by guest blogger Mónica Laura

Finding the Right Reader


A notion that I have noticed in the world of tarot is that some people forget to interview or connect with their tarot readers before purchasing a reading.  As a result, the reader isn’t ready to connect to the situation without a context — if context changes anything in the situation — and delivers a reading that is less than satisfactory.  Watch for the specifications of what you get.

* Is the reading guaranteed?
*How long has this person been working in the world of tarot?
* Do you resonate with the tone of their writing or their background experiences shared?
* Is this a person you would feel comfortable entrusting with your innermost secrets and concerns?
* Are psychic gifts listed? Clairsentience[feeling], clairvoyance[seeing], clairaudience[hearing], claircognizance[knowing], clairalience[smelling], clairgustance[tasting], empathy, psychometry, etc?

The right type of reader will first listen to your problem without bias.  They will be more than happy to get familiarized with your situation before breaking out their working tools.  Look for a person that enjoys reading the tarot and helping people.  Know that even though metaphysics isn’t recognized as a science, it still offers valuable insight into your life.  The purpose of the tarot reader is to mediate the messages contained in the serial appearance of the cards in order to deliver those messages to you.  They are the link between the archetypical knowledge contained inside the cards and the wealth you obtain from them.


The right tarot reader will offer solutions to problems without dramatizing the scene or loading you with negative energy.

It is my personal belief that a tarot reader should seek certification or courses to validate their skills before offering ‘professional’ tarot readings.  It makes a difference because your clients will appreciate the extra steps taken to ensure a positive experience in a tarot reading.  There are countless web sites on the internet that offer this style of accreditation, but I recommend stopping by your local new age magic shops and inquiring about tarot courses / accreditation.

Types of Readers to Avoid

Avoid purchasing random tarot readings from Ebay or Etsy if you haven’t talked to the reader previously.  It is very important to have personal rapport with your reader.  If they have no sense of who the person is that they are reading for, they are very likely to send you generic definitions or keywords of the cards with absolutely no added context.  Read the fine print!


About The Author:

Monica Laura


I am a clairvoyant, clairsentient empath with a special focus on the tarot. I come from a line of psychics with the ability to medium channel. My journey in the tarot started at 12 and remains a very important aspect at my life, just short of 24. Now I blog actively about it at , where I also blog about other areas of spiritual awakening and self-empowerment. I consider myself a perpetual student of metaphysics and spiritual development. I have a life calling to help people though my psychic gifts, and I do so with a lot of love.

You can book tarot readings with me after looking through for rates; I offer tarot readings for 15, 30 and 60 minutes depending on what you need. My focal areas of expertise are in love, finance and interpersonal connections. Interpersonal connections define how somebody else — not the Querent — feels or thinks about the Querent or another person.

If you missed Part I of Monica’s tarot series you can read it here.  And as a token of love for Kisses & Chaos readers, Monica is offering her 60 minute tarot readings (normally $65) for a rockin’ $45!  Just mention K&CTAROT when you schedule your reading.

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credit: all images courtesy Mónica Laura
Posted in MAGIC, PEOPLE, THE UNEXPLAINED, TIPS + TRICKS | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

by guest blogger:  Mónica Laura

What is tarot?

Tarot is a tool that can be used for self-empowerment.  As the 78 (or so) cards are shuffled, cut and drawn, you are opening portals to the past, present and future.  As you begin reading the tarot, you will associate influences from the past as they come into your present circumstances and influence the future.  There are not sparks or ‘real’ magic in the act of shuffling laminated paper and dealing it as an expert would.  The real magic is in drawing the connections that are present amongst the cards.  You really need to understand the manner in which the cards are talking to themselves to understand what they are trying to say to you.  In a tarot reading, a dialogue is established between the reader and the cards, and later on with the reader and the querent. It is both an honor and a great responsibility because someone is entrusting you with their deepest concerns and allowing you to draw solutions.

I say that tarot is a self-empowering tool because it allows for someone with an outside perspective to understand what is going on in a more specific scope.  It will tell you about the past as it comes into the present, and then which direction you’re going in based off the past.  It tells you about influences from the divine and mundane world, with keywords to follow and symbols to look out for.  Reading tarot for yourself is a gratifying experience, but you will find it most rewarding when you place your gift of foresight and skills acquired to help others. It is a great icebreaker for getting to know someone and it cleans some karma.  Doing a good deed while nurturing the soul sounds great!


Different Cards

& Styles Available

It is no surprise that there are thousands of tarot of decks readily available on the internet.  Prices can generally fluctuate from $15 to $1,000 for the rare, out of print decks.  You don’t need a pricey deck to draw valuable insight from a deck of cards, and I encourage you to say within the $15 — $30 mark at first.  Find a beautiful deck that resonates with your personality.  Look for images that get stories started in your head, and before you know it, you will be reading tarot like a pro!

