how to measure success


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image ::  original image via she’s in vogue  ::
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I’VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT FAILURE A LOT LATELY and I’ve come to the following conclusion:

Most people don’t really know what failure is.

THEY THINK they know, but they’re mistaken.  Many people labor under the misconception that if you try something and it doesn’t work out the way you wanted or expected then you’ve failed.

This is wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.

I CAN’T BEGIN to tell you how wrong this is.  After a lot of thought, self-reflection and some recent (and not so recent) conversations with people who don’t support or believe in the vision I have for my life, my art, my intuition, my dreams, I had an epiphany about the true nature of failure.

FAILURE AND SUCCESS are not opposites.  In fact they aren’t even related.  Nope.  Not a whit.  Not a bit.


SUCCESS is when you achieve a goal you’ve set for yourself.   It’s a metric that’s determined by you and your ultimate desires.  To some success is earning a 6 figure income or laughing more each day; to others success is creating the perfect hybrid between the crunchy and chewy chocolate chip cookie.  If you set a goal, be it big or small, and achieve it you have succeeded.

BUT WHAT IF YOU SET A GOAL and that goal kicks your ass up, down and all over town?  Isn’t that failure?


WHAT YOU HAVE DONE is not succeeded in achieving your goal.  Maybe you were missing some key knowledge or steps in realizing your dream of creating the first fully functioning spaceship out of felted cat hair.  Maybe your goal merely needs some fine tuning or some scaling down.  My point is that what you have done is not succeeded in achieving your goal this time.  THIS TIME.

Tweak it, spin it, spank it and try again.

You have not failed.

THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO FAIL and it is guaranteed to work (or not work as the case may be) every single time.

The only way to truly fail is to never try.



So next time things go awry and you find yourself feeling defeated, stop.  Take a deep breath.  Step back & look at what could be done differently.  Then do it differently and try again.

Do it differently and try again.

Never give up on your dreams.


Even if it’s creating a cat fur spaceship.

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

images ::  i’m a loser baby, so why don’t you kill me – peter runkewitz  ::  via vogue italia  ::  via freelance folder  ::
Posted in INSPIRE, LIFE | Tagged , | 4 Comments


rainy days



The sun is a fascist dictator.  Yeah I said it and it’s 1,000,000% true…at least in my book.

The sun demands your attention.  It’s bright, blinding and inescapable.  It streams into your window in the morning whether you want it to or not…and it gives you wrinkles.

It’s that loud kid in your drama class that sings American Pie but only as a Monty Python character because they need to be the “special one.”  It’s the bratty, spoiled, over-indulged only child of the daytime sky and it refuses to be ignored. 


“Oh can you not see the color of the stop light?  Too bad!  I’m the sun and I’m more important than traffic safety.  Bask in my glory.”


In short, it drives me crazy.  I find it completely oppressive.  I feel like it’s screaming at me:



– the sun





I realize there are many of you that love the sun.  You adore suntans and warm days and beautiful blue skies (which I’m all for…if only they didn’t come with the damnable sunshine).  It makes you dance and sing and shoot magical rainbows out your ass because that’s the magic of sunny days.  You have tons of energy (probably from all the stupid vitamin D the sky dictator graciously showers upon you) to go bike riding and jogging and all those other things that sun-induced insanity produces.



rainy days



I prefer those glorious overcast grey days.  They gently nudge you awake.  They whisper in you ear (ha! I originally typed that as “whisper in your rear.” This is why I proofread.) saying…


“Good morning gorgeous. I’ll bet a cup of coffee sounds divine, doesn’t it?  It’s cool.  Take your time, after all, you have plenty of it, so just relax and ease into your day, dear.”


…and then gives you a kiss on the forehead.

Grey days give you permission to go out, stay in, be productive or relax with a mental health day.  You can curl up with a good book, kick back with an X-Files marathon, go catch a matinee, or take advantage of the gently diffused light with an impromptu photo shoot.



rain days



Grey rainy days relax.  They calm.  They sooth.  The sound of rain has a meditative quality that brings a gentle smile to the face.  They allow you to breath deeply, rest without guilt and rejuvenate.  It’s like being wrapped in Mother Nature’s blanket of warm fuzzy goodness…and it’s divine.

Sure a nice sunny day is good for a drive through the country with the windows down and ELO’s Mr. Blue Skies blaring on the stereo, but that’s about it.  (Okay…it’s good for amusement park visits too…no one wants to ride a roller coaster during a thunderstorm.)

From mystery & intrigue to calm & relaxation – these are overcast days gifts to the world.




And in case you couldn’t guess…today is sunny as hell.  Screw you sunshine…and I mean that in the most loving way possible.

So which do you prefer: sunny or grey?  Clear or rainy?



Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick



Posted in BITS + BOBS, MY LIFE | Tagged , | 5 Comments


small things in teacups


small things in teacups


small things in teacups

Camera 360

small things in teacups



Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images ::  blythe in a teacup – trevor wilson  ::  cherries in a china cup – lori c  ::  via lifeoneanxietyzero  ::  via teh cute  ::  teacup bunny – lorraine  ::  teacup 30 – claire  ::  via cutest paw  ::  via cute overload  ::
Posted in BITS + BOBS, PHOTOGRAPHY | Tagged , , | 2 Comments


magic of fiction


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


original image ::  i live in my own fairytale – melina souza  ::
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