chloe + isabel by alli woods frederick

I AM SUPER EXCITED to tell you I am the newest member of the Chloe + Isabel team!  Not only that (as though that weren’t enough) but I’m hosting a Be Your Own Valentine pop-up shop on Facebook.  The shop will be open today (February 8) through Sunday February 10.  And to celebrate my official grand opening, every person who buys a brilliant bit of bling will be entered to win an Amazon gift card…there might even be a chance to score some free Chloe + Isabel jewelry.

Can I get a “Woohoo?”

chloe + isabel by alli woods frederick


I would appreciate it so much if you would like my new Chloe + Isabel Facebook page and then swing by Be Your Own Valentine to join in the fun.


chloe + isabel by alli woods frederick

I KNOW SOME OF YOU ARE WORRIED that this new venture of mine will change Kisses & Chaos, that all my posts will be one big sales pitch or that I won’t give Kisses & Chaos the time and love it deserves.

I PROMISE neither of these scenarios will happen.  Sure I might give a little heads up if there’s a sale or I might wear a bracelet or necklace for a fashion post but that’s it.  I’m not going to beat you over the head with it.

And as far as not giving Kisses & Chaos all the love I have?

Not a chance.

Part of the reason Chloe + Isabel was a good fit for me is because I can still dedicate my time and energy to you, my art & my reiki (not to mention I genuinely love the jewelry).  Everything you see here is, pretty much a labor of love.  All my various creative endeavors (Kisses & Chaos included) don’t pay the bills.  Most of what income they generate covers operating expenses.  In order to keep the doors open here I had to branch out.  As a member of the Chloe + Isabel team I work for myself.  This allows me the luxury of being able to continue to pursue my passions and dreams and keep giving you all the beauty and weirdness I have to offer…something a 9-5 gig simply wouldn’t permit me.

PLEASE KNOW that I will always stay true to my vision of not only Kisses & Chaos, but my art, my photography and my life.  I love the family we have here and I would never ever want to do anything to lose that.

You all are truly the bee’s knees.

If you have any questions about Chloe + Isabel (like how you can get free jewelry by hosting a pop-up party of your very own…yup…free jewelry for throwing a party), Kisses & Chaos or anything else that comes to mind please don’t hesitate to ask by emailing me here.

chloe + isabel by alli woods frederick



Thank you all for your support, encouragement and understanding.

Sending you mad love.


Great Big Kisses & Oodles of Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images :: © chloe + isabel & © 2013 alli woods frederick
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Free Valentine's Day Straw & Cupcake Flags

Attention to all the would-be Martha Stewarts (who I gained massive amounts of respect for after seeing her on Conan doing this) out there:

If you’re doing the DIY thing for Valentine’s Day and are looking for those little finishing touches, those small details that turn your sweet treats into polished pieces of prettiness worthy of Mrs. Stewart herself then grab my free straw & cupcake flags.

You can choose between Lovey-Dovey Pink, Screw Valentine’s Day Grey or Racy Red for all you naughty minxes in the house.

Free Valentine's Day Straw & Cupcake Flags



  • printer
  • white cardstock
  • scissors
  • non-toxic glue stick
  • toothpicks and/or straws

Free Valentine's Day Straw & Cupcake Flags


  • Download the free flags here & print them out on plain white cardstock
  • Cut out as many flags as needed
  • Swipe the back (the white side) with the glue stick (I like to leave the space in the middle where the straw or toothpick will go free of glue so I can reposition the straw or toothpick if need be)
  • Position the straw/toothpick where you want it on the flag
  • Fold the flag over, matching up the ends and press the glued sides together
  • Place the straws in a decorative vase or glass
  • Place the toothpicks in the cupcakes
  • Enjoy the cuteness/sarcasm/dirty thoughts

Free Valentine's Day Straw & Cupcake Flags

Free Valentine's Day Straw & Cupcake Flags

Free Valentine's Day Straw & Cupcake Flags
Free Valentine's Day Straw & Cupcake Flags Free Valentine's Day Straw & Cupcake Flags
Free Valentine's Day Straw & Cupcake Flags
Free Valentine's Day Straw & Cupcake Flags Free Valentine's Day Straw & Cupcake Flags
Free Valentine's Day Straw & Cupcake Flags
Free Valentine's Day Straw & Cupcake Flags

You can download the complete set (including the heart “doily”) here.