The question is: which one is meant for you?

Break the possible decks down into categories of your preference.  Mine are sweet / whimsical / colorful vs. dark / introspective.  It depends on what you like!  Find the polarities in your personality that are worthy representations of you and compose a list to compare.  Read blog or Amazon reviews, look through card scans online and decide which one speaks the most to you.  Once you weed out the less appropriate decks, you should be left with a list of about 5-10 decks that you really like the idea of studying.  Next it is up to you to decide which deck will be the first to enter your life.  Once it arrives, all you need to do is connect with it.  Study it, learn to understand the way in which the cards interact with themselves, and then how they speak to you.

* Keep a tarot diary or blog about it. Write down your first impressions of each card and leave some space to write for when you’re better acquainted with your deck.
* Don’t choose the same deck a friend of yours has. They chose a deck that spoke to them personally. Chances are you won’t have the same results with it.
* Record your spreads along with card observations and symbols. You will be surprised at how versatile they can be!
* Revisit your card meanings from time to time. Stay fresh! offer hundreds of tarot decks for your perusal, and they even list the decks by theme!  Aeclectic is the leading community of tarot enthusiasts coming together to share their impressions about tarot decks, from beginner to advanced levels. Additionally, you can see tarot decks in action at blogs like Samhain Moon, The Lost Journal of Prince Lenormand, My Curious Cabinet, and 78 Whispers. All are great resources for tarot knowledge.

*Note that lenormands, oracles and angel cards are not the same system as the tarot. They are cards used for divination, but they don’t follow the 78 layers of life. They cover other areas of interest.


About the author:

Monica Laura

I am a clairvoyant, clairsentient empath with a special focus on the tarot. I come from a line of psychics with the ability to medium channel. My journey in the tarot started at 12 and remains a very important aspect at my life, just short of 24. Now I blog actively about it at , where I also blog about other areas of spiritual awakening and self-empowerment. I consider myself a perpetual student of metaphysics and spiritual development. I have a life calling to help people though my psychic gifts, and I do so with a lot of love.

You can book tarot readings with me after looking through for rates; I offer tarot readings for 15, 30 and 60 minutes depending on what you need. My focal areas of expertise are in love, finance and interpersonal connections. Interpersonal connections define how somebody else — not the Querent — feels or thinks about the Querent or another person.



Alli here:  FYI – there is a zombie tarot deck.  Yeah.  You heard me.  Zombie tarot.  That popping sound you heard was my head exploding.  And make sure to come back Wednesday to read Part II of Monica’s guest post where she’ll tell you how to choose a tarot reader that’s right for you.

As a token of love for Kisses & Chaos readers, Monica is offering her 60 minute tarot readings (normally $65) for a rockin’ $45!  Just mention K&CTAROT when you schedule your reading.


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credits:  all images courtesy Mónica Laura
Posted in MAGIC, PEOPLE, THE UNEXPLAINED, TIPS + TRICKS | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment


*POP! Shhhhhhhhluuuuuurp.  POP!*

Did you hear that?  That was me opening a can of worms.  Some of you will agree with me but I have a sneaking suspicion I am about to strike a few nerves with a few people.  I might even piss off a few, but here I go nonetheless.

I am sick and tired of the hateful Marilyn memes
declaring such inane things as:





Now before you go getting you knickers in a knot let me explain why I am sick to my back teeth of memes (and comments) like these:
These memes are SUPPOSED to encourage positive self-image, body acceptance and promote the beauty of different body types and are doing anything but.  These memes are actually rather hateful not to mention hypocritical.  Some people are thin, some rubenesque and a whole range of sizes in between and no one has a right to judge any of them.  To say that all thin people are unattractive or anorexic is no different than insults & discrimination that curvier women complain of being subjected to.  Most people would never dream of telling someone who is overweight to pass on the pie, yet many seem to not think twice about telling thin people that they need to “go eat a burger.”

I am by no means itty bitty, but I am slender and at my old job I was constantly harassed for declining to eat doughnuts or cake (of which there seemed an endless supply) and was frequently teased for being thin and eating salads for lunch. 

Was the teasing called for?  Nope.  Not at all. I was merely living my life in a fashion that maked me comfortable and that I enjoyed.

This double standard needs to stop. 

Every body is unique and beautiful. Different people find different bodies attractive.  Do I really need to bring up the old adage “beauty is in the eye of the beholder?” (Too late.  You made me do it.)  Different people feel better at different weights too. No weight, shape or size is better than another.

We all have our own comfort zones, our own concepts of beauty
and they need to be respected, not rejected.

