Well what do you know. December 21st has come & gone & we’re still alive. Quelle surprise. We wouldn’t be humans if we didn’t dream up some new cataclysm or other every few years. Why we’re quietly obsessed with our own annihilation I can’t say, but I can say that it’s always interesting to see how people respond to such predictions, that’s for damn sure.
Case in point:
On December 31, 1999, I was on my way to spend New Year’s Eve in New Orleans where I partied like it was 1999 (and yes, that song was played ad nauseum that night) while some people I knew stuffed their alice packs with survival gear & MREs & then they hightailed it to their bug out location in a cave in the middle of nowhere. *insert sad trombone sound here*
What about you? Were you worried about the Mayan Prophecy & the end of the world? Do you buy into predictions of the end times?
Here are some decidedly non-end-of-the-world-y links of yummy goodness:
- These DIY cookie envelopes would make the perfect packaging for some holiday cookie party favors.
- Of course if you’re going to fill those cookie envelopes then you need cookies. These red velvet cookies are festive (and look delicious). Not a fan of red velvet? (Blasphemer!) These dark chocolate chip & sea salt cookies look scrumdiddlyumptious too.
- Work of those cookie calories by walking through this massive 7.5 acre outdoor assemblage art installation by Noah Purifoy. It’s pretty fantastic.
- Do you love the design & nostalgia of vintage typewriters? Do you like to support the arts? Kill two birds with one stone. Support the upcoming book “The Typewriter: A Graphic History of the Beloved Machine .”
- I would love to have these floating sculptures in my dream garden.
- Since we’re getting all artsy-fartsy up in this joint, why not add some interest to your dining table with some DIY Rorschach test placemats.
- Remember making paper snowflakes in elementary school? Well paper snowflakes have grown up…& they’ve grown up to be goth. I love these diy skull snowflakes.
- Leaders in the small Serbian village Zorazje discuss their vampire problem with ABC news…and let me tell ya, their vampire doesn’t sparkle. Sava Savanovic means business.
- This article on rejection & its effect on creativity is pretty interesting. How do you respond to rejection?
- A short film about a zombie in a penguin suit? Yup. A zombie in a penguin suit.
- These cartoons have been around for years, but I like to revisit them every now & then. Playwright August Strindberg waxes poetic with his pink balloon friend, Helium. Strindberg & Helium.
- And finally I leave you with this bit of beauty – a video of a floating lantern festival…it’s like a dream.
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
image: via living the liminal