Are you planning on using these for Valentine’s Day?  I would love to see your creations.  Feel free to share your photos over on my facebook page and show the world your creative handy work.


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images :: © 2013 alli woods frederick. all rights reserved.  using any images without express written consent is not only illegal but it will make me get all mean and nasty.
Posted in FREEBIES, LIFESTYLE, TIPS + TRICKS | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

wordless wednesday

wordless wednesday

wordless wednesday

wordless wednesday

wordless wednesday

wordless wednesday


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images ::  wisconsin rurality – loren zemlicka  ::  no.17 elm mott barn – junga  ::   waiting – olli kekalainen  ::   another late night drive – john ryan  ::  under the same sky – loren zemblicka  ::  pinhole barn – darren constantino  ::  
Posted in LIFESTYLE, PHOTOGRAPHY | Tagged , | Leave a comment

The Best Shade of Nail Polish EVER

As an avid fan of black nail polish for 20-ish years it pains me to admit this, but I have found the best shade of nail polish EVER…and it’s not black, nor is it grey (another of my wardrobe staples) or any variation therein.

It’s blue.

It’s not just any old blue.  It’s the perfect shade of blue…it’s Tiffany Blue…the best, most beautiful shade of blue in all the universe (and not just because of the little flips your heart makes when get one of their pretty little boxes all tied up with white ribbon).

I SWEAR TIFFANY BLUE ALTERS YOUR BRAIN CHEMISTRY, sending serotonin coursing through your brain to create a wave of happy gooiness that washes through you.  Not to mention it’s universally flattering.  I’ve yet to encounter a skin tone it doesn’t compliment.  I double dog dare you to prove me wrong.  Even I, a freakishly fair skinned redhead, can wear it and when you have my coloring it’s hard to find shades that don’t make you look sickly, ruddy or just completely washed out.

The Best Shade of Nail Polish EVER


I saw Chanel’s Nouvelle Vague a few years ago but I have a hard time justifying dropping that kind of coin (around $27) on nail polish…the occasional lipstick or mascara, sure, but nail polish?

Hell no.

I’m way too hard on my nails.  My manicures last 3 days max before they’re chipped all to hell…and that’s if I manage to not break one of them first.  I don’t know why that is…it’s not like I’m wrestling bears in my spare time.  I write, paint and take photos for crying out loud.  But somehow during those insane, no holds barred writing jags I manage to beat the ever loving crap out of my nails.  Go figure.

Unwilling to spend the dosh on Chanel’s polish I thought all was lost…that I was to never know the joy of adorning my nails with my most beloved shade of blue.

Enter China Glaze’s “For Audrey.”

The Best Shade of Nail Polish EVER

It’s an absolute godsend.  Seriously.  I bought every bottle they had at Ulta and I keep checking back for more.  The price is fantastic.  The polish goes on nice and thick and has this magical self-leveling quality that I’ve never encountered with another polish…and it’s Tiffany Blue.

Be still my heart.

Now I can have breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert and cocktails at Tiffany’s.  All I need to do is look down at my perfectly polished fingers.  You, China Glaze, have made this girl very, very happy.

(and no, this isn’t a sponsored post.  I just really freakin’ love this nail polish.  For realsies.)


Perfect Blue Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


credits ::  “For Audrey” by China Glaze from Ulta  ::  Bracelets provided by Chloe + Isabel  ::  Studded skull from Michaels  ::  Texas mug from Book People, Austin, Texas  ::

images :: © 2013 alli woods frederick.  all rights reserved, so please don’t be sucky and use them without permission, okay?
Posted in LIFESTYLE | Tagged , , | 2 Comments


I found out that there weren’t too many limitations, if I did it my way.

– Johnny Cash

The Real Secret To Success


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images ::  source unknown
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