We all have those days when we’re in a funk.  Your mojo feels non-existent.  You can barely muster the energy to fake a smile.  Sometimes turning your mood around is a matter of changing your perception.   If you turn your attention to the things that are going well in your life, the things that are kicking ass, the things that make your heart do a tap dance complete with jazz hands it becomes a little easier to smile.  Those of you that have been around for a while know that I am a big fan of gratitude lists and the benefits of making them.  So it will come as no surprise that I have put together a sort of one size fits all gratitude list…a list that pretty much anyone can read and find at least a handful of things they can take into their heart and be thankful for.  I hope it helps brighten your day.  If you want to add to the list, please do!  The more the merrier.  Just leave your list in the comments section.  Let’s spread a little love, shall we?

 50 Things to be Thankful for

Right Now:

1) Really good music that makes you tap your toes, shake your butt and puts a big goofy smile on your face.  (Mr. Blue Skies by ELO is a good one.  Love it!)

2)  Glitter.  There’s something about it that bring out my inner 8 year old.

3)  Family.  Remember family has a very loose definition.  Family is anyone you trust and love…whether they’re blood or not doesn’t matter.  It’s all about the love, baby.

4)  Creativity.  Think of all the amazing things creativity brings us.   To quote Albert Einstein “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”

5)  Kittens.  There are few things more adorable than kittens playing.  Seriously.  It’s enough to put you in a sugar coma.

6)  The warmth of the sun on a chilly day.  It’s delicious…and 20 minutes of it gives you your daily dose of vitamin D.  How crazy is that?  Seriously.  The sun gives you vitamins.  That’s pretty amazing, don’t you think?

7)  Hearing a really good ghost story.

8)  The smell of night blooming jasmine on a warm summer night.

9)  Porch swings and rocking chairs.

10)  The smell of old books.

11)  The buzz you get from a really fantastic, uncontrollable, side-splitting belly laugh.

12)  The clumsiness of puppies.  It’s so cute how they trip over their own feet and stumble about.

13)  Playing in the rain.

14)  A yummy chai tea on a cold winter day.

15)  The feeling and smell of clean sheets.

16)  Bubble baths.

17)  The anticipation of a first kiss and all the butterflies it brings.

18)  Listening to jazz on a rainy day.

19)  Reading a really, Really, REALLY good book.  (A few of my faves?  Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake, 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Bleak House by Charles Dickens and His Dark Materials Trilogy by Phillip Pullman)

20)   Halloween.  Come on…it’s a holiday where you get to dress up all scary, eat candy and play pranks on people.  It doesn’t get any better than that.

21)  Freedom.  No matter where you live you can always be free in your mind and your heart.

22)  Christmas lights used for non-holiday decorative purposes.  Let’s be honest, well placed christmas lights can turn a space into a fantasy fairy wonderland filled with twinkly whimsy.

23)  The feeling of superiority you get when you finish a New York Times crossword puzzle.

24)  The way deep bass sounds tickle your insides.

25)  Roller coaster rides.

26)  The smell of a really delicious perfume.  (I’m a bit of a perfume whore.  As far as habits go, there are worse ones to be had.  I’ll put together a list of my favorites one of these days.  Mark my words, you’ll thank me.)

27)  Hugs.  There should really be more of them.  The world would be a better place.

28)  Finding the perfect ink pen.  It’s harder than you think.

29)  Coloring.  If you haven’t colored in a while, give it a try.  It’s so relaxing.

30)  Zombie movies and podcasts.  (Anyone else listening to We’re Alive?  If not, you best get on it.  Here’s a preemptive “You’re welcome.”)

31)  Fantastic shoes that don’t hurt your feet.

32)  Big cozy sweaters.

33)  Fresh blankets of snow.

34)  Spanish moss hanging from trees on foggy days.  Spooky and beautiful.

35)  Historic sites.  Can you imagine a world without the pyramids or the Parthenon?

36)  Chocolate – one of mankind’s greatest inventions.

37)  Watching a movie in an empty theater with a big bag of Twizzlers to munch on.  Bonus awesome points if the armrests flip up.

38)  Snuggling.

39)  Hope.  I know this one may seem like it’s in short supply sometimes, but it really isn’t.  It’s always there…and it can help you accomplish amazing things.

40)  New experiences.  They keep life interesting and exciting.

41)  Nature.  She is glorious, isn’t she?  She always finds a way to balance things out.

42)  Good bras.  Am I right, ladies?

43)  Fireflies.  They can turn a meadow into a magical meadow.

44)  Humor.  Laughter is the best medicine.

45)  Photography.  It can show you the entire universe and it can allow you to travel through time.

46)  Diversity.  It makes the world an interesting place.

47)  Mysteries.  Bigfoot, UFO’s, the Bermuda Triangle…I’m glad we don’t have all the answers.

48)  Thunderstorms.  Sooooo relaxing.

49)  Cheesecake.  Enough said.

50)  Love.  Love of yourself.  Love of others.  It has its ups and downs, sure…but would you really want to live in a world without it?  It’s a beautiful, glorious, amazing thing.

