
To say the past two weeks have been trying would be a serious understatement.  But amid the chaos and turmoil there was still so much for which to be thankful, thankful and thankful some more.  Isn’t it interesting that when things are at their best it can be so simple to take gratitude for granted but when you are in the midst of trying times gratitude literally seems to fill every corner of every room.  So here we go:

Things I Love Thursday:

The Happy Squirrel Edition

Squirrel by Andrey

My husband, who never ceases to amaze me.  He is filled with such goodness and light.  He is a source of strength and joy.  I am so grateful to have him in my life. *  My mom, who is, most certainly the most kind and giving person I have ever known.  Yes, I am biased, but you only need spend a few minutes with her to know that she is genuine, sincere, loving and kind…and generous almost to a fault.  I want to be just like her when I grow up…whenever that may be. *  Feeding squirrels in the park.  They are evidently fed with such regularity that they are pretty fearless.  They came right up on the table and parked their cute little fuzzy butts about 8 inches away and just munched and munched on the peanuts we were shelling.  Even my honey, who doesn’t have an overwhelming appreciation for nature, was cooing and melting at their adorableness.  It was pretty freaking awesome. *  Driving around and looking at houses.  This town has so many amazing old Victorian homes that are in dire need of some tender loving care.  I love to drive around and look at them and imagine them in their heyday.  I hope someone buys them and gives them the love and care that they need. *  The amazingly sweet (and seriously overweight) pit bull that greeted me at the gym yesterday.  Bless her precious little heart.  She came waddling up, hind end wiggling around in manic gyrations independent of the rest of her body.  She just flopped herself over right on top of my legs nearly knocking me down and looked up with eyes full of love.  She made my heart melt.  Man, I love animals. *  Having a super-mellow Valentine’s Day with the focus on love and not things. *  Time spent with family.  Family and love are everything in this life.  Everything.

What made your heart go pitter-pat this week?

I leave you with more photos of squirrels and other fuzzy things, because they’re cute and because I can.

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

Squirrels by Bill

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