head in the clouds

head in the clouds

head in the clouds

clouds top

coulds efrem

clouds illustration

henry cloud man



Kisses &  Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images ::  clouds – monica strigel  ::  hot air balloons – chelsea victoria  ::  sky only – katarina stefanovic  ::  clouds – francis delapena  ::  clouds – efrem barrotta  ::  clouds – gemma silk  ::  henry cloud man rains upon the autumn trees – faunafindsflora  ::
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being normal



Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image ::  she came into focus – lamson  :: 
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photo giveaway


I’M PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE that my Facebook page has reached 300 likes.  I wanted to take a moment and say thank you for all the love, support, friendship and camaraderie.

UNBEKNOWNST to anyone, 300 likes was a business goal I set (yes I set business goals) for myself this year.  Part of that goal was to host a giveaway to celebrate once I hit the magic number.  So guess what that means.  To celebrate…


ONE LUCKY MEMBER of the Kisses & Chaos Facebook community will win a free 8×10* photographic print (or 8×8 if you choose a square format image) from yours truly.  Winners choice!


photo giveaway



1)  Become a member of the Facebook community by liking my artist page.

2)  Find the contest post at the top of the page (the one with the same Thank You image that you see at the top of this post) and like the post.

3)  Share the Facebook post on your own Facebook page.

4)  Visit my print shop and tell me in the comments on my Facebook page which print you want if you win.

THE WINNER will be selected by Random.org on Tuesday, April 23 at 5pm CST and announced on my facebook page. You gotta do all 4 steps to be entered.

OH!  One more thing: if there’s an image of mine that isn’t in the shop that you’ve seen elsewhere (like on flickr or Project 52) that you want to win, then let me know in the comments and we’ll make it happen.


photo giveaway

THANKS AGAIN for being so awesome.  I wouldn’t be here, in our little corner of the internet creating, sharing, laughing and smiling with you if not for our happy little family.  Thank you for allowing me into your lives.  Thank you, sincerely and truly.


Massive Kisses & Grateful Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


*the size might be a little bigger or a tad smaller…I do have some non-standard, odd-sized images that don’t print as traditional 8x10s without some serious cropping…and cropping would seriously screw up the images…so 8×10 is sort of a rough-ish size.  Just wanted to be clear.  Muwha!


images ::  all images © alli woods frederick.  all rights reserved.
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are you happy


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image ::  via typcut  ::
Posted in LAUGH, LIFE, WELLNESS | Tagged , , | Leave a comment


my own worst enemy

I KNOW I talk about self-acceptance and positivity here on Kisses & Chaos.  I know that being kind to yourself is important for your self-esteem and emotional health.  I know I tell you to love yourself, to be kind to yourself and to stop being your own worst critic.

I ALSO KNOW I’m full of shit.

I AM AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN my own worst critic, my own worst enemy – a devious, self-sabotaging, shit talking bully who is always there to tell myself all the ways I’m going to fail, fall or f*ck up.

I TRY to shut it up.  I’ve tried killing it with kindness, gagging it, distracting it, deluding it, winning it over, keeping it occupied, letting it feel heard…I’ve tried everything in the world to drown it out or take its power.  And the truth is…

Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.

I STRUGGLE with it. I really really do.

I KNOW in my heart that I’m pretty alright.  I also know that I’m pretty lucky.  I have a loving family.  I have my health.  I have a roof over my head.  And I get to enjoy the company of the most badass cat in the world every day while I work.  But that little voice in my head tells me otherwise.


my own worst enemy


IT TELLS ME I’m going to fail.  It tells me my art sucks.  It tells me I’ll never be successful.  It tells me I’m too old.  It tells me my boobs are too small and my butt is too big.  It tells me no one understands.  It tells me I might as well give up on my dreams and go get a “real” job so I can pay the bills that are piling up.  It tells me about all the things I’ll never do, all the places I’ll never go and all the things I’ll never experience because, no matter how smart or determined I may be, I’m simply not good enough to succeed.  It tells me I’m not special enough for anyone to care.  It tells me all these things and more.

THAT VOICE IN MY HEAD sucks…it sucks hard.

I KNOW it’s not all true.

I KNOW that voice lies.

I KNOW it preys on my fears.

I KNOW it’s a collection of the voices of people from my past.  The people that planted their seeds of doubt, fear and failure.  And I’ve allowed them to take root, to grow, to flourish and bear fruit.

I KNOW it has no real power.

AND I KNOW that just because I hear it, it doesn’t mean it’s true.


my own worst enemy


THESE ARE ALL THINGS that I know…but after 30+ years how do you break the cycle of what amounts to lifelong emotional self-abuse?

I’M NOT SURE what the solution is, but I’m going to keep trying to be kind to myself, to understand that perfection is an unattainable (and boring) goal, to treat myself with love and acceptance and to know that trying my hardest really is good enough.

I’M GOING TO KEEP TRYING because if I don’t that means my inner-asshole was right all along…and while being right is one of my favorite things, this time I’d rather be wrong.


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images ::  i’m not listening – © alli woods frederick  ::  hater’s gonna hate – blimipcat  ::  love defend respect yourself – sacred and profane  :: 
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