golden milk

What the hell is golden milk?

Well…it’s an ancient ayurvedic treatment made of turmeric & honey with health benefits out the yin yang…and it’s insanely delicious.  At least I think so.  My honey took a tiny tiny tiny sip and gagged, but he can be a bit on the dramatic side when trying new foods.  Okay.  He can be a lot on the dramatic side, so don’t let his reaction deter you.  I promise it was completely unwarranted.  (I honestly think he did it to get my goat since I’m always trying some new healthy this or that which he finds completely silly…you should have seen what happened when he tasted kombucha which is a very acquired taste.) I think it’s delicious.


Golden milk tastes like heaven (a slight exaggeration).


It resembles eggnog or a less spicy chai tea in flavor.  It’s sweet with just enough spice to it to keep it interesting.   Drink it hot or cold – either way it’s magically delicious.



  • helps with digestion & aids the liver (heart burn, gas, ulcers, etc)
  • skin conditions (acne, eczema, psoriasis, etc)
  • immune system (infections, cancer, bronchitis, etc)
  • joint health
  • blood sugar
  • heart health (high blood pressure, cholesterol, etc)
  • reproductive health in women

Turmeric is an amazingly potent antioxidant.  I don’t think I need to tell you the health benefits of antioxidants, do I?  You should be forewarned:  if you are pregnant you should avoid consuming extra turmeric since it encourages menstruation and uterine contractions (which you obviously don’t want while you’re pregnant).



golden milk recipe

This is my personal modified (read as milder) golden milk recipe from the traditional and makes 4 servings (to make more just double the recipe as needed).  But don’t worry – if you want a more traditional version I’ve provided those instructions too.

  • 1/2 tsp turmeric
  • 1 cup water

Combine these in a saucepan and bring to a boil until it starts to thicken a little (about 10 minutes).  Don’t forget to stir.  Turn the heat down and mix in:

  • 4 cups unsweetened almond milk
  • a dash of nutmeg
  • a smaller dash of cinnamon
  • vanilla extract (I base the amount on smell…you should smell the vanilla but it shouldn’t be overwhelming.  If you prefer you could eliminate this step and buy vanilla almond milk instead.)
  • bring it to a very low simmer
  • turn off the heat and stir in 4 tbs honey (of your choice…I like raw or orange blossom.  If you think honey is honey then try orange blossom honey and prepare to be blown away.  Vegans or anti-honey people:  feel free to substitute with maple syrup, but please note that honey adds to the antibacterial properties of the turmeric.)
  • ladle out a cup and enjoy.  The rest can be bottled and tossed in the fridge.

golden milk recipe

Now for the traditional recipe (this makes a large amount of turmeric paste which can be refrigerated for future use):

  • 1/4 cup of turmeric powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground pepper
  • 1/2 cup of water

Add to a saucepan, mixing well, over medium/high heat until it thickens to a paste.  let cool, can & store.

    • 1 cup of milk (or milk substitute if you don’t consume dairy)
    • 1 teaspoon almond oil, ghee or olive oil
    • 1/4 teaspoon or more of turmeric paste

Combine in a saucepan and almost bring it to a boil.  Add honey to taste.

[traditional recipe credit: wise woman weblog]

golden milk recipe

I haven’t tried the second recipe so let me know if you give it a go.  Making golden milk really is the simplest thing ever…and to think there are juice bars & health food stores that sell this stuff for upwards of $9 per bottle.  It took all of 15 minutes to make and costs next to nothing (certainly not $9 per cup!).  Cha-ching!  That’s money that can be used towards something like…oh…I don’t know…shoes, maybe? *wink*

Now go make your tummy (and the rest of you!) happy & healthy.  (And seriously, if you find yourself gagging, my honey would like to know.  So please – I can’t believe I’m asking this…so gross – report back if you do.)


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

image::  via anton health  ::  turmeric – courriel vert  ::  via medicine room  ::  by yours truly  ::


*I am not a medical professional.    This article is for entertainment purposes only.  This is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical conditions/illnesses, nor is it meant to replace any current treatments or medications that are prescribed by your physician for a current medical condition.  Please consult a medical professional before use.  For more information about turmeric, its side effects & drug interactions visit WebMD & talk to your doctor or pharmacist.
Posted in LIFESTYLE, TIPS + TRICKS, WELLNESS | Tagged , , , | 29 Comments


Dita Von Teese Quote

“You can be a juicy, ripe peach and there’s still going to be someone who doesn’t like peaches, so you can either submit to someone’s criticism of you, or you can get on with the business of being your own amazing self…”

-Dita Von Teese

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image: Dita Von Teese for Cointreau
Posted in INSPIRE, LIFESTYLE | Tagged , | 2 Comments


What Are We Truly Afraid Of?

