After much thought and deliberation I have come to the following conclusion: everyone should love autumn. It’s a fact.  Need convincing?  Well then here you go…25 wonderful reasons to love autumn.  Are you ready to fall for fall?

1)  Pumpkin EVERYTHING!!!  Pumpkin bread, pumpkin lattes, pumpkin chai, pumpkin lotion, pumpkin candles, pumpkin schmear (bless you, Einstein’s Bagles!),  pumpkin muffins…you get the idea…

2)  Halloween

3)  The stunning colors of the changing leaves.

4)  Corn mazes.  Have you ever been in one?  They’re way more fun than you expect.

corn and moon

5)  Hay rides

6)  Best TV programming of the year. Who doesn’t love those ridiculous Halloween episodes?

7)  Being able to talk about ghosts without people looking at you like your crazy.

8)  Spiced apple cider

9)  Cool crisp air

10)  Beautiful sunlight (it’s my favorite time of year to take photos…the autumn light is absolute perfection)

11)  Fires – be it bonfire or fireplace.

12)  Big, comfy blankets

13)  Migrating geese

14)  Hats, hats & more hats

15)  Jackets & coats.  I love to layer.  Bring ‘em on!

16)  Yummy apple pie

17)  World Zombie Day (for future reference it’s October 8th)

18)  The beginning of “snuggle season.”

19)  The perfect weather for taking walks.

20)  The cool weather gives me an excuse to stock up on scented lotions that make me want to eat my own hands.

21)  Going for Sunday drives with the windows rolled down.

22)  Did I mention Halloween?  It’s so awesome it deserves to be mentioned twice.

23)  Carving pumpkins and roasting the seeds.

24)  Roasting marshmallows

25)  Spending Thanksgiving Day with family.


What would you add to the list?  What are your favorite things about fall?  Tell us all what you think…Join the discussion on my facebook page.

Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick

images:  pumpkin latte via  |  corn & moon © 2009 Alli Woods Frederick  |  and it was good by Jesse Millan  |  after love making by Matthew Romack  |  marshmallows via  |
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This morning I sat in awe of The Universe. 

While sipping my coffee I noticed a butterfly warming herself in the morning sun.  Her wings slowly rising up and down in a slow rhythmic beat as she enjoyed the love & care The Universe was providing.  From the camouflage the spots on her wings provide to the warmth the sun supplies, The Universe was taking care of her…just as she cares for all her children.

The Universe is good like that.

She provides us with what we need if we are willing to step out of the way and trust her.  If we remove our egos from the process, if we let go of the belief that we know how life is supposed to progress, the need to be right, the need to know better, then The Universe will do what she always does – take care of us.  All you need to do is trust her because The Universe is good like that…


Kisses  & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image:  butterfly by Sean McMenemy
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Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


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Nothing Gold Can Stay

Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf,
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay.


-Robert Frost


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image:  Voice of Autumn by Jack Batchelor
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What will me dying words be?  Am I the only person who thinks about it?  I know it’s a bit on the morbid side,  but I really do wonder sometimes.  Think about how important they are…they are the last words you will ever utter in this lifetime.  EVER.  Sometimes I hope mine will be graceful and profound, sometimes sincere and overflowing with love, sometimes hilariously clever…but, if I know me (which I’m pretty confident I do) they will probably be something funny mixed with a little bit of something that resembles wisdom and a ton of love.  At least I hope they will be something profound, loving and witty.  Words are important and have power.  Your last ones should be fantastic. (No pressure.  Ha!)

What if you aren’t blessed with the gift of the gab?  What if your forte is math and words elude you?  I have  a little inspiration for you.  Here are 10 of the best last words to ever pass through people’s lips.  Be forewarned:  some are hilarious, some beautiful and all would be hard to top…but I, for one, am willing to try when my day comes.

Bob Hope

Bob Hope And Wife

 When his wife, Dolores, asked him where he wanted to be buried, my beloved 100 year old Bob went for one last laugh when he answered “Surprise me.”  That’s my Bob.


Thomas Edison

 “It is very beautiful over there.”


Sir Winston Churchill

 “I’m bored with it all.”


Humphrey Bogart

 “I should have never have switched from Scotch to Martinis.”


Henry Ward Beecher

 “Now comes the mystery.”


Lady Nancy Astor

 Upon waking briefly during during her illness and seeing her entire family at her bedside:

“Am I dying or is this my birthday?”


Oscar Wilde

 “Either this wallpaper goes or I do!”


Ludwig van Beethoven

 “Friends applaud, the comedy is finished.”


Emily Dickinson

 “I must go in, the fog is rising.”


Richard Feynman

 “I’d hate to die twice. It’s so boring.”

Kisses  & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick


images:  Lost and Found by Alli Woods Frederick  |  Bob Hope via SE Entertainment  |  Thomas Edison via Operation Motivation  |  Sir Winston Churchill via Life on Dover Beach  |  Humphrey Bogart via  |  Henry Ward Beecher via Wikimedia Commons  |  Lady Nancy Astor via  |  Oscar Wilde via The Daily Beast  |  Ludwig van Beethoven via  |  Emily Dickinson via Wikipedia  |  Richard Feynman via One Furious Llama  |
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