nov_18_2012 campus6


Yesterday was a gorgeous fall day. The air was crisp.  The sky was blue.  And the richly hued leaves of orange, red and yellow rustled in the wind. It was the perfect day to grab a cup of coffee (pumpkin coffee, of course!) and go for a stroll around campus.


nov_18 -2012 campus2

Honey said “Look tough.” Needless to say I am a bit confused by his “tough” face…although, I suppose, if I was a guy looking for trouble and a 6’3” man came at me making a kissy face I would probably rethink my trouble-making goals.

nov 18_2012 _on campus1

Yes.  Yes we are complete and total goobers.  Our birth certificates may qualify us as adults but rest assured we are anything but.  Grown-up is a four letter word in our house.


nov_18_2012 campus4


nov_18_2012 campus3

The sidewalks were littered with informative sidewalk chalk graffiti.



nov_18_2012 campus7

nov_18_2012 campus8

nov_18_2012 campus9

What I wore:

*Dress – Forever21
*Scarf – Hot Topic
*Jacket – Goody Two Shoes (Austin, TX)
*Necklace – Tiffany & Co.
*Hat – Grunge Revival Slouch Hat (hand knit by yours truly)
*Boots – Frye
*Delicious Pumpkin Coffee courtesy of Einstein Bagels.  It’s seriously delicious & way cheaper than other coffee chains.

Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick


images:  all images © 2012 alli woods frederick.  all rights reserved.  use without permission is prohibited.
Posted in LIFESTYLE, MY LIFE, PHOTOGRAPHY | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment


Another Thanksgiving has now come and gone. I hope you all enjoyed a day full of love, family, friends & yummy, yummy pumpkin pie.  I don’t know about you but no matter how hard I try I always wind up stuffed…which is no easy task when you’re a vegetarian in a family of meat eaters.  It involves a lot of fluffy mashed potatoes, stuffing made with veggie broth, boat loads of black olives and pumpkin pie and my favorite appetizer in the world (sorry my dear guacamole), a big ol’ wheel of hot brie cheese topped off with raspberry jam & crackers.  I love it sooooooo much.  Sooooo much.  Get between me and my brie and I will hurt you.  Peace and love be damned.

Now, with Thanksgiving behind us, it is time to take a deep breath & relax for 2 seconds before we shift our attention to the next round of holidays.  Some of you may be participating in the Black Friday shopping frenzy today and to you I say “Good luck and may the force be with you.”  You are far braver than I.  I’m not one for chaotic crowds (unless it’s a concert…a girl has to get her rock n’ roll on after all) so I jump on the online sales.  Even I’m getting in on the action:  I am offering a Black Friday – Cyber Monday sale here on Kisses & Chaos.  My new e-book “52 Doses” is on sale…50% off Black Friday, 40% off Saturday, 30% off Sunday and 20% off on Cyber Monday.  Just use the coupon codes below when you checkout.

 52 weeks small adAdd to Cart View Cart

So what are you doing for your holiday gifts?  Shopping?  Rocking the heartfelt handmade route?  A combination?  If you have any super-secret ninja shopping or crafting tips I would love to hear them!  One can never have too many super-secret ninja skills, after all.





Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick


images:  untitled by mallory varnum
*this post contains affiliate links*
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how to be grateful for a family that drives you crazy


The holidays – that magical time of year when families & friends come together to celebrate, give thanks & get on each other’s last nerve.  Yes we love our family and friends dearly.  We love them so much that they develop a unique talent that only those closest to our hearts possess:  the ability to get under our skin & annoy us in ways that drive us to near homicidal states of frustration and irritation.  I know it can seem impossible at times to give thanks when you’re on the verge of a family-induced breakdown but it isn’t a pipe dream.  Honest…and here are a few helpful hints to help you through it.


How to be thankful for a family that drives you crazy




When you’re having a hard time finding something about your family to appreciate, start small.  Surely, at the very least, you can be thankful that your grandparents had your parents which in turn had you…and since you’re thankful for being alive (at least I sure hope you are) you can be thankful to those who came before you for giving you life in the first place.

