Have you ever had one of those periods where you seem “off?” You know…where you feel slightly out of step with everyone and everything and nothing seems to quite work out the way you hoped? Aside from marrying the love of my life, that’s been the past 2 years for me in a nut shell; a series of false starts and setbacks.  Not that it’s been all bad.  Don’t get me wrong.  I have had much joy and love these past 2 years.  But something has been askew and now, after 2 years, I’m finally getting back on track.  I’m gettin’ my groove back…and groove is in the heart.  I’ve got my moxie, my mojo, my get it while it’s hot.  I can feel it.  Everything, it seems, is beginning to fall into place.

Jump For Joy:

(formerly Things I Love Thursday)

The Falling Into Place Edition

* The dentist.  I know some of you squirm at the word, but I love going to the dentist…even though I just had my first cavity in 20 years.  But if it weren’t for that cavity I wouldn’t have discovered my new Novocaine induced talent!  Check it out! (Sorry for the creepy, glazed expression, droopy face and odd speech, but that’s Novocaine for ya!)

* Knowing that even bullsh*t has an expiration date.  Woo to the Hoo!

* Shooting a wedding with Trinity Ridge Photography (they shot my wedding!)  Not only is Nicole an amazing photographer, she’s also a blast to work with!  She even wrote a guest post a few months ago about how to edit your photos like a pro using picnik. I love Trinity Ridge to bits!

Springbox Gallery. My photography will be on display as part of their Photon Extraordinary exhibit in September.  If you live in or around Portland, Oregon, go check it out.  I doubt I’ll make it up there and I would love to know all about it, so if you can make it, please write me and tell me all the details!  And take some pics if you can.  I’ll love you forever!

* This beautiful story about a life-saving wedding dress from World War II.

* My loving, wonderful and amazing family.  I love you all soooooooo much.

You! I hope your week has been filled with wonder and joy!

I now leave you with one of my favorite-est of favorite favorites:  The coolest hot air balloon EVER! (Now where’s the Death Star?  If there’s a Vader, there MUST be a death star!)

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credits:  There are no extra pieces in the Universe…by Jerrycharlotte *  Darth Vader Balloon by MartyCTX
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Step #1:

Believe in yourself.

If other people can achieve their dreams, why can’t you?

You Can Do It.

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credit: believe IN yourself by RightBrainTerrain.com
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I saw this video a couple of years ago and completely forgot about it until yesterday.  This little redheaded kid kicks some serious ass.  What’s so amazing about a kid dancing and why should you care??? Because he is a fantastic example of why being yourself is the ultimate in perfection.  We should all aspire to be more like this dancing whirlwind of wonder. 

This kid:

1)  Doesn’t care what you, I or anyone else thinks.  He’s just doin’ what he’s doin’ because he loves it.

2)  Has moxie.  He dances with gusto, power and passion.  He goes for it…plain and simple.

So what’s my point?

Where is your passion?  Is it out in the open or is tucked away under some dusty boxes hidden from view?  Are you embracing it?  Loving it?  Flaunting it? 

Are you giving it everything you’ve got?

If you said yes, then FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC!  If you said no then riddle me this:  What’s holding you back?  What’s stopping you from living your life with joy and passion?

Is it the fear of other people?  Of ridicule?  Of failure?  Of success?

Do you erect giant roadblocks to prevent you from living a life a joy?  I know I do…and you know what?  I’m ready to climb over them, go around them or find a detour.  Whatever it takes for me to live the life of my dreams, I’m going to do it. 

So what do you say?  Will you join me?
I’m ready to shake a tail feather.
I hope I see you on the dance floor.

Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick


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How are you doing this week, my dears? Well, I hope.  The honey and I had a wonderful Fourth of July.  What a fantastic holiday – full of fun, family and fireworks…oh how I love fireworks…and birthdays. Did I say birthdays?  Why yes I did and I had one last week!  It was so lovely.  We had a tea party and spent time with the family.  I love excuses to spend time with people I love and when cake is involved it makes it that much better.  I’m flush with love and happiness right now.  So here it comes, a bullet train filled with joy barreling towards you at breakneck speeds.  Don’t say I didn’t warn ya!

Things I Love Thursday:

The Twice As Nice Edition

"wedding photography by alli woods frederick"

*  I am so in love with love lately that I’m about to overdose on it.  Sick but true.

Fireworks. Did I mention how much I love them?  I really really really do.  I think my honey got annoyed because I was saying “Ohhhhhhhhhh. Wow!” after every single one.  What can I say…I like shiny things that go boom.

Open Lines on Coast to Coast AM.  I was listening to a rerun the other day on TuneIn (a GREAT app that saves what’s left of my sanity at work) and they had a line specifically for people who were “time travelers.”  Needless to say the phone calls were highly interesting…and one was particularly compelling…he was quite convincing.

*  Finding the right things at the right time.  Don’t you love it when that happens?  It makes life that much easier.

*  “She said I was white as a sheep.”  “You mean sheet.”  “No, Alli.  I mean sheep.”

*  Having a timeline.

Movie gaffs. Did anyone else notice that the female lead in Transformers III changed shoes about 3 or 4 times during the final scene of the movie?  She jumped from black flats to black heels to a beige pair, then back to black.  How did she manage to change shoes while running for her life?…and where in the world was she carrying them?  Hmmmm?  She had no bag!  Where in the world did she carry them?  I’m a bit disturbed by the possibilities.

My completely kick-ass new Skullcandy headphones.  My honey bought them for me for my birthday and I looooooooooooove them.  The sound quality is amazing and they have this steampunk vibe to them…all brown and brass and beautiful… *swoon*

*   New notebooks.  I have amassed a massive collection of notebooks over the years…notebooks for doodling, organizing ideas and inspiration, writing…you name it, I probably have a notebook for it.  And this one is all pretty and bright with flocking and foil.  It’s visually yummy.

*  Ballet.  Yes.  Ballet.  You wanna make something of it?


This photo. I can’t post it legally so you’ll just have to go look…and pass the link around.  It should be shared.

And on that note I believe I shall bid you all a good day.  I hope it is filled with love, joy and laughter.

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


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Happy 4th of July to all of you here in the states! There are few things I love more than watching a good fireworks display. Something about it just brings out my inner 5 year old. I become mystified and of a singular focus…every thundering boom that tickles my tummy makes me smile like a lunatic. But that’s neither here nor there….

Just because you’re awesome…

free downloadable 4th of july banner by alli woods frederickBecause you are so fantastically awesome I wanted to give you guys a gift. I have put together a free download for you! A “Star & Stripes Forever!” banner for you to print and hang at your celebrations on Monday. For best results I suggest printing it out on some good old thick white card stock. I hope you enjoy it!  Click here to download the pdf.

Have a safe and happy 4th of July!

Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick


image credits: Brilliant wall of fireworks by CodyWDWfan;  Stars & Stripes image by me.
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