I am digging on all things mystical and magical this week.  Why?  Hell if I know, but I’m going to hook you up with some awesomeness inspired by the great beyond.  So with that I give you a roundup of mystical, magical goodness to round out your week.


    • Have you been curious about Tarot cards but always felt a bit intimidated?  Mónica Laura at Samhain Moon will walk you through it.
    • Though not technically magical, I find maven and personal heroine Vivienne Westwood to be just that…quite magical…watch this video and you’ll see why. And if that doesn’t convince you of her bad-assery then maybe her manifesto will.
    • Have you noticed how there are periods of time when communication skills seem completely elusive and technology is out to get you a la “War Games” or “2001 A Space Odyssey?”   When this happens, odds are Mercury is in retrograde.  You can track sucky ol’ Mercury retrograde here…and it even has a countdown so you can prepare for the glitches and kinks it inevitably brings.
    • While we’re on the subject of planets…Though technically not a planet, the moon (man I love the moon) plays a key role in many religious as well as personal rituals that are performed on full and new moons.  Many believe these nights have particularly potent energy that we can tap into and harness.  You can learn more about creating your own new moon ritual here…and track the monthly moon phases with this handy dandy chart.
    • Want to try your hand at some good old fashioned traditional gypsy divination?  Why not try reading tea leaves?  This kit* has all you need to get started.

What’s magical in your life right now?

Kisses  & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

image credits:  pandora by Charlotte  *  tarot spread by ©2012 Alli Woods Frederick (all rights reserved)  *  Wish Upon a Star by Yuliya Libkina
*affiliate link
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Here’s another blast from the past.  Pulled from the ancient archives of my blogs gone by.  Original post date:  April 1, 2006.

Black Eyeliner & the Manipulation of Space

so last night as i wandered through the land of Queen Mab something interesting occurred:

i had been gifted a black eyeliner pencil by paris hilton… she complained that she couldn’t use it because it was too hard to control… i naturally assumed she was referring to it’s application on the face… but i was wrong…

something had gone very very wrong with a batch of black pencil eyeliner that M.A.C. had produced… it not only lined the eyes, but it also had the ability to create a rift in space… i sh*t you not… you could put a line of it on the wall or the floor or anywhere that strikes your fancy, stick your finger into it, pull it apart and wander on in… and it would take you, not into the next room, but to other countries, planets, etc…

i used it to sneak into one of my favorite artist’s studio…

f’ing amazing…

and then i woke up completely disappointed…

so if any of you happen to come across this awesome eyeliner, throw a pencil or two my way, would ya?

thanking you in advance…

The request still stands.  If any of you should locate said M.A.C. eyeliner, please send it my way.  *wink*


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credit: miss black eyeliner. by Samantha
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There are really no words to describe how much I adore my next guest & friend.  Aside from being a kick-ass artist and musician, he’s one of the most unique people I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.  Rather than try to explain him (which would be an exercise in futility) or wax poetic about his supreme radness I’ll let you see for yourself.

The Same 7 with Domokos

1)  In 10 words or less tell us what makes you so freakin’ awesome. No modesty. Let ‘er rip.


2)  Did you (or do you) have an imaginary friends? If yes, tell us a little bit about him/her/it.


3)  Do you believe in ghosts?


4)  Sunrise, sunset, new moon or full moon?

5)  What one thing scares the ever-loving crap out of you more than anything in the whole wide world?


6)  If you had to spend the rest of your life inside one book or movie what would it be and why?


7)  It’s the zombie apocalypse. The person you love more than anyone, anywhere ever gets bitten by one of the walking dead. Their change into a flesh-eating monster is imminent. What do you do?


Freestyle, Domokos.  Freestyle:

“First off – I love you ALLI! I’ve been busy working on the new FUTURE BLONDES 12″ lp “FEATHER 17” for BLIND PROPHET records. It’s run by Sean Ragon of CULT OF YOUTH / HEAVEN ST. RECORDS NYC. We are preparing for shows in SF, LA, a mini east coast tour hopefully w/ RAPE SCENE and then onto european travels / endeavors. It’s a neverending labour of love! Some video projects should see the light of day very soon as well! We also have releases coming up on PHONOGRAPHIC ARTS, BLEACH BLONDE, and some other great underground labels.
For the last couple of years my graphic output has been mainly collage oriented work. I print on aluminum sheets, oversized blueprint paper, and also on polyester.

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

PS – I love you too, Senor Domokos!  fyi:  I still have the Dolly shirt you made me.  Praise Jesus.


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credits:  all images © Domokos *  final image © Alli Woods Frederick
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“To be a star you must shine your own light, follow your own path, and don’t worry about the darkness, for that is when the stars shine brightest.”

– author unknown


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credit: Feeling Bokeh Today…? by Jerry Charlotte Miller
Posted in INSPIRE, PHOTOGRAPHY | Tagged | Leave a comment

Aliens in Your Shoes


If I had a dollar for every time I said it has been an odd and exhausting week I could solve the world’s economic woes…I know I sound like a broken record…but it’s been an odd and exhausting week.  Interviews (that I’m absolutely bursting to share with you, but good things come to those who wait), migraines, creating, preparing for the zombie apocalypse (as per usual), family stuff and cat cuddling…all out the wazoo.  But I am smiling, and sleep deprived, and having a video-fest on my facebook page today…and these have nothing to do with anything…and neither will any of this.  And so there you go.  I hope you had a splendiferous weekend and have a beyond utterly kick-ass week.  Sending you all mad love…mad, deranged, sleep deprived love.





Aliens in Your Shoes



  • The lovely and completely awesome Jetta Vegas’ “7 Ways to Kick This Week’s Ass” is exceptionally awesome this week.  Can I get a “Hell Yes!”
  • What would a week be without a zombie mention?  If you said void of all meaning, you’re correct.  Any other answer is unacceptable.  Sooooooooooooo…it would seem there is talk of a few zombie movie sequels.  I’m sure you can hear me squealing with delight.  If there is a god Zombieland 2 will actually happen…fingers firmly x’ed.



Aliens in Your Shoes

  • If anyone feels up to a quick little weekend project (ha!) and would like to come over and help me with this, I’m totally down, cause this painted floor is pretty freakin’ awesome.  


Aliens in Your Shoes


  • And let’s end the week with a little love from a woman you may have never heard of…the beautiful Amma.  I really want to meet this woman…I really really really really want to meet her.  Hugs and love rock and that’s all there is to it.




Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


 PS – There are still some small and medium ad spaces available for March.   If you’re interested in supporting Kisses & Chaos just click the image below.


images::  McQueen shoes via Neatorama  ::  Zombieland via Smoking Zombie  ::  Painted Floor via Design Sponge
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