"photo of body with toe tag illustrating the death of journalism"

This Just in:  Journalism is Dead


Dear “Journalists,”

Your job is to deliver facts to the public so that we may form our own opinions on the topics and events of the day.  Maybe you were nursing a killer hangover the day this was covered in your journalism ethics class, or maybe your professor was duller than Keanu Reeve’s performance in “My Own Private Idaho,” but that’s really no excuse.  I hate to be the one to tell you this but your opinion, though you are entitled to it, is not news.  I think I speak on behalf of most people who are old enough to remember REAL journalists when I say, kindly shut the hell up.  I don’t care what you think anymore than you care what I think.  Your opinion is not information so please spare us…and yes, I am fully aware of the irony of my current rant, so don’t bother mentioning it.


If I Only had a Brain


I understand that some of you may feel we, the mere plebeian public at large, are nothing short of knuckle dragging troglodytes incapable of using rational thought and feelings to form our own opinions on such important matters as politics, the economy, foreign policy and global warming, but this simply isn’t so.  If you were more familiar with the word fact then you might not labor under such beliefs.  It’s insulting enough that the average newspaper article is written at an 8th grade reading level, but your assumption that we need you to tell us what to think and feel is infuriating!  So, in the interest of true journalism I’ve put together a little something special for all the offending “reporters” out there:


A Journalism Primer

Since you seem a bit confused as to precisely what your role as a journalist is, I’ve put together this primer for you!  What can I say…I’m thoughtful like that.  These are the questions that you, as a journalist, are expected to answer.  Read them over a few times and commit them to memory.  I think you’ll find that once you’re doing your job correctly this information will come in handy.

  1. Who?
  2. What?
  3. Where?
  4. When?
  5. Why?
  6. and How?

That’s it!  That’s all you need to report.  Please note that words like “bias” and “opinion” are not listed.  There’s a reason for that.  It is not part of your job to cloud or color the information presented.  It is your job to report facts not further your personal agenda.  Are you starting to catch on?  Unless you’re Andy Rooney, I don’t want to hear your opinion…and if you are Andy Rooney, I’m still not so sure I want to hear it…you can be grumpy sometimes.


Porky Pig Said It Best


That’s all folks.  I hope you have learned a little something here today.  It’s a shame this wasn’t adequately covered in college, your internship or your job description, but hey…better late than never, right?  By misrepresenting opinion as fact you are doing a disservice to the public.  Empower people by giving them the facts and just the facts.  You can make a difference in the world by telling the unpolluted, unbiased truth.  Give it a try…you just might like it.

Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick

images :: Toe Tag by Jackaroid ::
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Just because I have a soft spot for well executed weddings that are heavy on style and light on pretension…just because Elsie is a style goddess…and just because Neil Young’s “Harvest Moon” gets me all misty eyed…I give you the wedding video of Jeremy & Elsie (of A Beautiful Mess and Red Velvet).  Prepare to coo…you’ve been warned.

Elsie & Jeremy

Elsie & Jeremy | May 15th 2011 from Goodwin Films on Vimeo.

video by Goodwin Films

Posted in BITS + BOBS, SOUL MINGLING | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

My thoughts and ideas are powerful.
That which I think, I give life to.

"photographic mandala comprised of pink and purple flowers"

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


photo credit: Floral Auras by Q Thomas Bower
Posted in MAGIC | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

So am I the only one wishing that Memorial Day weekend lasted forever?  I know there are people who go back to work refreshed after a three day weekend…I am not one of them.  I often return slightly annoyed and a little bummed out…which makes it extra important for me to count my blessings and give the universe a little hug and thank you for all the awesomeness in my life.   Here we go…  

Things I Love Thursday:

The Lost Weekend Edition


* Crazy accurate palm readings  *  Having a cow totally crush on me  *  Realizing I’m an amazingly lucky woman to have the amazingly awesome family that I have  *  Saving the last episode for later  *  owls and hawks…they are so amazing.  Just trying to imagine seeing a mouse in a field from a mile away makes my head explode.  They’re astounding!  *  Forcing my honey to watch Gormenghast…and having him concede “it wasn’t as bad as [he] thought it would be.”  *  Star Wars.  Have I ever mentioned my deep and abiding love of Star Wars?  It’s pretty deep and abiding.  I’ve included some of my favorite Star Wars spoofs, homages, etc. videos at the end of the post.  *  HelloGiggles.com (Thank you, Gala Darling, for alerting me to its awesomeness!) It’s filled with all sorts of clever, funny, crafty and cute chic friendly goodness.  I’m absolutely loving it.  *   Improbability drives *  I totally geeked out over this Olly Moss exhibit (see the video at the very very very bottom of the post…you won’t regret watching it. X my heart.) * Memories of homemade mead crafted by my long lost friend, Ick.  *  Love, Love and more Love  *  My B-boys:  Bruce Campbell and Bob Hope…they ALWAYS make me laugh.  *  My honey, my Mischa and my family.  I am so very blessed.

What’s flippin’ your pancakes this week?  Do tell, do tell!

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

photo credit: bokehland by Ed McGowan

Olly Moss Art Show @ Gallery 1988 from Threadless.com on Vimeo.

Posted in INSPIRE, MY LIFE | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them.  You will find that they haven’t half the strength you think they have.

-Norman Vincent Peale

overcoming obstacles

Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick

photo credit  :: if smog were a woman – cassie kammerzell
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