If I had a dollar for every time I said it has been an odd and exhausting week I could solve the world’s economic woes…I know I sound like a broken record…but it’s been an odd and exhausting week. Interviews (that I’m absolutely bursting to share with you, but good things come to those who wait), migraines, creating, preparing for the zombie apocalypse (as per usual), family stuff and cat cuddling…all out the wazoo. But I am smiling, and sleep deprived, and having a video-fest on my facebook page today…and these have nothing to do with anything…and neither will any of this. And so there you go. I hope you had a splendiferous weekend and have a beyond utterly kick-ass week. Sending you all mad love…mad, deranged, sleep deprived love.
- Shoes Ripley would shoot you for wearing…Oh, Alexander McQueen you are so very missed…only you would put aliens in your shoes.
- The lovely and completely awesome Jetta Vegas’ “7 Ways to Kick This Week’s Ass” is exceptionally awesome this week. Can I get a “Hell Yes!”
- What would a week be without a zombie mention? If you said void of all meaning, you’re correct. Any other answer is unacceptable. Sooooooooooooo…it would seem there is talk of a few zombie movie sequels. I’m sure you can hear me squealing with delight. If there is a god Zombieland 2 will actually happen…fingers firmly x’ed.
- If anyone feels up to a quick little weekend project (ha!) and would like to come over and help me with this, I’m totally down, cause this painted floor is pretty freakin’ awesome.
- And let’s end the week with a little love from a woman you may have never heard of…the beautiful Amma. I really want to meet this woman…I really really really really want to meet her. Hugs and love rock and that’s all there is to it.
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
PS – There are still some small and medium ad spaces available for March. If you’re interested in supporting Kisses & Chaos just click the image below.
images:: McQueen shoes via Neatorama :: Zombieland via Smoking Zombie :: Painted Floor via Design Sponge