project 52

As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I’m foregoing the too-time-consuming-for-a-perfectionist Project 365 for the more manageable Project 52 – a photo a week for a year.  Instead of posting every single week I’ve decided to post the images once a month.  If you don’t want to wait a month because you’re the curious sort, I’ll be updating the Project 52 page weekly-ish (although I haven’t posted there for the past week.  I know.  Shame on me).

I must say I’m digging this way more than the 365.  365 seemed like a chore…whereas this seems more like a creative exercise, which makes a world of difference when it comes to actually completing the project.  I really want to see this through.

Okay.  Enough babbling.  Enjoy.


Project 52:  No. 1-4

project 52 week no

Project 52 photos

project 52 week no 2

Project 52 photos

project 52 week no 3

Project 52 photos

project 52 week no4

Project 52 photos

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

images ::  all images © 2013 alli woods frederick.  all rights reserved, so don’t do anything sucky like use them without written permission by me, okay?


PS – Don’t forget 28 Days of Intense Gratitude starts today.  It’s not too late to join in.  Get all the details here and make sure to join the discussion on my facebook page.  Let’s get our joy on!

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This one’s for all the scientists and theologian’s in the house.  I give you the ultimate in geek humor.  Sheldon Cooper would be proud.


This is what happens when Ockham meets Menachem*. 


geek humor


Uber-geeky Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


*hop on down to the section titled “In rabbinic literature of the Middle Ages” for an explanation of who Menachem is.


PS – If you want to participate in 28 Days of Intense Gratitude it starts tomorrow, so pop down to your local bookstore and grab your copy of The Gift today.  No idea what I’m talking about?  Get the details here.

image ::  screen shot taken from Yahoo Answers  ::
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pull up a seat

pull up a chair


pull up a chair

pull up a seat

pull up a seat

pull up a chair



Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images ::  chair – pieter musterd  ::  minimalist chair – cuba gallery  ::  chairs – allen rendell  ::  chair on a hill – tara badcock  ::  chair – howard worf  ::  chairs – atsje bosna-prins  ::  chair. empty – erik barfoed  ::
Posted in PHOTOGRAPHY | Tagged | Leave a comment

beat the winter blahs


SO YOU AREN’T A FAN OF WINTER and all it entails (grey skies, cold weather, dry skin, days spent inside)…and right now you’re stuck in the thick of it.  It can cause a bit of a funk for some (and even outright depression, known as SAD, for others).

Need a boost?  A way to beat the winter doldrums?

Here are 20 tips to defeat the that wicked winter…and all it entails…

 1) GIVE YOUR BATH TIME A BOOST:  Add a couple of drops of a relaxing essential oil like lavender to your bath water.  Lavender promotes rest and relaxation and has the added benefit of antibacterial and anti-fungal qualities.  Just make sure it’s essential oil and not perfume oil to reap the benefits.  You can also pop a Lush Bath Bomb in the tub for a delicious smelling bath that moisturizes your skin like nobody’s business.

2) SLATHER ON SOME MOISTURE:  Dry winter weather + hot baths and showers = desert dry skin.  So treat yourself to some yummy moisturizer.  You can add some of that lavender oil to almond or jojoba oil for a rich, skin nourishing treat or you can try one of my favorites for both its moisture, scent and price: Johnson & Johnson’s Honey Apple Baby Lotion.

3) GREET THE DAY WITH A SUN SALUTATION:  Movement does a great job of boosting the mood and getting the blood pumping…and yoga is both relaxing and invigorating.  Bonus!

4) GIVE SALLOW SKIN A BOOST: Try a purple primer, yes purple.  Smashbox’s Photo Finish Color Correcting Primer in Balance gets rave reviews.

5) TAKE A 20 MINUTE VACATION: Did you know your mind doesn’t distinguish between reality & fantasy?  So why not reap the rewards?  Use that beautiful brain of yours and engage in some vivid daydreaming.  Take that relaxing sun soaked walk on the beach you’ve been longing to take without leaving the comfort of your couch.


beat the winter blahs

6) PRETTY AS A PICTURE:  Did you know looking at beautiful pictures of landscapes actually improves your mood?  I’m pretty sure adorable photos of baby animals has the same affect.  Give it a try next time you’re feeling blah.