It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.  We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?  Actually, who are you not to be?…Your playing small does not serve the world…And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

Marianne Williamson


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image:  scattered light – jim campbell
Posted in INSPIRE | Tagged | 6 Comments



Kisses &  Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

images::  Radcliffe Square  – james lyon  ::  via paul  ::   paris in snow  ::  paris snow  ::  first snow  ::  versailles – wenhuat lau  ::  steven richter  ::  venice snow  ::  neuschwanstein castle  ::  prague  ::  barn in winter – james jordon 
Posted in INSPIRE, PHOTOGRAPHY | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments


First of all…HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!   I hope you had a wonderful evening last night & are having a beautiful New Year’s Day.  You know those resolutions we’re all “supposed” to make?  Well…

I hate resolutions.  The intentions are always good but they just make you feel guilty when you slip up or get too busy with life to follow through.  Why even bother to do that to ourselves?  Guilt sucks.  I say that this year we throw out the resolutions.  Screw ‘em.


Screw resolutions.



I say this year we try something different.  This year let’s make a list of 13 dreams & ideas we want to live this year – a to do list for our hearts, souls & minds.

How is this different from a resolution?

Intention.  That one word makes a world of difference.  Oh, yes it does.  With a resolution we say things like:


“I’m going to donate 10% of my income every month to charity and volunteer X number of hours every month.”

“I’m going to lose 20 pounds.”

“I’m going to learn to speak fluent Swahili.”


What if the transmission in your car curls up and dies?  A major unexpected expense like that pops up and there goes the tithing and Swahili (Rosetta Stone software is pretty pricey).  What if you have to put in extra hours at work to pay for that transmission?  There goes the volunteer work.  What if you’re tired from all the overtime and lack of sleep so, in a state of exhaustion, you get a severe sprain while you’re working out?  Another resolution unfulfilled.  And when all is said and done all those noble promises are broken and we feel like failures.  Screw that.


But what if we make a few adjustments to those resolutions?  What if we said:


“I’m going to practice more kindness and be more helpful.”

“I’m going to be healthier and feel good in my skin.”

“I’m going to explore other cultures and learn more about the world I live in.”

By changing the intention just a little and how we view our desired result we open the door to more opportunities.  We create freedom.  We create possibilities.  I don’t know about you but I’ll take freedom over guilt any day.



Here’s how I’m going to rock 2013:


1)  Document more of my life through photography – I know I’ll be thankful for this in years to come.

2)  Work less – if I told you how many hours a day I spend working your mind would be blown.

3)  Relax more – I know I’m not alone on this one.

4)  Become more comfortable in the kitchen – I’ve never been much of a cook.

5)  Allow myself to be less responsible – slacking off & acting like a 14 year old from time to time is good for the soul.

6)  Look for more humor in life – you can never laugh too much (even if the smile lines on my face say otherwise)

7)  Leave time for adventure – I didn’t explore & travel as much last year as I usually do.  I missed it…A LOT.

8)  Express my love – it can be easy to fall into ruts & take people for granted.

9)  Observe gratitude – the world is more beautiful when you take time to appreciate all the little things that bring joy.

10)  Embrace my boldness – I used to be more adventurous with my clothes, my words & my life. I used to be fearless. I toned it down over the years & now I’m bored…but not for long.

11)  Move forward – it can be easy to stall out when you’re comfortable…progress takes effort.

12)  Expand my horizons through knowledge – I love learning & you can never know too much.

13)  Allow myself to be wrong – wrong about this list, wrong about the shoes that were sooo cute but were really a hideous disaster, wrong about anything.  It’s okay to be wrong.

So there they are – the 13 ways I’m going to rock the new year.  What do you think?  Are you on board?  What changes are you going to make in 2013?


Wishing you the happiest of new years.



Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images::  new year 2013 by aaron terry  ::  resolutions…or not by laygum  ::   resolutions by ryan romeike  ::  happy new year 2013 by riva
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