"at the wedding of artist and writer alli woods frederick"

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

image credit: All that glitters by Claire  *  Peek-a-boo…I see you by Amy  *  The Feline Librarian by moggierocket  *  First Kiss by Jennifer Leigh Strauss  *  a puzzling bokeh by Vertigophoto  *  Morning Fog by Cary Jones Crawford  *  Fireflies by Juan Pablo Rodriguez  *  image from my wedding by Trinity Ridge Photography.
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There is something I need to tell you.  It is, quite literally, the most important thing you will ever need to know…EVER.  It is the hardest and the easiest thing in the world.  It is the alpha and the omega.  It is the answer to everything always.  It has nothing to do with worth.  It is the truth…and here it is:

Everyone (and I do mean Everyone) deserves love and happiness…even(and especially) you.

Never forget that.

Give love.

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credit: everyone knows love by Connor Keller
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Dreams.  Some are good and some are bad.  Most of us have had those nightmares…the ones where we awake in a cold sweat, confused and trying to get our bearings.  Other dreams are so bliss filled and amazing that we are beyond disappointed when we awake to find it wasn’t real…and many of us try to go back to sleep in a desperate attempt to pick up where the dream left off.  This week I’m focusing on bringing that bliss filled dream state into my waking life.  I want to bring the amazing joy and wonder that dreams hold into my everyday.  I want it to hold my hand while we skip through the park together.  I want that bliss to be my constant companion.  I want boundless joy for me, my family, and you.  A good place to start is with gratitude, so let’s rock some, shall we?

Jump for Joy:

The Waking Dream Edition

The Photon Extraordinary exhibit opens at Springbox Gallery TOMORROW!!!!  SQUEEEEEEE!  I know I have mentioned it about a billion times and you probably feel like I’m beating you over the head with it, but I’m just so damn excited!  I can’t contain my joy!  I wish I could be there to see it in person…but I’m so there in spirit.  This is a dream I can check off my to-do list.  I’ve worked towards this for years and I’m thrilled to see it come to fruition.  *  Now that I’ve almost broken my arm from all the back patting…*wink wink*…I am working on a great new project.  I’m creating a series of limited edition artist skulls just in time for Halloween.  I’m having so much fun working on these I’m having a hard time sleeping.  I just want to work and work and work some more.  I’m almost done with my first one and I promise I’ll post a pic when it’s finished.  *  Much needed help from unexpected sources.  *  Alex Franzen telling you why your website makes her all sad inside.  I must admit I am guilty of the Coming Soon criticism…and writing in the third person.  Sometimes it just makes Alli feel more comfortable when she’s talking about herself to not write in the first person.  She’s shy like that.  *  New business cards.  I ordered some AWESOME ones from Minted…and they were free.  Free always makes me happy…unless it’s something awful like free STDs or free ass-whoopin’s.  I’ll pass on those.  *  My new, as yet unnamed photo series.  It’s shaping up to be puuuuuurty and dramatic.  *  My husband.  He’s so smart.  Seriously.  He’s freaky smart.  If you ever need to know anything about history, religion or scooters, he’s your man…well…my man, actually, but you know what I mean.  *  Coffeemate Italian Sweet Cream coffee creamer.  It’s sooooo good.  It makes my tummy happy in the mornings.  *  My family.  They rock, plain and simple.  *  My kitty, Mischa the wonder cat.  He always, Always, ALWAYS makes me smile.  *  You.  I love you guys.  You are why I do what I do.  As a way to say thank you I want to give you a free issue of Your Daily Dose…on the house.  Just click here to get it.

I hope you have amazing dreams this week and every week forever and ever.  Smooches to you, my dears.

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

image credit: Dreams and Wishes by Nicole Pierce
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I am now booking wedding, engagement and portrait sessions! Woohoo!  If you’re interested in hiring me or have questions about packages, rates, or anything else shoot me an email (you can use the Contact Me page) and I’ll gladly answer your questions.  I love capturing the quiet, hidden moments that make your day so special and unique. If you love my work and are having a destination wedding or event, fear not!  I will absolutely shoot destination weddings and events.  I adore traveling and will be more than happy to join you and yours on your journey.

Here are a few shots form my latest session…more to come next week.

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

Posted in ANNOUNCEMENTS, MY LIFE, PHOTOGRAPHY | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

Scooter shopping – it’s something we do at least once a month.  Bored with our local offerings we took a day trip, all in the name of a scootin’ good time.

On our way home we passed through the town square of a little nearby town…and what did I see?

Yes, that is precisely what you think it is.  It’s a HUGE Popeye fountain.  It makes the top 10 list of the weirdest random stuff I’ve ever stumbled upon.

Playin’ a little duck-duck-goose while spending the afternoon at the park.

An outing to the Halloween shop revealed that Honey has taken his love of the 1960’s a little too far.

Really?  A “Mexican” costume?  That’s what the label said.  A “Mexican” costume.  Holy bags of racism, batman!  I am gobsmacked.

And then I found a Frank the Bunny costume and all is right with the world.

Oh yes.

Have a beautiful weekend, my dears!


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

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