Happy 2013


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

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xmas 2012_blog

I refuse to make this a review of all the crap on the internet from 2012.  That being said, I’ve read a couple of those & realized that I missed 99% of what they were talking about.  I’m out of the meme loop & I am above and beyond fine with that.  Ok.  I confess the ERMERGHERD’s were pretty damn funny.  Brian & I spent an entire evening looking them up & laughing our asses off (ERMERGHERD SKERSGERD!)…and I did get completely annoyed by those f’in Marilyn memes, but aside from those two exceptions I remain blissfully unaware of them.  I have never been one to pay much attention to popular media.

So instead of a yearly roundup I give you all sorts of new link-y goodness for you to peruse & enjoy.  Happiest of Happy New Year’s, kids.  I lurves ya!

  • Bob Hope & Katherine Hepburn did a movie together?!?!?!?  How did I, lover of all things Bob, not know this?  I came across it while looking Turner Classic Movies rare movie section, The Vault Collection.  I am sooooo adding this to my shopping list.  Hell yes.
  • So my honey & I have been talking about buying a house, which is only completely intimidating.  Needless to say I was happy when I stumbled across this first time home buyer’s guide on HGTV’s site.  It walks you through the home buying process step by step, which totally helped quell my anxiety.
  • Guinea Pigs are so freakin’ adorable…and don’t even get me started on those funny little noises they make.  CUTE!
  • I wrote 52 Doses with the belief that we can change our thoughts & learn to be happier…and numerous studies agree.  Kick ass.
  • I think I’m going to give my closet a makeover by following this plan to purge.
  • I’ve been coming across a lot of comments on other sites about political correctness & cultural appropriation which led me to google “I’m sick of political correctness.”  That’s when I came across this post.  What do you think?  Are we becoming a culture of thin-skinned wimps?  Do we need to toughen up or does political correctness create a kinder society?
  • Have you ever wanted style advice from Dita Von Teese?  Now you can get it.  Read Dita’s words of fashion wisdom here.
  • Want to make your dull winter skin glow but can’t afford the price tag that comes along with a spa visit?  Gala Darling teaches you how to make your own pumpkin facial peel.  I’ll be testing this recipe tonight.
  • Andrea over at the Creative Dream Incubator talks about chasing your dream while dealing with haters.
  • Did you miss The Walking Dead’s Christmas Special?  Yes.  That’s what I said.  A Zombie Christmas special…because Little Links O’ Love wouldn’t be the same without zombies.
  • This week we’ll close with something sentimental: Steve Martin & Bernadette Peters singing “You Belong To Me.”   Not only is this song 100% sweet, but Steve Martin was one of my first crushes (he came after Bob Hope, so I must have been about 3 or 4 years old) & my honey & I danced to it at our wedding.  Awwwwwwwwww.





Holiday Kisses & Merry Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images: alli woods frederick
Posted in BITS + BOBS, PHOTOGRAPHY, ZOMBIES | Tagged , , | Leave a comment


“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”

– Marilyn Monroe


a lesson in being awesome


You are amazing, wild, weird, and wonderful.  You are.  Never doubt it.  Never question it.  You are beautiful.  You are perfectly perfect just as you are.  Shout if from the rooftops.

Make no apologies. 

Be proud. 

Be you.


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image: vogue uk
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Well what do you know.  December 21st has come & gone & we’re still alive.  Quelle surprise.  We wouldn’t be humans if we didn’t dream up some new cataclysm or other every few years.  Why we’re quietly obsessed with our own annihilation I can’t say, but I can say that it’s always interesting to see how people respond to such predictions, that’s for damn sure. 

Case in point:

On December 31, 1999, I was on my way to spend New Year’s Eve in New Orleans where I partied like it was 1999 (and yes, that song was played ad nauseum that night) while some people I knew stuffed their alice packs with survival gear & MREs & then they hightailed it to their bug out location in a cave in the middle of nowhere.  *insert sad trombone sound here*

What about you?  Were you worried about the Mayan Prophecy & the end of the world?  Do you buy into predictions of the end times?

