rabbit art

rabbit run

rabbit art

rabbit art

rabbit duke

rabbit art

angry rabbit

rabbit art


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images ::  rabbit in wheat – teagan white  ::  rabbit run – dale keys  ::  rabbit says draw – chuck groenink  ::  mr. rabbit – ravynka  ::  rabbit duke – jason cai  ::  rabbit heart – galvanise the dog  ::  angry rabbit – thea schultheiss  ::  rabbit man – katherine marshall  ::
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Ask Alli:

Answers To Questions Dear Abbey Won’t Answer

negative spirits


I WAS RECENTLY CONTACTED by a woman who is having unusual (though not unique to her) experiences of a paranormal nature. She believes she is being followed by negative energies and the impact they are having in her life is a far cry from positive.  After reading my article about walk-ins she reached out to me for a little advice & some input.  Which I was more than happy to give.  She is sweet enough to allow me to post our email exchange here just in case there is someone else out there having the same problem.



“I read your article about walk ins and walk outs. I would like to find out how to block an ex and a former hateful employer. These similar souls I believe are walking in at different job sites. I would like to block them or report it to some type of soul authority to prevent former acquaintances from tampering in [my] present life.”


negative spirits


“I’m sorry you are having difficulties.  Just to clarify, walk-ins are souls who are on the other side who want to inhabit the body of a soul who no longer wants to experience the physical world.  Living people cannot be walk-ins so if your ex’s are both still living then you may be dealing with an entirely different phenomena.
As for how to deal with negative energy & spirits in your life there are several different approaches you can take:

  • If you follow a particular religion I would suggest speaking to your religious leader about the matter.  They can be a wonderful resource for guidance in matters dealing with the spiritual world, and studies have shown that prayer has positive effects even for non-believers.  It certainly won’t hurt and might even help.


  • If you are open to less traditional alternatives I would suggest reading up on binding rituals.  In a binding ritual you are creating the intention that the harmful people in question will no longer be able to hurt you.  It is, however, important to never create an intention out of malice.  If you perform a binding ritual you should NEVER do it with the intention of harming another person.  A quick google search will give you dozens of resources on the proper way to perform a binding ritual.

I would strongly suggest that you work on your own feelings regarding the people in question as well.  Letting go of anger, sadness and resentment and focusing on forgiveness can make a world of difference.  When you think of them, wish them happiness.  While it may be tempting to wish awful things on them it doesn’t benefit anyone.  Remember, if they’re happy with their life they’ll no longer feel the need to harass you.  You WANT them to be happy…and hopefully they’ll be very happy very far away from you.


negative spirits


A word of warning:  I strongly advise against seeking the assistance of what I call Red Palm Psychics.  I call them that because so many of them have a sign with a large red hand.  There are many self-professed psychics who aren’t on the level & are just selling you a line of bs.  This is not to say there aren’t legitimate psychics out there, it’s just a warning to be cautious of who you see.  If a psychic ever tells you that you have a “curse” or are followed by evil spirits and that they can banish them for you for a fee then politely thank them for their time and walk away.  This is a scam.  They will tell you they need you to bring in a selection of candles and various other items and that they will banish the curse or spirits.  People who fall victim to this scam inevitably lose hundreds and hundreds of dollars (because it never “works” the first time…they always need you to come back and try again) and receive nothing in return but a pack of lies.

I hope this helps.  If you have any more questions please feel free to ask.”


DO YOU NEED HELP OR ADVICE on an odd or unusual topic?  Ask away.  Odd and unusual is my specialty.  I answer the questions Dear Abbey won’t touch with a ten foot pole.  Give me a holler using my “contact me” page, put “advice” in the subject line and I’ll do my best to answer your question.


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image ::  séance – bryan ferguson  ::  untitled – brandon long  ::  portal – ngelight  ::
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words of wisdom




Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image ::  from NASA  ::
Posted in INSPIRE | Tagged , , | Leave a comment


Here are the latest offerings for my Project 52.  I hope you like them.  If you’re doing a Project 52 or 365 I would love to see what you’ve done so far.  Hell, if you have any creative projects at all that you want to show off feel free to post a link in the comments.


no 5

Project 52

no 6

Project 52

no 7

Mischa The Wonder Cat™

no 8

Project 52



Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images ::  all images © 2013 alli woods frederick.  all rights reserved.  do not use without permission.  contact me to discuss use.  ::
Posted in MY LIFE, PHOTOGRAPHY | Tagged , | Leave a comment


how to say you're sorry


Whoever said “love means never having to say you’re sorry” was delusional.  This is a fact.

I’M SORRY are words that every single one of us have said thousands and thousands of times.  It’s true.  We’ve all screwed up and we’re all going to keep screwing up.  It’s part of life.  There’s no way around it.  Apologies are a part of being human.  But are you doing it right?

I honestly think the world would be a better place if we followed a couple of apology rules.  Not unicorns-farting-rainbows-and-it-only-rains-candy kind of better, but an I-like-sharing-this-planet-with-my-fellow-man better.  Here are what I consider to be the biggest mistakes people make when apologizing:

The Anatomy of an Apology:

How To Say You’re Sorry Without Sounding Like An Ass

how to say you're sorry

Don’t be insincere.

Hopefully I don’t need to explain to you why this is important, but just in case I do:  People aren’t stupid.  Most can tell if you’re being insincere.  An apology for apologies sake isn’t much of an apology at all, is it?  If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of an empty apology then you know how much they suck.  If you don’t mean it, don’t say it.

how to say you're sorry

No buts.

Which of these apologies would you rather receive?

“Bob, I am so sorry.  I feel so awful that I accidentally used Nair on your prize winning Pomeranian instead of her prescription eczema cream.  You trusted me to watch her while you were gone and I screwed up in a really big way.  Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to make things right.”


“Bob, I’m so sorry I accidentally used Nair on your prize winning Pomeranian instead of her prescription eczema cream BUT you shouldn’t have put the bottles side by side.  They look so much alike!  I really feel awful BUT at least it’s only hair.  It’ll grow back.”

NO APOLOGY SHOULD EVER CONTAIN THE WORD “BUT.”  Never ever.  Using the word but in an apology means you don’t really think you’re responsible…and if you don’t think you’re responsible then why are you apologizing?  If you screwed up then just admit it.

how to say you're sorry

IT DOESN’T MATTER how big of an ass your boyfriend was being.  It doesn’t matter what he did to make you angry.  Cutting the crotch out of all his pants was wrong and you know it, so just apologize.  No “buts.”

Does he owe you an apology for being a jerk?  Probably, but that’s on him.  At the end of the day we’re all responsible for own actions and reactions and it’s up to us to do what’s right.

WHAT ABOUT YOU?  Have you ever been on the receiving end of a truly horrible apology?  What are your biggest apology pet peeves?  Inquiring minds want to know!


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

images ::  i’m sorry – hanne dale  ::  via rusty weston  :: 
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