How To Kick A Goal’s Ass Like A Boss


How To Kick A Goal's Ass Like A Boss


GOALS.  Yeah, I know…I kinda hate that word too.  To me it borders on a four letter word.  It’s that nagging reminder of all the things we need to do and all the goals we didn’t achieve; of all our failures.

But failure is a funny thing.  It’s a two sided coin:

On one hand it’s exactly what it appears to be – failure.  We set a goal, tried to achieve it and fell short of the mark, sometimes by miles and sometimes by inches; as to which is the most frustrating it’s hard to say.

On the other hand it’s nothing but positivity.  Failure means we were brave enough to try, and believe it or not, not everyone is brave enough to go for it.  Fear stops them before they can even start.

So what do you do if you didn’t reach your goal?  What do you do if you failed?  Can you still succeed?  In short, yes.  Yes you f*cking can, and here’s how:



How To Kick A Goal’s Ass Like A Boss


Yup.  It’s that simple.  You persist.  When you get kicked down, you get back up.  Be brave enough to look that failure square in the eye and see what went wrong.  And once you see what went awry you take the next logical step:




You come at it from a different direction, with a new plan of attack, with a new approach, with new ideas and you try again.

And if you fail?  Well guess what…you try again and again and again.  You persist and keep persisting.  The only way to truly fail is to give up or to never try at all.

And so you know I ain’t just whistlin’ Dixie:  I began submitting article ideas to Artful Blogging since I started Kisses & Chaos in 2010 and was rejected…a lot.  But this was a major goal of mine so I kept trying, confident that at some point one of my ideas would resonate with the editor.  And it did…this year, after four years of trying.  So believe me when I tell you you can do it – you just need to be persistent.

Now get out there and kick that goal’s ass like a boss.  Until next time…


Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick




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