My honey and I went to see Clint Eastwood’s “The Hereafter” the other night and it was AMAZING.  Absolutely amazing.  If you are expecting a paranormal thriller then you will be disappointed.  (Four people got up and walked out halfway through the film, which actually boggled my mind!)  If, however, you are expecting an amazing character driven story about life, fate and the “other side” you will be thrilled to bits.  The first five minutes are disturbingly hard to watch, so be forewarned.  I actually yelped out loud and ducked my head at one point (my sincerest apologies to my husband, who I’m sure was embarrassed).  I am admittedly horrible at writing synopses without spoiling the ending, so I won’t even try.  I will however tell you that this is a film that I will watch over and over and over.  Matt Damon’s performance will melt your heart…especially in the scenes involving Charles Dickens.  I’m smiling just thinking about it.

I love that Clint Eastwood tackled the subject of life after death. I even wrote an essay for Soapbox Sunday (Dear Science, Do We Really Die?) addressing the scientific communities neglect of the subject.  The existence of an afterlife is a topic I am passionate about almost to the point of obsession.    This is due, at least in part, to the myriad of experiences I have had throughout my life…but that’s not the point.  The point is:  Go see “The Hereafter.”  If you’ve already seen it, I would love to know what you think.  Did you love it?  Hate it?  Did you find yourself wishing Clint would return to his Dirty Harry days or do you like the softer Clint that has emerged over the past couple of decades?  And if someone could please explain to me why I have such a hard time telling Marky Mark and Matt Damon apart even though they really look nothing alike, I would really appreciate it.

Until next time!

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

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