Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images ::  by Camille Seaman  ::  they say, that you shouldn’t be out on a plain field during a thunderstorm – phillip klinger photography  ::  one storm, two rainbows and almond tree – david frutos egea  ::  cumulo artistus – mendhak  ::  strike one – luis argerich  ::  beside the lake of my soul, I stand – dylan macmaster  ::
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should I have a baby?


I HAVE TO COME CLEAN.  I’m not getting any younger.  Shocking, I know, but it’s true.  Not even I can avoid becoming time’s bitch.

I have always been a late bloomer by society’s standards, living my life at the pace The Universe chose, and feeling a bit like Peter Pan with how it’s all played out thus far.  But I have to admit that, as much as I hate thinking about it, time is going to catch up with me very soon.


should i have a baby


The simple fact of the matter is that my eggs and the hormones they bring are going to take their final curtain call sooner rather than later, which means I’m actually going to have to get off my ass and make a decision within the next couple of years.  I hate making decisions.



Funny how somedays work.  They remind me of that scene in Poltergeist with the mom in the hallway and the door gets farther & farther away as she tries to reach it.  What seems so close in our youth seems to move farther away the older we get until someday eventually becomes never…and all because we waited for “someday.”


So what’s the big deal?  Just have a baby if you want one so damn bad…

should i have a baby


WELL THE THING IS I’M NOT SURE IF I WANT ONE.  You see, I’m not a fan of babies.  It’s not that I dislike them, it’s just that I’ve never spent any time around any.  I’ve never seen one grow from a drooling, screaming poop machine into an honest to goodness walking, talking, thinks for itself little human.  They’re alien to me.

IN ALL HONESTY THE WHOLE IDEA FREAKS ME OUT.  Something is in there, moving around, living inside you.  That in and of itself seems weird.  I’ve seen the Alien movies and when I think about a baby kicking and rolling around in there that’s what I envision.  But that’s not all…

should i have a baby


THERE ARE MY MIGRAINES.  I get horrific tension migraines.  Even with medication I’m sometimes laid up for days at a time with pain so severe it makes me sick to my stomach.  What triggers my tension migraines?  Pfffft.  What doesn’t.  Stress, bad posture, work, crying and…hormones.  I’m scared to death that pregnancy hormones will cause my migraines to run rampant…which wouldn’t be so bad if I could take my pills.  But my medications shouldn’t be taken while pregnant.  So my options are to live in excruciating pain or possibly give my baby birth defects.  That sounds fun.

DID I MENTION I’M SELFISH?  I honestly think I might be too selfish to be a mom.  There are a billion and one things I wanted to do before I popped out a wee one…like finish traveling the world.  Or becoming an established actress, singer, dancer, writer and artist.  Okay.  So the world travel’s not likely to happen within the next couple of years & the life of fame & fortune isn’t likely to happen…well…EVER, so I suppose those shouldn’t really be deciding factors.  But my point remains.  I’m not sure I’m selfless enough.

too selfish to have a baby


I LIKE ATTENTION.  I like a lot of attention.  I like nice furniture with pointy corners.   I like impractical shoes and piling on jewelry and not being awakened every 4 hours by someone crying because they’re hungry.  I also gag when I encounter any and all things poop related.  I’m not a fan of my own bodily fluids and functions, let alone someone else’s.


should i have a baby

I THINK I MIGHT ACTUALLY BE GOOD AT IT…apart from the whole selfish thing.  I think I’m a pretty good step-mom.  I love the girls to bits. I get along well with them.  We have fun.  At least I think we do…the girls might feel differently.  My mom drank my pet sea monkeys when I was 5 and I’ve never done anything that bad as a step-mom (not yet at least) so I think I might do an okay job with the whole parenting thing.

I ALSO SUSPECT OUR CHILD COULD BE THE NEXT EINSTEIN…or Ted Bundy…genius is a tricky thing.  It could go either way.

Baby Einstein

But in all seriousness, I’m worried that I wouldn’t like it. And lets face it, a kid isn’t a pair of shoes you can return because they’re unbearably painful or you changed your mind.  Once you’re a parent, you’re a parent.  That’s it.  You can’t quit and it never ends.  That’s some serious commitment, especially when you don’t know if it will suit you.

It’s scary, plain and simple.

Should I have a baby? I have no idea right now. But whether I like it or not, I’m going to have to make a decision, one way or another.

So what do you think? Have you had thoughts like mine or am I just monster?

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images :: kat & andy – hilary charlotte  ::  via gal’s corner  ::  via dark roasted blend  ::  via the society pages  ::  from vogue, sept. 2010  ::  via mommas pearls  ::
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