IF YOU FOLLOW ME on Facebook or Twitter then you already know about the killer sale I’m running today.
FOR TODAY ONLY until 11:59pm CST you can get your copy of 52 Doses: A Prescription for 52 Weeks of Positivity, Love & Growth for 5 smackers by using FRIDAY5 when you checkout.
That’s almost 75% off the regular price!
52 DOSES is an e-book designed to help you see the world, your life, yourself differently…in a good way. You can learn to love more, forgive more, smile more and live more. And you can start today.
This isn’t woo-woo bullshit.
YOU WON’T FIND any mysticism or out-there ideas (even though I’m pretty out there myself)…just good, honest, practical actions, ideas, inspiration and concepts presented for your consideration one week at a time by someone who has spent a lifetime struggling with Negative Nancy Syndrome and has created a happier life for herself.
Did I mention there are really cute, fun, artsy-fartsy worksheets?
Well there are. No need to contain your excitement.
HEARD ENOUGH? Are you impatient like me and want your copy now, Now, NOW?!?!? No need to read any further. Just click that big blue Buy Now button and enter FRIDAY5 at checkout and you can start reading it right this second.
Want to learn more about it and read reviews from such feel-good powerhouses as Amanda Oaks from Kind Over Matter and life coach & All Things Girl Magazine Editor In Chief Deb Smouse? You get those as well as more details than you can shake a stick at (because I know how much we all like shaking sticks) by visiting the official 52 Doses page.
REMEMBER: THIS SALE ENDS TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT. So don’t miss out. For $5 you can start to find more joy in your life. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Get your copy of 52 Doses now.
(and don’t forget to use code FRIDAY5 at checkout)
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
images :: 52 doses © alli woods frederick :: woman via me, my husband and i ::