and the winner of the uncommon goods gift certificate is

I’m so very sorry for the delay in announcing the winner.  We’ve been going through some major tech issues over the past 48 hours here at Kisses  & Chaos (like servers crashing & the subsequent disappearance of more than a month’s worth of posts and pages.  Yikes!).  Fortunately everything was fixed by the wonderful staff of A Small Orange (thanks oodles guys!) and now we’re back on our feet and rockin’ and rollin’ once again.  Woohoo!  So thank you sooooo much for your patience.  I love you guys.

And now, without further ado, I present the winner of the $50 gift certificate from Uncommon Goods:

*insert drum roll here*


The winner is…


Shelley Hungerford!

Congrats, Shelley!  Keep your eyes on your inbox for an email from Uncommon Goods.

Thanks to everyone who entered and stay tuned for more giveaways in the new year.


Kisses  & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image:  wrapped gifts by jessica enig
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Some of you still have shopping to do.  Admit it.  There are names you still haven’t ticked off your list.  But it’s okay.  I understand.  We all have those people that are absolutely impossible to shop for…they already have one of everything and they have it in every color.  So what the hell are you supposed to do?

No need to tear your hair out.  I’m here to help to you find that perfect gift for the girl who has everything, whether she’s the gothic goddess or the indie darling.  Let’s get those names checked of our nice lists, shall we?


Last minute miracles:

gifts for the girl who has everything

gifts for the girl who has everything

1::  tea rose headband  2::  victorian bird print  3::  forbidden fruit apple container  4::  swarovski iphone 6 case  5::  arrow necklace  6::  You Are So Loved

gifts for the girl who has everything

1::  bird skull necklace  2::  double cross ring  3::  mortality mirror  4::  skull & roses wallet  5::  arsenic eau de parfum  6:  spike platform  7::  scarab cuff  8::  swarovski Iphone 4 case

gifts for the girl who has everything

1::  masters of fashion illustration  2::  rhinestoned collar necklace  3::  cotttontail glitter bunny ears  4::  let them eat cake hand crème  5::  swarovski Iphone 5 case  6::  sequined heart purse  7::  Goldilux loose eyeshadow

gifts for the girl who has everything

1::  kalyana ring holder  2::  NamaSTAY yoga towel  3::  ohm namah shivaya bracelet  4::  tibetan singing bowl  5::  mantras & music 2 cd set  6::  illuminating gem candle holder

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

Posted in LIFESTYLE | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments


It's The End Of The World (And I Feel Fine)

Well boys & girls, unless you’ve been living in a cave for the past year then you have no doubt heard that on the 21st of this month – a mere 4 days from today – our collective ass is grass.  That’s right.  We are once again scheduled for extinction.  I feel it only appropriate that such an event have a soundtrack.  It is, after all, the end of the world.  That’s a pretty big deal…and if crap movies like Gigli & Glitter get soundtracks, then by God, the apocalypse gets one too…and a badass one at that.

It's The End Of The World (And I Feel Fine)

Life Experience No.3:

The Apocalypse

It’s the end of the world.  Are you going to sit there and wallow in self-pity, bemoaning the cruel fate to befall us all or are you going to go out with a bang?  With a BANG! of course.  Put on your finest, gather your loved ones & have a last hurrah.  Raise a glass to…well…everything!  Live this day like it’s your last because it is.  Now go get your love on…wait…that sounded dirty.  Oh well.  It’s your last day on earth so interpret that however you like and act accordingly…just make sure you’re listening to this mix as you tear it up.


Need more apocalyptic advice?  Be sure to check out 50 Things To Do During The Post-Apocalypse and Fabulous Fashions For The End Of The World for ways to stay entertained and looking fabulous after the world goes to hell in a hand basket.



Eternal Kisses & Exceptional Chaos,

The Mistress of the Mix

Alli Woods Frederick

*image credit: a day in the park ©2009 alli woods frederick
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“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

 – Mae West

 the secret to life

Anyone that makes a “YOLO” comment will be publically flogged, shamed & sprayed by a skunk every 15 days until the guilty party has learned their lesson.


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image:  vogue uk
Posted in INSPIRE | Tagged | Leave a comment


Few people know this, but there is, in fact, a long lost 11th commandment.  It’s true.

What, pray tell, is it you ask? Well…


Thou Shalt

The Long Lost 11th Commandment

So it is written.

So shall it be.


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credit:  “Sound Advice” by Gala Darling
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