
Dear Universe,

As you are well aware, Universe, I totally went off on you the other week.  I told you off eight ways from Sunday.  I cursed a blue streak.  I kicked and screamed and gave you a royal tongue lashing.  I was mad. I was really mad. I have been going through some rather trying times and some pretty draining experiences and I, being human and being flawed, pointed my finger directly at you.

I was doing what I was supposed to be doing: focusing on the positive.  I was saying all my affirmations.  I was looking on the bright side.  I was asking you to provide me with all that I was requesting.  I was playing by the rules and was patiently waiting to attract the good and abundance that you offer, Universe.  Imagine my shock when it all began to unravel around me.

Everything came tumbling down, and where were you?  Where was the good?  Why were you doing this to me?

And that’s when I realized I was getting precisely what I asked for. I really was.  I had asked for you to provide me with all these wonderful gifts but what I failed to realize during all my ranting and raving and finger-pointing, during all my blaming, is that you were breaking down the things that were in my way. You had to clean house.  You had to raze the building to the ground to rebuild on the foundation that was there.  My dreams need room to manifest and you are creating a positive space for them to grow.  Does it hurt?  Hell yes.  Growing pains always do.  Am I still angry?  Nope.

Please accept my apology, Universe. I get it now.  I’m sorry I blamed you.  You did what needed to be done and now it’s my turn.   I’m doing the work you have asked of me and I know that you will take exceptional care of me and my family and provide for our greatest good.  Message received…and thank you.  You always know what’s best.

Thank you.

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credit: Stating the Obvious by roseonthegrey

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Change Your Thoughts.

Change Your Life.

We all need encouragement and support, each and every one of us.  Sometimes it can be so freakin’ hard to stay positive and focus on the wonderful things in our lives.  That’s why I’m writing you a prescription. I’m prescribing you a daily dose of positivity and inspiration that will be delivered straight to your inbox every Monday through Friday.  Starting right this very second I am offering subscriptions to Your Daily Dose™! Not familiar with Your Daily Dose™ ?  Check out this post.

When you subscribe to Your Daily Dose™ you’ll receive an awesome affirmation, delicious quote or tasty bit of inspiration along with a question of the week for you to ponder and it’s all topped off with a pretty, pretty picture.  You’ll even get the occasional worksheet and links to resources to help you maintain that positive mental attitude and attract all the love and abundance the universe has to offer.

Gimme, Gimme, Gimme!

So how do you sign up?  It’s crazy easy.  Just click the little buy now button below.  Easy peasy. (And you can cancel anytime, so no worries!)  As a special thank you I’m throwing in an 8×10 print of one of my Pocket Sized Positivity Cards for you to download, print and enjoy because I love you like that.

Remember: Change your thoughts.  Change your life.  Let’s do it!





Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

Posted in ANNOUNCEMENTS, MAGIC, THE HAUS OF CHAOS | Tagged , | Leave a comment

We had a visitor the other day.  Meet Tesla, the neighbor’s cat who loves to sprawl on our porch and tries to sneak into our house…the cute little stinker.

Me and Mischa…we’re…well…the caption says it all.  What can I say…I adore my little grey lion.

I went to Target the other morning and when I came out Alice Tinker (our Mini Cooper…she’s on the left.) had a new love interest.  How cute is that?

Hope you have a smashing weekend, my dears!

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

PS- Be sure to check back Monday.  I’ll be launching a new service and I’m really excited to share the news with you!

image credits:  all images by Alli Woods Frederick
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Today is Hindu God Ganesh’s birthday and Hindus the world over will be celebrating with a festival in his honor: Ganesh Chaturthi.  I have no idea how many candles he’ll be blowing out on his cake today, but I do know a few other things about my favorite elephant headed deity…and I’m totally going to share his awesomeness with you right now.  I have to warn you, I have a serious God-crush.

Ganesh Who?

Sri Ganesh is the remover of obstacles – the God of education, wisdom and knowledge.  He is known for his sense of humor, kindness and riding around on the back of an itty-bitty mouse.  If you have a problem, yo, he’ll solve it.  Check out his hook while his DJ revolves it.  Ganesh, Ganesh, baby.

What’s with the Elephant Head?

Here’s the abridged version…short and sweet:

So Shiva (a God) went off on a very long meditation retreat and left his wife, Parvati (a Goddess), at home alone.  Wanting to bathe but needing someone to stand watch, Parvati decided the best solution was to ask their son to stand guard.  Following his mom’s instructions, he stood at her door and stopped any and all from entering.  Unfortunately for Ganesh, Parvati failed to tell him about his father.  Shiva had been away so long that neither father nor son had ever met and knew nothing of each other.

