Scooter shopping – it’s something we do at least once a month. Bored with our local offerings we took a day trip, all in the name of a scootin’ good time.
On our way home we passed through the town square of a little nearby town…and what did I see?
Yes, that is precisely what you think it is. It’s a HUGE Popeye fountain. It makes the top 10 list of the weirdest random stuff I’ve ever stumbled upon.
Playin’ a little duck-duck-goose while spending the afternoon at the park.
An outing to the Halloween shop revealed that Honey has taken his love of the 1960’s a little too far.
Really? A “Mexican” costume? That’s what the label said. A “Mexican” costume. Holy bags of racism, batman! I am gobsmacked.
And then I found a Frank the Bunny costume and all is right with the world.
Oh yes.
Have a beautiful weekend, my dears!