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If you’re a crafter, artist, blogger or have some other clever and completely kick ass site or product you want to flaunt, let me help you get the word out.  Become a Kisses & Chaos sponsor.

You get a handy dandy ad in the size of your choosing in my lovely little sidebar right over here with all sorts of little perks and shout outs.



Get all the details here.

I can’t wait to have you as a member of the Kisses & Chaos family!


Kisses  & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image :: gossip! via tempus volat  ::
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“Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.”

– Bertrand Russell



Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image :: isabella blow by steven meisel
Posted in INSPIRE, LIFESTYLE | Tagged | Leave a comment



It’s one of those days when, even if every single one of those cups were filled to the brim with espresso it still wouldn’t be enough caffeine.  I’m having a hard time getting motivated.  I am draaaaaaaaging ass in a big way.  Where’s a bucket of B vitamins when you need them?  But we’re going to pretend I’m resting up for the weekend so I don’t feel quite so sloth-like & gross.  Okay?  Thanks for humoring me. *wink*


Little Links o' Love


  • I have long been a fan of shrinky dinks and have, over the years, made more than my fair share of necklaces out of them…but rings?  Shrinky dink rings?  Oh yes.
  • If someone can put their finger on why this article made me and a slew of other women feel so weird and really irritated I would be grateful.  I’ve tried to pinpoint why it evokes such a negative response but just can’t quite seem to figure it out.
  • I just discovered the photography of Nicholas Scarpinato and I am totally digging it.
  • Proof that not everyone in politics is a stiff, boring old codger with no sense of humor and bad taste.  Mad love to you, Paul Shawcross, Chief of the Science and Space Branch at the White House Office of Management and Budget…mad love to you.
  • Did you catch the Golden Globes last weekend?  I did…and boy was I disappointed.  I usually watch for the gorgeous gowns but they seemed to be in short supply.  Overall I was underwhelmed.  There were a few standouts like Jennifer Garner, Jessica Alba, Michelle Dockery and Kelly Osbourne but mostly the gowns were awkwardly styled, trendy and ill-fitting.  What do you think?
  • Have you ever wondered how to create the purrrfect (yeah I said it) cat eye?  Wonder no more.  This tutorial has you covered.
  • This photo series based on people’s tweets is fascinating.
  • Chubby book.  Gimme.
  • It’s no secret I have a deep and abiding love for Bruce Campbell.  I flipped for him when I saw him in Evil Dead II oh so many years ago.  Naturally my head almost exploded with rage when I found out Sam Raimi is remaking the cult film classic.  Color me appalled & disappointed.  Tsk tsk, Sam Raimi.  Tsk tsk.
  • No idea what the hell Evil Dead is?  Here’s the original trailer.



Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images  ::  the magic cups – nicholas scarpinato  :: 
Posted in BITS + BOBS | Tagged , | 2 Comments



In 2009 I decided to flex my creative muscles by undertaking a rigorous photo project, Project 365.  It involved taking a photo a day, every day, for a year.  I only made it through 2 months.  While I loved the challenge I simply couldn’t keep it up since I was working a full time job in a cubicle gig and had just started dating my husband.  It quickly fell by the wayside.


Enter Project 52


Project 52 is an abbreviated version of Project 365.  Instead of a photo a day I’m taking one photo a week for a year, which seems way more manageable.  I’ll be posting them here on the Project 52 page so you can follow along.

If you want to join me or if you’re already doing your own Project 52 leave a note in the comments with a link to your photos.  I want to create a list of other 52-er’s so we can stay connected and check out each other’s creations.  There are also flickr groups dedicated to Project 52 where you can share, network and get a little inspiration.  And if you’re worried about being behind, don’t be. It’s never too late to start…you can either shoot a few extras to catch up or just start now and end a few weeks into 2014.  There’s no rule that says you have to start on January 1st.  I’m currently posting mine a week after I shoot them so I have plenty of time to edit and make them just so.


Here are my shots for weeks 1 & 2:


we dont rent pigs web wm


project 52 week no 2murder house web wm

This time I’m making no excuses…instead I’m making a promise to myself:


I hereby promise I will finish Project 52.


You’re my witness.  If I don’t finish you have my permission to publicly shame me, call me out, point your finger, make me wear a red clown nose all day…you get the idea.

Here goes nothing!


52 Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


ps – Don’t forget to leave your Project 52 (or Project 365 for that matter) links in the comments!


images:  © 2013 alli woods frederick all rights reserved.
Posted in MY LIFE, PHOTOGRAPHY | Tagged , | 3 Comments


Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images::  cabin/fog/forest – rudolf vicek  ::  fog rolls in – shari-lynn  ::  road/fog – rudolf vicek  ::  endless fog – franco della dora  ::   rolling fog – yuekou  ::  golden fog in padua – jarmi  ::  fog – tommy au  ::  fog light – jeffrey johnson  ::
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