Hammered for Life

definition:  married.

How lovely…right up there with “ball and chain.”

"victorian wedding photo"

Kisses &  Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

PS – While we’re on the subject of weddings, I have an official announcement coming later this week…so stay tuned for details!  Tee-hee!

photo credit: Victorian Wedding Photo via Judy B

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I find beauty and joy in all things.

photo credit: Seen from Shade by Andrew Hefter

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

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If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat.

-Mark Twain

"photo of two siamese cats sitting in a window"

photo credit: Cats by Andrew  @ Cuba Gallery
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Some of you may not be aware, but I have decided to try my hand at wedding photography.  I actually shot my first wedding at the beginning of May and I have been editing, editing, and editing some more ever since.  My bride is being amazingly patient with the process ( I know first hand how hard it can be to wait for wedding photos.  I just about went insane with anticipation while waiting for mine) but I thought it might be nice to give her (and you!) a sneak peak at a few of the finished photos.  I’m super nervous to reveal them (typical artist self-doubt…sorry to be so stereotypical) but I’m going to bite the bullet and just do it.  Ok…so I’m going to count to three and on three I’ll show you a sneak peak of Jennifer and Robert’s wedding photos.

Ok.  Ready? *deep breath*

1 – 2 – 2 and a half…did I mention I’m nervous?  I did?  Ok.  Sorry.

Ok.  1 – 2 – I did mention this was my first wedding shoot, right?  Yes?  Ok.  Ok.

Ok.  1-2-3!

Jennifer and Robert

"wedding photographs by alli woods frederick"

"wedding photographs by alli woods frederick"

"wedding photography by alli woods frederick""wedding photography by alli woods frederick"

"wedding photography by alli woods frederick"

"wedding photography by alli woods frederick"


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


Posted in ANNOUNCEMENTS, PHOTOGRAPHY, SOUL MINGLING | Tagged , , , | 10 Comments

The past week has been utter chaos; chaos of both the good and not so good variety.  Between graduations, tornadoes, new project collaborations and migraines I have barely been able to keep track of whether I’m coming or going.  But now it’s Friday and I am definitely going…I’m going to have a fantastic long weekend with my honey and r-e-l-a-x.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh…but first, I’m gonna spread a little gratitude and love.  Are you with me?  Let’s go!

Things I Love Thursday:
The Simplicity Edition

"T by Cindy Kilpatrick"

Sally Hansen stick on nail polish.  I bought the houndstooth and I LOVE THEM!!! They’re very easy to use and they are seemingly impervious to chipping.  I’ve had them on for almost a week and nary a chip (which is a miracle for me…i’m hard on my nails).   *  Fasting.  It makes me feel balanced…especially when I’ve been eating a lot of garbage.  *  Planning surprises for all my Junebugs…we have a TON of birthdays in June in my family…and I LOVE buying people presents.  It makes me crazy happy.  *  The Receiving Project. It is making me more observant of all the abundance and love in my life.  You should check it out and give it a try…what do you have to lose?  *  Being able to laugh at completely inappropriate times.  *  Spelling/grammatical mistakes…some of them are just too funny.  *  New collaborations…which will be announced shortly…teehee!  *  Participating in Kind Over Matter’s “Seven Souls One Musing” series.  I loved reflecting on the question and sharing my thoughts with everyone.  *  Gormenghast.  I love the books and the mini-series…and I am loooong overdue for another viewing.  I think I know what I’ll be doing this weekend!  *  Not getting hit by any tornadoes (even though things were looking mighty scary there for a minute or two).  Soooooooooo thankful.  *  My honey (didn’t you love his Tilt last week?  Now you see why I love him?)  * My Mischa.  *  My family.

"photo of alli woods frederick's houndstooth nailpolish""photo of eye and lip remover.  ouch! from engrish.com"


So whats making your head spin this week?

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

photo credits:  T by Cindy Kilpatrick *   by me.   *   image courtesy of engrish.com
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