7) HAVE MORE NOOKIE:  There’s a reason the birth rate is so high during September and October…I’m just sayin’…

8) LEARN TO MAKE THE PERFECT HOT TOTTIE:  Perfect when you’re under the weather, need to take the chill off (it’s freakin’ freezing outside!), or just unwind after a long winter’s day.

9) GET YOUR CRAFT ON:  I don’t know about you but I achieve an almost near perfect Zen state when my hands are busy creating.  I become relaxed and happy.  So try out a new craft or an old favorite.  You not only get to relax but you get the added perk of having a tangible little bit of beauty to enjoy when you’re finished.


10) LEARN HOW TO YODEL:  Not really…your neighbors would kill you.

11) DETOX YOUR WARDROBE:  Get your closet ready for spring with a complete closet rehab.  You can try the old hanger trick (although it takes a while to actually clean your closet using this system) or follow these tips (but not the part about renting a storage unit for you clothes…let’s be practical about this…) to detox your wardrobe lickety split.

12) SNUGGLE WITH YOUR FAVORITE FOUR LEGGED FUR BALL:  Spending some quality snuggle time with your pet is good for your health.  It can lower blood pressure and boost your mood…as though you need an excuse to dote on your cute little fur babies.

13) SHED SOME LIGHT ON THE PROBLEM:  Most of us get a little vitamin D deficient in the winter since we don’t get as much sun exposure.  This can have a serious impact on our energy levels as well as our health and mood…it can even trigger migraines in some people.  15 minutes of direct sunlight on unprotected (that means no sunscreen) skin gives us all the D we need.  If you can’t bear the cold for those 15 minutes then talk to your doctor and pharmacist about adding a good supplement to your diet.

14) GET SOME SHUT EYE:  Sleep.  Yup.  Sleep.  You need it and odds are you don’t get enough of it.  Those cold grey days are perfect for curling up with a blanket for a little nap time.  Turn your 32 winks into the full 40.


15) PERK UP YOUR POUT:  At the risk of sounding simple and shallow, try a new shade of lipstick, one you’d never consider in a million years.  I despise the color orange but found a bright orange lipstick that I love…and it actually looks great on me.  I feel more attractive when I wear it…and who doesn’t like to feel pretty?  It’s one of the cheapest and easiest blah busters out there.

16) BOOK IT:  Re-read a favorite book.  I love to read Phillip Pullman’s His Dark Materials series in winter.  There’s something comforting about revisiting some old friends.

17) BREATH SOME LIFE INTO YOUR DÉCOR:  Revamp your space by switching out old pillows and throws for new ones in vibrant colors.  It’s proven that color affects our mood so create a happier home with a simple accessory swap.


beat the winter blahs

18) DELETE THE DRAMA:  Weed out the drama queens on Facebook and twitter.  If all they do is spread negativity and piss you off then why keep them around?  If it’s someone you can’t delete (like an in-law or boss) without creating an issue then at least hide them from your feed and customize your post settings so they don’t see your updates.  They can’t crap all over something they can’t see.  Remember: less stress = more happiness.

19) BAKE COOKIES:  The smell of cookies baking alters your brain.  Hand to god it does.  Why do you think realtors use this trick when they host an open house?  The smell makes people feel happy and safe.  Oh…eating them makes you pretty happy too.  *wink*

20) HUG IT OUT:  We all need to be touched.  Seriously.  A lack of skin to skin contact and interaction has all sorts of ramifications on our health and development.  So go hug.  It’s the easiest way to not only receive but to give love and affection as well.


And above all remember:  spring’s almost here.  Hang in there!


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images ::  winter landscape – cuba gallery  ::  landscape – cuba gallery  ::  via vcstar  ::  via glitter rush cosmetics  ::  rock and roll party queen – mari moon  ::
Posted in LIFESTYLE, TIPS + TRICKS | Tagged , , | 2 Comments


“Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”

– Marilyn Monroe

good things fall apart


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images ::  steve meisel for vogue italia
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