I am, admittedly, a geek of colossal magnitude. Sci Fi? Hell yes. Zombie movies? Bring on the undead hordes. I love the stuff that dreams are made of…the odd, the quirky, the fun, the funny, the cult favorites, the fantastic and the bizarrely beautiful. The theme for today’s Tilt, which should be fairly obvious by now, is fandom! Prepare to get your geek on! Let’s get started, shall we?
Things I Love Thursday:
The Fangirl Edition
Bruce Campbell. The man can do no wrong. Seriously. From his work as Ash in the “Evil Dead” series to “Jack of All Trades,” Bruce Campbell catches me hook, line and sinker every time. * Zombies!!! I adore zombie movies. so much so that I even dream about zombies. There are some really fantastic zombie shows out there right now and you really should be watching (or in one instance, listening) to them. The BBC did a zombie mini-series not too long ago called “Dead Set.” Zombies meet the Big Brother house…it’s brilliant. AMC’s series “The Walking Dead” (based on the graphic novels by Robert Kirkman)is SUPERB. The production quality is fantastic…truly movie quality work. It has raised the quality bar for TV shows. Of course it doesn’t hurt that the storyline is mind-blowingly (sorry for the bad pun) good. Last but most certainly not least is the riveting radio (technically podcast) drama “We’re Alive.” It’s right in the middle of season 2 but it isn’t too late to get caught up. You can purchase season 1 and season 2 is currently available on Itunes and Zune. A new eipsode is released roughly every Monday, which explains the bounce in my step on those mornings. And before I forget, I’m working on a new zombie-related goodie! I should have details for you soon, so stay tuned for some brain-eating goodness. * Megan Monique’s If I Were A Rainbow. This gal just oozes positivity and gives me warm fuzzies. * The Moth. Interesting stories told by interesting people. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll wonder why you didn’t start listening to this ages ago! * Lensbaby camera lenses. My most beloved of lenses…and my least expensive! You can’t beat that! * Wish perfume by Lollia. If I were made of sugar this is what I would smell like. * Needless to say I am also a HUGE fan of my husband, my cat and my family…as a matter of fact I think they’re my favorites above and beyond all things. Yup. Most certainly.
Release your inner-geek and share what you’re a fan of in the comments section below.
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick