I just realized I never told you guys about my new vintage shop, Fizzy Pop Vintage!  My life has been such a roller coaster ride lately that the little obvious things and the things that I’m truly excited about have been slipping my mind.  But better late than never, right?

So…Fizzy Pop Vintage…It’s filled with adorable vintage (and vintage inspired) goodies for your body and home.  It’s actually really hard for me because I have to talk myself out of keeping everything.  I can’t help it.  I’m an only child…sharing does not come easily for me *wink*.  Rather than babble on about it I’ll just give you a taste of what’s in stock right now.  If you dig what you see or know someone who would, please feel free to help spread the word.  Now, without further ado I present to you…

Fizzy Pop Vintage

 Charleston Skirt
Violets Are Blue
Mad For Plaid
Fabulous Ferragamo!
1980’s Stripey Goodness
Stay fizzy!

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credits: all images ©2011 alli woods frederick all rights reserved.
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"photo of candles in a catholic church by alli woods frederick"

We all have hopes.  We all have fears.  We’re all human and those are parts of our nature.  But oh, the suffering hopes and fears can bring.  They can fill us with doubt, with longing.  We try to control them.  We do.  But it can be challenging, to say the least.

So what do we do? 

We find ways to try to exercise control, to find comfort, solace, peace.  Some of us go to parties and try to distract ourselves.  Some of us withdraw and look within.  Some of us turn to the powers that be (or whatever you choose to call them/it/him/her) in search of help.

So what if you’re one who turns their attention toward the spiritual realm?  Why is it that we sometimes feel we go unheard, our requests, our pleas unanswered?

I will not claim to know or understand why some desires are answered and some are not, but I would like to give you a little spiritual food for thought…a little something to consider the next time you feel you are being denied.

I was watching a show (Ghostly Encounters on the Bio channel, to be exact…don’t judge. *wink*) and a woman named Honey was telling of her son’s illness and imminent death.  She sat by his bedside, praying and asking her deceased father for help and guidance.  Later, after her son’s transfer to another hospital for treatment, she waited in the chapel for word on her son’s condition.  As she sat she felt her father’s presence sit next to her and put his arm around her shoulders…and then she heard his voice clear as a bell.  His words?  “God’s delay is not God’s denial.”  Shortly after this reassurance from the other side the doctor came to tell her that her son, after clinging to life for so long, would make a full recovery.

Honey’s story moved me to tears for so many reasons, but what really stood out was the wisdom her father whispered to her during her hour of need.  Delay is not denial.  We are so impatient.  We want results, answers and gratification as soon as we ask for it.  It is important we realize that our clock is not the same as the cosmic clock.  Our time line is not the same as the universe’s time line.  Some things take time.  Sometimes when we ask for help or guidance or hope, when we ask for love or healing or comfort, when we ask for the seemingly impossible, for that which is beyond our reach, beyond our control we need to do that which is most difficult: exercise stillness and patience and remember that delay is not denial.  Delay is not denial.

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credit: Untitled by Alli Woods Frederick. all rights reserved.

Posted in LIFE, THE UNEXPLAINED | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Dear Tramps of Halloween (and you know who you are),

I’m going to ask this once and only once so please listen carefully.  Will you please stop dressing like whores for Halloween? This holiday has absolutely nothing to do with dressing like a slutty nurse, slutty vampire, slutty police officer or slutty anything and getting falling down drunk.  All the other holidays have been corrupted.  Please leave my precious Halloween alone.

costume don’t

Halloween is a day when the veil between the living and the dead is lifted.  Demons, ghosts and ghouls walk the earth.  People dress in scary costumes to go unnoticed by the otherworldly creatures.  It’s one day of the year that embraces the things I love so dearly…zombies, monsters and ghosts.  It has absolutely nothing to do with T&A.  I know you might find this shocking but most people do not want to see your ass hanging out of the bottom of the belt you call a skirt or you boobs hanging out to such extremes that you’re mere millimeters from having a wardrobe malfunction. 

costume do

I am sick and tired of women finding excuses to dress and act like low-class tramps.  If you want that kind of attention then go get a reality show.  Reality producers LOVE women who drink themselves stupid and sleep with every man they see because they have low self-esteem and daddy issues.  Go ahead…put it all out there for the world to see…just LEAVE HALLOWEEN ALONE.

I’m not asking for the world.  I’m just asking for you to have some class and give my favorite holiday back.


Alli Woods Frederick

Posted in CULTURE, LIFESTYLE | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

All right, ladies and gents.  The die has been cast.  The names have been randomly selected and I am here to announce the winners of my Birthday Giveaway!  Are you ready?  Are you sure?  Here we go…

And the Winners Are…

The first place, grand prize winner of an original, one of a kind artist skull, one  8×10 downloadable print and a subscription to Your Daily Dose™ is…

Emily Spliedt!

The second place winner of one 8×10 downloadable print and a subscription to Your Daily Dose™ is…

Patti Howard!

The third place winner of either one 8×10 downloadable print OR a subscription to Your Daily Dose™ is…


Congrats, ladies!  I hope you enjoy your goodies.  I’ll be sending each of you an email this weekend so please keep your eyes peeled (and make sure to check your spam folders if it doesn’t show up).

And thank you to everyone who entered.  I wish I could give everyone a gift, but I promise there are more giveaways to come so just keep trying.

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

image credit: you’re a winner by the72ndosiris
Posted in ANNOUNCEMENTS | Tagged | 2 Comments

"mixtape...yeah...mixtape."Well boils and ghouls, I’ve been at it again.  As The Mistress of the Mix™ and lover of all things Halloween I felt it was my duty to supply you with a boo-tifully haunting mix of spooky goodness.  Enjoy, my dears. XoX.

Aural Awesomeness:

Soundtracks for Life

Life Experience #3:


“Do you like scary movies, Sydney?”

By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.  This hair-raising mix is designed to set the mood for a ghost of a good time.  Turn down the lights and get ready to be afraid of things that go bump in the night.  Maybe that sound was the house settling…or maybe it was something hiding in the shadows, creeping its way up the stairs…there’s only one way to find out…

Happy Halloween.

Bugs & Hisses,

Alli Woods Frederick

image credits: by the pricking of my thumbs by Jerry Jones
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