Where Is Your Moxie?



I saw this video a couple of years ago and completely forgot about it until yesterday.  This little redheaded kid kicks some serious ass.  What’s so amazing about a kid dancing and why should you care??? Because he is a fantastic example of why being yourself is the ultimate in perfection.  We should all aspire to be more like this dancing whirlwind of wonder. 

This kid:

1)  Doesn’t care what you, I or anyone else thinks.  He’s just doin’ what he’s doin’ because he loves it.

2)  Has moxie.  He dances with gusto, power and passion.  He goes for it…plain and simple.

So what’s my point?

Where is your passion?  Is it out in the open or is tucked away under some dusty boxes hidden from view?  Are you embracing it?  Loving it?  Flaunting it? 

Are you giving it everything you’ve got?

If you said yes, then FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC!  If you said no then riddle me this:  What’s holding you back?  What’s stopping you from living your life with joy and passion?

Is it the fear of other people?  Of ridicule?  Of failure?  Of success?

Do you erect giant roadblocks to prevent you from living a life a joy?  I know I do…and you know what?  I’m ready to climb over them, go around them or find a detour.  Whatever it takes for me to live the life of my dreams, I’m going to do it. 

So what do you say?  Will you join me?
I’m ready to shake a tail feather.
I hope I see you on the dance floor.

Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick


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