balancing act


I JUST REALIZED I haven’t posted an Art For All download since February!  Shame on me!  When I forget things like that it begins to make me think I have too many things on my plate…but, oh, how I love my balancing act.

I HONESTLY have no idea which passion I would give up if I had to choose.  Photography?  NEVER!  Kisses & Chaos?  Over my dead body.  Reiki?  No way.  Being the Art Editor for All Things Girl?  Nope.  Crafting & creating?  I’d go insane without it.  Chloe + Isabel?  Not a chance.  I gave up my role as investigator/photographer for my old paranormal team, RVPRI, when I got married (since weekends are the only quality time my honey and I get…and I wouldn’t trade that for the world) and I still miss it something fierce.


balancing act


THEY’RE ALL SUCH BELOVED PIECES of my life that I can’t imagine sacrificing any of them.  So I suppose that means I need to improve my list-making and time management skills instead.  If you have any pointers for productivity or how to organize my cluttered and mile-a-minute mind I would love to hear them.  Seriously.  I need them like Lenny needs Squiggy, like the Dukes need the General Lee, or, for a less dated pop-culture reference, like Mulder needs Scully…wait…that’s still dated.  Hell.  I don’t know…how about like Don Draper needs an Old Fashioned.  Yeah.  That’ll work.

But I digress.

THAT PICTURE AT THE TOP of this post?  That one there at the tippity top that’s all pretty and soft and filled with outer space?  That’s for you.  Save it.  Print it.  Email it to a friend.  Enjoy it and know that I adore each and every one of you.  In case I haven’t told you lately, you are unique and amazing and the world is a better place because of you. Believe it.

(Just do me a favor and don’t claim it as your own or sell it okay?  And if you post it elsewhere or share it on facebook please include a link back here.  Fair enough?  It’s Basic Karma 101 so do the nice thing, you dig?  Of course you do, you gorgeous thing.)


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


PS – I wasn’t kidding about that productivity thing.  Help a gal out, would ya?


images ::  original image – nasa  ::  light and stars (nasa remix) – alli woods frederick  ::  the balancing act – karrah kobus  :: 
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where is this road leading to


yamdrock tso_turquoise_ lake

tibet girl

monastry above shigatse 2

yamdrock tso lake




pilgrim with donkey


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images ::  himalayas – katarina stefanovic  ::  unknown  ::  where is this road leading to – katarina stefanovic  ::  yak namtso reflection – michael bollino  ::  yamdrock tso (turquoise) lake – katarin stefanovic  ::  tibet girl – cyber andy  ::  monastary above shigatse 2 – katarina stefanovic  ::  yamdrock tso lake – katarina stefanovic  ::  untitled – dennis jarvis  ::  untitled – shinya arimoto  ::  untitled – shinya arimoto  ::  pilgrim with donkey – hartwig hkd  ::
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dare to dream

BEING A DREAMER isn’t easy.  You must be fearless…and if you’re not fearless you must be willing to face your fears.  Fears of rejection.  Fears of judgment.  Fears of ridicule.  Fears of carrying your dream, your vision, alone.

BEING A DREAMER takes courage.  You must believe in yourself when no one else does…and when you can’t believe you must continue to try to believe.  Believe in yourself.  Believe in your vision.  Believe in your intuition.  Believe in your dream.

BEING A DREAMER means sacrifice.  You must sacrifice the security that comes with following the status quo.

YOU ARE A DREAMER.  Your passions can change your life.  Your passions can change the world.  Let your dreams overflow and flood the universe.  Dream the dream that only you can dream.  Never stop dreaming.

ALWAYS DARE TO DREAM, you rare, wild and beautiful creature.  Always dare to dream.


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image ::  dare to dream – alli woods frederick  ::  original image  – unknown  ::
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biting the bullet


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image ::  © 2013 alli woods frederick
Posted in LAUGH | Tagged | Leave a comment


I KNOW these are almost 2 weeks behind, but I’ve been crazy busy, so editing March’s Project 52 photos got put on the back burner until yesterday.  At any rate…

YOU KNOW the drill by now – I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.  Okay, okay…I’ll show you mine even if you don’t show me yours because I’m an only child who craves attention…which, as an introvert, makes me feel conflicted.  Fact.

I KNOW it’s spring so I’ve tried to work in some pretty spring images but…

YOU KNOW me…I do adore the dark and dramatic, regardless of what season it may be.  So there it is, and here they are:

Happy Spring, my dears.


project 52

no 10

project 52

no 11

victorian flower 1_wm

no 12




Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images  ::  all images © 2013 alli woods frederick.  all rights reserved.  ::  the hiding place  ::  victorian flowers no2  ::  victorian flowers no1  ::  summoning
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