Have you ever noticed the suggestions that pop up when you search on google?  Sure you have.  Have you ever noticed how weird some of them are?  Google turns up some seriously funny search suggestions.  Yesterday I was looking up “negative effects of burdock root” when the internet giant made some rather telling suggestions.  I had to share them.  So with that I give you:

Google is…


funny google search suggestions


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

image: © 2013 Kisses & Chaos
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Kind Over Matter Kind Kindred series

Just a quick note:  I’m over at the fabulous and love filled Kind Over Matter today writing about the beauty of recognizing each other’s importance as part of their Kind Kindred series.

If you aren’t familiar with the truly awe inspiring work that Amanda creates in her joy filled corner of the internet, I highly recommend you pay her a visit.  She is a shining example of how to live life with a heart full of love and joy.  I promise you’ll dig her and the loving light she sends streaming through the digiverse.


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images  ::  healing hands – mooyo neimar  ::
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28 Days of Gratitude

Several months ago I picked up Rhonda Byrne‘s book “The Magic.”  This tiny tome is a 28 day practice of extreme gratitude…which she calls “the magic” (cheesy, I know, but just roll with it).  I started reading it and putting the exercises into practice but then life and business got in the way and it fell by the wayside.

This is where you come in.

Starting February 1st I’m going to start “the magic” all over again and I want you to join me.  Let’s see what kind of awesomeness we can create over the course of 28 days.  I’m telling you this now so you have ample time to grab a copy of the book (you can pick it up for next to nothing on Amazon).  Just make sure you start reading it a day or two before we start so you’ll be ready.

If you’re interested in joining me, pop over to my facebook page where we can talk all about it.  I want to make gratitude a stronger force in my daily life and I’m hoping that this concentrated course in gratitude will help me transform it into the best new habit ever.

I can’t wait to start walking in love and telling the universe “thank you” with every sunrise and sunset.  I hope you’ll join me in creating a more beautiful world, not just for ourselves, but for others.

Let’s see how much magic we can create.


Gratitude Filled Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images  ::  magic! – sean lancaster
Posted in LIFESTYLE, MAGIC | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

pm by laura jane olton

Stolen from the Screen

There are movies that I watch from time to time purely to draw style inspiration from them.  Movies that have such rich set or costume designs that I find myself wanting to move onto the movie set or steal the entire offerings of the wardrobe department.   Obviously neither of these are very practical (or realistic) solutions for my design lust, which is precisely why I’m starting this new series, Stolen From The Screen – style inspirations stolen from the big & little screens.

First on the lust list is Practical Magic.  I know, I know…I admit that it is a far cry from a life changing, eye opening cinematic experience.  In all honesty, it’s pretty bland and predictable.  But what the movie lacks in compelling storytelling it more than makes up for in set design.


Bewitching Decor Inspired by Practical Magic

Bewitching Decor Inspired by Practical Magic

The soft, aged creamy white that fills each room, the antiques scattered about, the battered wood, the old weathered books, the accents of copper & iron, aged mortar & pestles filled with the homegrown herbs that are drying in the kitchen and bottles of various mysterious tinctures filling the cabinets…the history, warmth & curiosities just make me want to climb into the house, pull up a cauldron & get to casting some spells.


Practical Magic

practical magic

1 – antique parisian opera glasses  ::  2 – girl in a dress   ::   3 – amber bottles   ::  4 – vintage cutting board    ::  5 – encyclopedia of 5000 spells    ::   6 – natural branch shaker flat broom    ::  7 – copper & tin cloche    ::  8 – vintage wood crate  ::  9 – vintage spice box  ::  10 – brass mortar & pestle  ::  11 – jasper dining chair

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image::  the owens sisters – laura jane tolton  ::  via polaroid cupcake   ::  via bohemea
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wordless wednesday the circus

wordless wednesday the circus

wordless wednesday the circus

wordless wednesday the circus

wordless wednesday the circus

wordless wednesday the circus

wordless wednesday the circus


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images  ::  retro vintage circus – cuba gallery  ::  cirque du soleil – jonas peterson  ::  zirkus – circus – thomas totz  ::  los angeles/circus – cuba gallery  ::  circus disco – ryan schude  ::  julia – saga sigurdardottir  ::  what I’m trying to say – raquel  ::  epilogo – joker74  ::
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