Lord Shiva, upon returning home, was denied entrance by Ganesh.  Pissed beyond belief Shiva did what any  husband would do and cut off Ganesh’s head.  Parvati promptly (and understandably) flipped out.  Lord Shiva went to retrieve Ganesh’s head, but as (bad)luck would have it, it was nowhere to be found.  Upon seeing Parvati’s distress, a nearby elephant offered his own head so that her son could live.  A little duct tape and some super glue and that’s how you get a God with an elephant head.

Ganesh’s Milk Moustache

In 1995 and again in 2006 Ganesh murtis all over the world were witnessed by Hindus, non-Hindus, atheists and agnostics drinking offerings of milk.  These events, known as the Hindu Milk Miracle, were officially declared miracles by the Vishva Hindu Parishad.  Check out the video below.  Yes, you can see a little drip and a little dribble here and there…and some of the footage is not 100% convincing, but some of the footage shows level spoons being drained while being held up to the murtis.  There is no milk anywhere near the sides of the spoon.  I have to say this makes me smile…which I believe was precisely what Ganesh had in mind.

Mantras: They’re not Just

for Hippies Anymore

As I previously mentioned, Ganesh LOVES to help people out.  Had he been a boy scout he would have a billion citizenship merit badges.  He genuinely delights in lending a helping hand to those in need.  So how can you get Ganesh to give you a leg up?   How do you get his attention? Try one of his mantras. Mantras, at least in Western culture, have gotten a bad rap.  I blame this squarely on all those “gurus” that were running amok in the late 60’s and 70’s (thanks a lot guys!).  Try not to let them mislead you.  Words have power…and words that have been repeated for thousands of years have super-concentrated power.  Mantras are also relaxing and can help induce a meditative state.  Here are a few for you to try:

Aum Gam Ganapataye Namaha


Aum shrim hrim klim glaum gam
ganapataye vara varada sarva
janamme vashamanaya svaha


I know Sri Ganesh has provided me comfort in times of struggle and has helped me more times than I can count.  For those and many other reasons, I absolutely love him to bits.  Thank you, Sri Ganesh…and Happy Birthday!

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images:  sources unknown
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It’s been too long, old friend.  I have missed you, Jump For Joy.  I have been busy and neglected our friendship.  I want you to know that I am still grateful and mindful and giving love.  I have not forgotten you.  I was merely waylaid.  But now I am returned…and all the more grateful and appreciative of you, my dear gratitude list.  So let us tarry no longer.  Let us dive back into our gratefulness, our friendship, and splash about in the universal awesomeness with wild abandon and joy.  Here we go…

Jump for Joy:

The “C” Edition

*  Summer’s not over yet, so make yourself a refreshing lavender cordial.  It looks so delicious I’m tempted to climb right through the monitor and have a sip…of course it helps that I’m a sucker for all things purple.  *  Creating my life my way.  *  Circus themed everything!  But a few weeks ago Broken Hearts caught my attention.  How adorable are they?  I am digging them oodles.  *  Will Braden’s cat haikus. I discovered these year ago and they still make me giggle.  Care for a taste?  Here you go:

oh, I scratched the couch
does that upset you? you mad?
you had me neutered

Princess Tinkerbell?
you let that dumb kid name me?
first off, I’m a dude

New ideas and new chances to create happiness. *  Spring…er…late summer cleaning.  I believe your outer world is a direct reflection of your inner world…and vice versa.  It feels so wonderful to have a place for everything and everything in its place!  *  Bursts of creativity.  *  Creepy things popping up in stores.  Halloween is not far away and that means the stores are about to be overflowing with my favorite craft and home décor items: skulls, spiders, ghosts and all things spooky.  I love, Love, LOVE it!  *  Dana Tanamachi’s time lapse video (posted below) featuring her amazing creation on a chalkboard.Time with my family…it makes me feel so good.  *  My husband’s contagious laugh. It is, without a doubt, one of my favorite sounds in the universe and it puts a smile on my face every single time I hear it.  *  Snuggles & deep, profound conversations with Mischa the wonder cat.  I know you think I’m joking, but I’m totally  not.  He is amazingly perceptive and great at figuring out just what everyone needs to feel good.  I’m not crazy.  I have witnesses.  *  All of you, you beautiful, amazing and brilliantly delightful darlings.

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

Ace Hotel Room 1021 from Dana Tanamachi on Vimeo.

image credit: Letter C, in Neon (Crazy California) by Cobalt123  *   Cat by Andrew @ Cuba Gallery
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