“That would be a good thing for them to cut on my tombstone: Wherever she went, including here, it was against her better judgment.”

-Dorothy Parker


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credit: “my cross to bear” © 2012 alli woods frederick all rights reserved.
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I am a movie junkie.  Full on.  I am also a bit of a movie snob.  “But you like zombie movies.”  Yes.  But I like good zombie movies.  I am not a big fan of summer blockbusters (there are, of course, exceptions *ahem – Harry Potter – ahem* ).  So keep that in mind if you think Die Hard was one of the best movies ever made.  With all that being said, I now give you Movie Monday – 5 movies that I consider must-sees.  I hope these movie clips and trailers* pique your curiosity and encourage you to give them a try…and if you’ve already seen them I’d love to hear your opinions on them (just no spoilers! *wink*) in the comments.

Buffalo ‘66

You’ll either love it or hate it. I think it’s brilliant.





Harold & Maude

I’ve yet to meet anyone who hates this film…anyone.



Arsenic and Old Lace

One of Cary Grant’s best roles. I promise you’ll laugh. X my heart.





Another that is not to everyone’s liking (Mom, I’m talking to you…so if you’re reading this, don’t watch.)


Jimmy Stewart is absolutely endearing. Hilarious and overflowing with genuine brilliance.




Happy viewing, my dears.  I hope you love them as much as I do.  Have a smashing Monday! Smooches!

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


*email subscribers:  I’m sorry but the videos will not load in your email.  To watch the clips you’ll need to pay a visit to Kisses & Chaos and watch the videos there.
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by guest blogger, Debra Smouse

Are you finding your creativity is a little blocked these days?  The answer to getting unblocked may not be what you think yet it’s right there in front of you.

“Clutter is not just the stuff on your floor—it’s anything that stands between you and the life you want to be living.” — Peter Walsh

Yes, the answer is the clutter in your life.  Disorganized spaces.  Junk Drawers.  That pile of clothes on your closet floor.  The pile of books on your nightstand.

You may see pockets of clutter as no big deal – it’s simply a part of living the average life.  Who cares, right?  But what if I told you that these “normal” pockets of clutter are distracting you from your best work?

Everything has energy: the cup we drink our coffee out of, the outfit we wear to work, our beautifully made bed and the stack of laundry.  We need the energy in our lives to focus on our work, for our dreams, for challenges and for staying healthy.

Every time we encounter something in our world that is undone, incomplete, or overdue, our energy to focus on what matters the most is drained.  Disorder and clutter distracts us from being productive.

Disorder keeps us from pursing our dreams and gets us to spend time on being busy instead of doing our best work.

Every time you open a drawer and have to look for something, your mind refocuses.  It turns to the task of finding scissors and distracts you from writing that chapter of your book, that blog post, that sales letter or the perfect line of a song.

You could decide to “get organized” and to do it all NOW.   You know, that manic-mode?  Start the day with a couple of back-to-back Venti Mochas from Starbucks, launch into hyper mode, and run around like a crazy woman clearing spaces.  I’ve done that before and ended up somewhat organized.  I also end up exhausted and no clearer in my thinking beyond “clean”.

How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.

So, how can you attack your clutter without exhausting and overwhelming yourself?   Get things streamlined, de-cluttered, and organized in small, steady doses.  This approach allows us to slowly add routines and build a momentum of organization, without the exhaustion at the end.   It also adds to – instead of draining – that precious energy.


30 Days to Clarity:  Clutter Busting Edition can do for you.

This is how it works:  An email will be delivered each day to your inbox with a task for the day to help you shed physical clutter.  Each task will take less than 30 minutes – some will take less than five.

No matter how organized – or disorganized – you may be feeling now, by the end of the course, you’ll feel worlds lighter.  It also promises to be a fun, effective and affordable way to make space in your life for what matters most.

Just think:  You and me (and more than a dozen kindred spirits). 30 Days.  30 Minutes (or less).  Clearing space.  Clearer thinking.