Repeat after me:  “I am thankful to my family for giving me the gift of life.” 

See?  Start small.




Ok.  So maybe your brother’s incessant mean-spirited teasing or your grandmother’s endless nagging about your future and why you’re still single is royally pissing you off right now.  Sometimes it can be really really hard to find something in the present to be thankful for.  When that happens just look to your past.  Remember the time your brother stood up for you when you were being bullied or when your grandmother played chinese checkers with you for 6 hours when you had the chicken pox.  You can still be grateful for past events.  Gratitude doesn’t have an expiration date.



It’s true that people sometimes set out to push our buttons & family is no exception but sometimes people are just being people and pissing you off is merely a bi-product.  Maybe your Uncle is being cranky because he’s having financial problems that he hasn’t told the family about.  Maybe your cousin is being snippy because she’s having marital issues.  I know it seems shocking to some, but families do keep things from each other.  Privacy exists even in the closest of tribes.  Try giving your loved ones the benefit of the doubt when they drive you nuts.  Approach them & the situation with compassion.  I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns things around & gratitude starts dripping from every pore.



Never forget that, no matter how much you all fuss, complain & argue, you are family.  Never forget you love each other.  I don’t know about you but I am always grateful for love.  Whether I’m giving it or receiving it, love always makes me feel amazing and I am always thankful for it.  If you stop and remember you love your family (even if they make you want to run blindfolded into traffic half the time) you’re sure to stop being mad and start being grateful.  Love is pretty awesome like that.


Sometimes it can be easy to take loved ones for granted and lose sight of not only the spirit of the holiday but of family as well.  How wonderful it is to have a holiday that’s dedicated to the act and art of saying “Thank you.”  This Thanksgiving let’s take the time to appreciate how lucky we are to have family & friends we love…even if they drive us crazy sometimes.  


What are your holiday tips & tricks for handling family gatherings?


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images:  florence welch & the machines via cardigan empire  |  thanksgiving by bethany shorb  |  via Friday Light  |  cute kids via ephemera obscura  |  posada’s demons  |  dovima with elephants by richard avedon  |  vintage thanksgiving card  |
Posted in LIFE, SOUL MINGLING, TIPS + TRICKS | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment


at the risk of being morbid
At the risk of being morbid, I do believe I have found what I want read at my funeral.  This is, quite possibly the most beautiful poem I have ever read in my life.  Heartbreakingly beautiful.

Inscription for a Gravestone

By Robinson Jeffers


I am not dead, I have only become inhuman:

That is to say,

Undressed myself of laughable prides and infirmities,

But not as a man

Undresses to creep into bed, but like an athlete

Stripping for the race.

The delicate ravel of nerves that made me a measurer

Of certain fictions

Called good and evil; that made me contract with pain

And expand with pleasure;

Fussily adjusted like a little electroscope:

That’s gone, it is true;

(I never miss it; if the universe does,

How easily replaced!)

But all the rest is heightened, widened, set free.

I admired the beauty

While I was human, now I am part of the beauty.

I wander in the air,

Being mostly gas and water, and flow in the ocean;

Touch you and Asia

At the same moment; have a hand in the sunrises

And the glow of this grass.

I left the light precipitate of ashes to earth

For a love-token.


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image:  special needs by piermario
Posted in CULTURE, MY LIFE | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment


For reasons unbeknownst to me I have, over the years, developed a love of garden gnomes.  (Maybe you remember my Name My Gnome contest which resulted in the most awesome gnome name EVER – Phineas Q. Butterfat.)  As I went about my inter-web wanderings this week they kept popping up and popping and popping up.  Rather than fight it I am giving in to fate’s desire to have this week’s Little Links o’ Love be gnome-centric, so this weekend we’re rolling with my gnomies.  I have trimmed it back a bit so those who aren’t down with the gn-o-m-e (yeah you know me!  Ouch…talk about dating myself…) can have some link love too.  So without further ado I present you goodies I just gnome you’re going to love.  (Go ahead and groan at the bad puns.  I don’t mind.  I’m right there with you.)


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images:  |  Normy, Hefty & Lil Gnome by Grace & Alice Schnebly  | 
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