Chloe + Isabel Party



I THREW MY FIRST Chloe + Isabel pop-up party to show off our new spring lines a couple of weeks ago and it was ever so lovely!



Chloe + Isabel Party



SINCE IT WAS MARCH the hostess and I decided on The Mad Hatter & March Hare’s Tea Party for the theme.  It’s been my experience you can never go wrong with Alice In Wonderland.  I think it’s been scientifically proven as a matter of fact.





WHAT’S A POP-UP PARTY?  Well, it’s just like a pop-up shop but with a party atmosphere…there’s a hostess (who can earn free jewelry!) and drinks and food and fun and chloe + isabel jewelry, of course.  We eat.  We drink.  We laugh.  We try on jewelry.  We have fun.



Chloe + Isabel Party



LEMON CUPCAKES WITH SUGAR BEES, heart shaped sandwiches, cream puffs and bubbly pink beverages abounded.  The food and jewelry wove together beautifully to create an adorable and delicious display.




mad hatter's tea party



I HAVE TO BE HONEST…I was scared to death.  I’m not a party person – I never throw them and don’t attend many.  Being sensitive to people’s energy makes crowds a bit overwhelming for me.  I’m also an introvert so that makes social events a double whammy for me.  But it wasn’t bad at all…in fact I had fun despite my anxiety.



Chloe + Isabel Party



I WAS PROUD that I conquered my anxiety and pulled together a lovely event (with the help of my amazing hostess who provided the insanely cute and delectable spread…heart shaped sandwiches…I mean come on!).  Sure I stumbled and felt awkward but that’s what happens when you try anything new.  Isn’t it?  We must learn to walk before we can run.  A few more awesome events like this and I’ll be ready for a marathon in no time.



Chloe + Isabel Party



WHAT ABOUT YOU?  Did you do anything to ring in spring?  Have you conquered any fears lately?  Do tell, my dear.  Do tell.


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

PSWould you like to host your own Chloe + Isabel party, have fun and get your hands on free jewelry?  We can make it happen.  Just drop me a line and let’s talk.


images ::  all images © 2013 Alli Woods Frederick.  all rights reserved.  use without permission is strictly prohibited.
Posted in LIFESTYLE, MY LIFE, PHOTOGRAPHY, SPONSORED POST | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

spring by jc designs
spring by olivia joy st claire
sweet spring by olivia joy stclaire
spring flower by vorona photography
study of a rose by alli woods frederick



Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick


images ::  spring – krisztianna  ::  spring – jen mann  ::  spring – j.c. designs  ::  spring – olivia  joy stclaire  ::  woolies in wyoming – danielle hughson  ::  sweet spring – olivia joy stclaire  ::  spring flower – vorona photography  ::  spring – maria kanevskaya  ::  study of a rose – © alli woods frederick  :: 
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MY HONEY, in his infinite sweetness, decided to transform our normally mundane tasks into fun little forays for my pitiful little sick self since all I’d seen was the inside of our home for days on end.  How sweet is that?

CASE IN POINT – the 45 minute trek we make every other week to pick up & drop off my step-daughters (Yes, I have two step-daughters. Surprise!) at their mom’s house is a lovely drive through the mountains, but it gets to be a bit of a bore when you make the journey over and over and over and over.  So my honey spiced up our drive by getting off the beaten path.  And as you know I’m a sucker for a road trip, even if it’s just an itty bitty quickie little wisp of a side trip.


off the beaten path


off the beaten path


DID I MENTION we also found a shop that carries every variety of butter ever made?  Cherry butter?  Check.  Blueberry butter?  Yup.  I was in heaven.  I grabbed a jar of sweet potato and pumpkin butter…and they are both insanely delicious.  I’ve been putting them on everything.  Okay…not everything.  I’m not topping my black bean burgers with sweet potato butter…yet.


off the beaten path


WE ALSO WENT TO WAR EAGLE MILL a few days before my kidney infection hit.  It’s pretty impossible to not take advantage of my husband’s awesome new work schedule, the warmer weather and the stunning countryside that surrounds us by going exploring.


off the beaten path


off the beaten path


THERE’S A LOT TO BE SAID for day trips and little one hour diversions.  It made a world of difference in how I felt.  Sure my kidneys were still mad as hell but it was such a nice drive it was easy to forget I was sick.

BIG THANKS to my husband for making a pretty miserable illness a billion times more bearable.

What about you?  Do you have a favorite day trip?  Where are your favorite secret spots to escape from the world for an hour or two?


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images ::  all images © 2013 alli woods frederick photography.  all rights reserved.  do not use without express written permission.
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helen keller quote



Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image ::  © 2013 alli woods frederick
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Modcloth contest


I KNOW it’s considered “unprofessional” to apologize for a lack of posting, but screw it.  I’ve never been much of one for rules.

I’M SORRY I haven’t been posting.  I’m sick as a dog with a nasty kidney infection but I’m pumped full of antibiotics and am on the mend so I promise I’ll be back here as soon as I’m feeling up to snuff.

IN THE MEANTIME check out this uber-awesome contest courtesy of Modcloth to tide you over until my return.  You can win $100 of Modcloth-y goodness to give your spring wardrobe a cute little kick in the butt.  Here are the details:
The contest kicks off today and runs through 7 AM PST on 3/18.  ModCloth wants you to check out their brand new Style Gallery, post a photo, give other images some Kisses & Chaos style love and share the must-have looks with your friends throughout the week of 3/11-3/18.

The photo that gets the most community lovin’ will win a $100 ModCloth gift card! Um, yes please!

But wait, there’s more!  Two random lovers of the winning pic will also each score a $50 gift card! Can I get a woohoo?

Head over to ModCloth right now to join the Style Gallery or just check out all of the fashion-y cuteness!


Modcloth contest

Extra Style Gallery Details

So how will the lucky winner be selected?

The owner of the image with the most ‘loves’ between 7 a.m. PT 3/11 and 7 a.m. PT 3/18 will win a $100 ModCloth gift card.

When will winners be announced?

ModCloth will contact the winners via email by 3/22 and announce the winners on the blog at 7 a.m. PT 3/27.


Good luck, my lovelies.  If one of you wins I fully expect to see pics of all the goodies you buy.  Deal?

Miss you bunches & I promise I’ll get better as soon as possible.


Oodles of Kisses & some toned down Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images :: © 2013 alli woods frederick  ::  © Modcloth  ::
*this is a sponsored/affiliate post*
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