Class begins on Sunday, April 1st The Course can be done as a 100% DIY for only $27 – or bundled with a single coaching session for $97.  In fact, as a special for Kisses and Chaos, readers can receive a special discount by going to this special link to enjoy the class for an investment  of $21 (and the coaching bundle for an investment of $87.  It’s going to be a blast!


About The Author:

Debra Smouse is a life coach, writer and expert de-tangler.  She helps folks discover the hammer they need to smash the rear-view mirror way of living. Debra serves to help you break out of your shell, shed the beliefs that limit you, and begin to live life smack in the middle of the zone.    A native Texan, she now resides in Ohio with the Man of her Dreams. She’s an ENTJ, an Enneagram Type is 2 that loves creating delectable meals, stimulating conversation, and exploring the world.

Interested in falling in love with your life? Schedule a Complimentary Discovery Session



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Think cute and creepy can’t go hand in hand?  Today’s spooktacular guest is going to prove you wrong.

The Same 7 with Static White

1) In 10 words or less tell us what makes you so freakin’ awesome…and don’t be modest. Let ‘er rip.

I’m a Jane-of-all-trades and master of many!

2) Did you (or do you currently) have an imaginary friend? If so, tell us a little about him/her/it.

Why have an imaginary friend when you can have whole imaginary worlds?! I used to write short stories as a kid and read endlessly, getting totally sucked into them. Then when I got bored I’d just start another. I don’t really write anymore but I still dream about my other worlds vividly and visit other people’s world through endless book reading.

3) Do you believe in ghosts?

Yup, I think echoes of the past live on in almost everything. I’ve seen, heard and even smelled things (weird, I know, but not unpleasant smells thankfully) I sure can’t explain. It’s either ghosts or some medical disorder or some such. I prefer the ghosts.

4) What one thing scares the ever-loving crap out of you more than anything else in the whole wide world?

I’m just going to gloss over my handful of phobias and mention Pennywise and Pennywise-type clowns. Love me some Stephen King books & Tim Curry but do I really need to explain that one? Yargh!

5) Sunrise, sunset, new moon or full moons?

Sunrises let me know that I probably need sleep. Sunsets say “the night is young” and settles me in for creative evenings. Both paint the sky so beautifully. But, full moons get the energy bursting, blood flowing, fur flying and… um, oh hi! No vampires or werewolves around here. Nope. *Whistles off into the woods*

6) If you had to live the rest of your life inside one book or movie, what would it be and why?

Oh man, this is a tough one. I was trying to think of a Jason Statham (my future second husband ;D) movie I wouldn’t mind being in but I can’t unfortunately, as much as I love his movies. So I’ll have to go with Labrynth! But, I wouldn’t be like that twit Sarah. I’d most definitely be staying with the Goblin King.

7) It’s the zombie apocalypse. The person you love more than anyone, anywhere, ever has been bitten by one of the walking dead. It is inevitable that they will turn into a flesh-eating monster. What do you do?

That would be my husband and, well, I guess I’d slap a collar on him a la Fido. That way I could get him to mow the law with little fuss! Well, there’s the zombie moaning but, hey, you do what ya gotta. If he gets stubborn, which is a possibility, I’ll just do like Shaun (Shaun of the Dead) did to his best mate and lock him in a shed with his xbox. That will most definitely keep him occupied.

Here’s a little space that’s all yours. Do with it what you will. Draw a picture, tell us about a current project, pet peeve, new product, write a poem…you get the idea. All right. It’s all yours.

I’m currently working on ZomBunnies for Easter, then finishing a Matrix style coat for my hubby, whipping up some reversible headbands, then maybe a Hob…erm, Tiger Buddy doll, and finally squeezing in a 50’s style dress or 2 for me (I’ve been trying to for a good part of a year so it probably won’t happen, again). Oh and all the while researching and hunting for the perfect style of dress for a custom piece. Whew!

links:  facebook  |   blog  |  flickr  |  etsy



Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick


image credits:  all images © StaticWhite
Posted in CREATIVITY, PEOPLE | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

“A loving heart is the truest wisdom.”
-Charles Dickens


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credit: untitled © 2011 alli woods frederick all rights reserved
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