Soapbox Sunday: Do We Really Die?

Dear Science, Do We Really Die?

Ah, science.  You do so much for us.  You care for us.  You give us such wonderful things: airplanes, ipods, vaccines, and lipgloss.  You explain our universe to us…you put it in a box and wrap it up with a pretty little bow.  You create and explain miracles.  You are the seeker of answers, the solver of riddles.  When we need to know why the sky is blue, you are there to explain.  When we need to know if Pluto is a planet, you are there to give a resounding “No, not anymore.”  So why is it that you have failed to answer or even adequately investigate one of the greatest mysteries of all time…a mystery that occurs almost universally and with much greater frequency than solar flares, hurricanes, or strangelets.  I’m talking about ghosts.  That’s right, ghosts.

Why have you ignored this phenomenon when it is so pervasive?  I understand that science demands experimentation.  The results must be easily replicated time and time again and that the very nature of paranormal phenomena makes this all but impossible.    How do you accurately measure something you cannot ordinarily perceive?  Can you touch a strangelet?  Can you see dark matter?  We cannot see atoms with the naked eye, nor can we fully explain why gravity works…but we CAN experience them.  So why is it that timeless and universal experiences like ghosts and hauntings, which millions upon millions of people throughout history have encountered, are so readily discounted by science?  Does the existence of life after death not warrant honest and earnest investigation?  What is the cause of this neglect?  Is it perhaps because the scientific community, which is notoriously and sometimes vehemently atheist to the point of ostracizing their theist peers, assumes that an afterlife and God are mutually exclusive?  Is it not possible that life after death is merely an extension of natural laws that we have not yet come to understand?  Is the ghost in the machine dependent on the existence of a higher power or can it exist in a universe with no God? Science, you claim no bias, but who do you think you’re kidding?  To refuse to investigate a global phenomenon and to shun your more religious peers demonstrates tremendous bias.   What will it take for science to accept the accounts of the millions who have had ghostly encounters?

I am calling science out.  I hereby ask you, beloved science, to step up to the plate, use your glorious collective genius and examine one of the greatest mysteries mankind has ever encountered.  Set aside your biases and assumptions.  Millions of people can’t be wrong.  Investigate this paranormal phenomenon in earnest.  Help us discover the truth about life after death. I dare you to rise to the challenge.  I double dog dare you.

What about you, dear readers?  Have you ever had a ghostly encounter?  Have you had an experience from the great beyond?  Do you have an opinion or theory you would like to share?  I would love to hear your stories or thoughts on the subject…if you tell me yours, I’ll tell you mine.  *wink*

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

*Note:  This is in no way meant to undermine or devalue the hard work of paranormal investigators.  They do an amazing job at furthering the field, contributing new technology and amassing evidence.  My hats off to you all.

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