The catty behavior needs to stop from people on both sides of the scale.  Knock it the hell off already.  It’s stupid and bitchy.

Sexy isn’t a dress size.  Sexy isn’t a cup size
Sexy isn’t a number on a scale.


Sexy is:


tolerance & acceptance of yourself AND others
respect & appreciation for our differences

So knock off the bullshit already and get over it.  Love and appreciate our differences.  Celebrate them.  Quit judging each other.  It’s not good for the heart, it’s not good for the soul and it’s certainly not good for the collective psyche of women everywhere.

We’re all beautiful.  All of us.
And we are all “real” women, whether curvy or willowy.


Now circle up and let’s get our hug on.


Kisses & Keepin’ It Real Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

PS – (Don’t even get me started on the fact that breast implants as we know them first came into use in 1962 and the first ever known breast augmentation was performed in 1895 with a whole slew of other (horrific) methods used between those years.  And for the record, anorexia was first reported in 1689 and first recognized as a medical condition in 1873 by Sir William Gull.  I’m pretty sure, unless she was part of a secret group of immortals where there can be only one,  that Marilyn was born many, MANY years later in both instances.  Get your facts straight mysterious creator of meme #1 before you run around and spread your hateful misinformation.)


image credits:  via itsalark  |  via The Society Pages  | 
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“If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.”

– Katharine Hepburn.



Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credit:  Susan Tyrrell by George Wilhelm
Posted in INSPIRE, PHOTOGRAPHY | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

If you aren’t watching AMC’s “Mad Men” then I have a question:  Are you insane?  I admit,  I tried watching it when it first aired and I was so completely put off by all the womanizing, misogyny, bigotry & general arrogance of almost every single character that I swore it off.  Watching those first three episodes did nothing but piss me off.  But I have seen the error of my ways.  I have seen the light and the light is Mad Men.  Forgive me gods of television and pop culture, for I knew not what I did.


Mad Men is insanely addictive.  I’m not kidding.  There are no cliffhangers to tease you into watching.  There are no cheap gimmicks or ploys.  There is nothing but excellent writing, compelling characters and exceptional acting.  Are those reasons not good enough for you?  Allow me sway you by using bullet points.  They always make everything seem much more valid and seriously important.

1)  The Characters – I’ll tell you up front that for the majority of the first season you will probably be disgusted by 99%  of the characters.  They are, without a doubt, assholes…charming assholes, but assholes nonetheless.  HOWEVER, as the show progresses the characters true depths are revealed and you find yourself becoming much more understanding of their choices, even if you don’t agree with all of them.  These are some of the most well written, complex and detailed characters you will ever have the pleasure of loving and hating.  So if you find yourself recoiling during the first several episodes (just like I did), hang in there and give it a chance.  Yes, many of them are still assholes, but they’re complex & compelling assholes and that makes for good entertainment.

2)  The Costumes – Holy.  Freakin’.  Crap.  I want just about every single outfit I see on the show (except the shoes…not a fan of kitten heels).  If I were a ninja I would sneak into wardrobe and permanently “borrow” all of the women’s clothes.  Wait.  Stealing is wrong.  Ok.  If I were a ninja I would take the show’s stylist and keep her locked in my closet with a laptop and a credit card and…wait.  That’s kidnapping, isn’t it?  Crap.  Well the clothes are 100% drool-worthy.  And not just the ladies outfits either.  The men are dressed to the nines as well.  Mad Men has reinforced my belief that more men should wear suits and hats.  You hear that fellas?  Nice suits and hats.  I’m sick of seeing your asses hanging out of the back of your pants.  Put a little effort into it.  Rock a suit Don Draper style and watch the ladies swoon.

3)  The Sets  Is it legal to live on a soundstage?  Lots of mid-century modern going on here.  I have a design crush on Don & Betty’s headboard…tufted robin’s egg blue velvet?  How very, very fabulously 1960’s.  If they auction of set pieces at the end of the series I call dibs.

4)  C Howard’s Violet Mints – This is, quite possibly, my favorite candy…and it’s an obscure one at that…at least for anyone younger than 70.  What does that have to do with Mad Men?  Well there seems to be at least one writer on the show who has a soft spot for them because they are constantly being referenced.  I think half of the cast has mentioned their pretty purple and silver wrappers.  Yes I love my mints, but it’s also a perfect example of the writers’ attention to detail.


Seriously.  Watch it.  You’ll thank me later. X my heart.


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


PS – Even Modcloth* is getting in on the action with their newest line inspired by the swinging 60’s.  I’ll take one of each, please and thank you.   How freakin’ cute are these?


image credits:  via technorati  |  via the feminist wire  |  via style redux  |  via The Maxwells  |  C Howard’s Violet Mints © 2012 Alli Woods Frederick
*affiliate link
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