Here are some decidedly non-end-of-the-world-y links of yummy goodness:

  • These DIY cookie envelopes would make the perfect packaging for some holiday cookie party favors.
  • Of course if you’re going to fill those cookie envelopes then you need cookies.  These red velvet cookies are festive (and look delicious).  Not a fan of red velvet? (Blasphemer!) These dark chocolate chip & sea salt cookies look scrumdiddlyumptious too.
  • Work of those cookie calories by walking through this massive 7.5 acre outdoor assemblage art installation by Noah Purifoy.  It’s pretty fantastic.
  • Do you love the design & nostalgia of vintage typewriters?  Do you like to support the arts?  Kill two birds with one stone.  Support the upcoming book “The Typewriter: A Graphic History of the Beloved Machine .”
  • I would love to have these floating sculptures in my dream garden.
  • Since we’re getting all artsy-fartsy up in this joint, why not add some interest to your dining table with some DIY Rorschach test placemats.
  • Remember making paper snowflakes in elementary school?  Well paper snowflakes have grown up…& they’ve grown up to be goth.  I love these diy skull snowflakes.
  • Leaders in the small Serbian village Zorazje discuss their vampire problem with ABC news…and let me tell ya, their vampire doesn’t sparkle.  Sava Savanovic means business.
  • This article on rejection & its effect on creativity is pretty interesting.  How do you respond to rejection? 
  • A short film about a zombie in a penguin suit?  Yup. A zombie in a penguin suit. 
  • These cartoons have been around for years, but I like to revisit them every now & then. Playwright August Strindberg waxes poetic with his pink balloon friend, Helium.  Strindberg & Helium.
  • And finally I leave you with this bit of beauty – a video of a floating lantern festival…it’s like a dream.


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image:  via living the liminal
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Pisces Moon
Earlier this week I noticed a strange shift in energy.  Maybe you noticed it too.  I had gone from happy & upbeat to dour & in the dumps for no reason at all – at least not any reason I could think of.  I also came down with a cold & started having hyper-vivid dreams (which I chalked up to being under the weather).

I was talking to my friend, life coach Deb Smouse, the other day and I filled her in on all the weirdness. A little while later she shot me a note on twitter: 

“Having strange dreams? The moon in Pisces may be to blame.”


Curiosity piqued. Come to find out EVERYTHING that had been going on in my life was a “symptom” of the moon in Pisces.


So what, exactly, happens when the moon is in Pisces?


Pisces Moon



It controls everything.  Our mood takes center stage while rational thought…wait…what’s this rational thought of which you speak?  Yup.  It pretty much vanishes as our heart takes control of all our decision making. We become highly empathic and want to help those who are hurting during a Pisces moon. It can be easy to take on the pain and suffering of those around us.  This can a problem for some of us because when the moon is in Pisces our mood can take a sharp turn towards the melancholy. We may find ourselves feeling overwhelmingly sad and unable to pinpoint why.

The Pisces moon also causes a surge in creativity along with that boost in empathy. This can be a great to focus on creative projects (or should I say TRY to focus – we’ll address our concentration in a moment).  It can also cause hyper-vivid dreams. (See how this is all starting to fit together?)  Since we are more intuitive during this time period they may or may not be worth paying attention to…only you know for sure.



Pisces Moon


The moon in Pisces also manifests as…wait…what was I talking about?  I forgot what I was saying because I saw something shiny outside which made me think of this book I read and it was so sad.  Boohoo.  Oh yeah! The moon in Pisces also manifests as distraction.  We have a hard time focusing.  Concentration takes a big ol’ flying leap out the window.  Between the moodiness & lack of focus it’s a miracle if anything gets done at all.  Our productivity takes a major hit right in the kisser which sucks in a big way since we’re overflowing with inspiration.

We’re also more susceptible to colds, flus and viruses in general during this time.  Batten down our immune system’s hatches by taking our vitamins (zinc is a great one for fending off & getting over little bugs…at the first sign of a sniffle I start taking Zicam and it works like a charm!), drinking lots of orange juice and getting a good night’s sleep.  As delicious as your friend’s eggnog chai with whipped cream and caramel drizzle might seem, resist the urge to take a sip…grab one for yourself & reduces the risk of catching a cold.


How to channel a Pisces moon


So now that we know a little about how it affects us, what can we do about it? Here are some of the best ways to channel the energy of the moon in Pisces:


Pisces Moon



Give all that dreamy, mood-enhancing energy the outlet it deserves.  Write a poem.  Paint.  Draw.  Put on a one woman play for the neighbors.  Take up busking like this fella did.  Whatever you do, create.


Pisces Moon



Light some candles, put a couple of drops of lavender oil in the water, turn on some bliss inducing Sigur Ros (or whatever will help you drift away on big billowy clouds of yesssss) and relax.


Pisces Moon



…or, if you suck at meditation like I do, bust out your mat and do some yoga. Did you know there are websites that offer online yoga classes and some of them are – wait for it – FREE!

Pisces Moon


…grab a bowl of popcorn and have a film festival complete with fuzzy blankets, four legged friends and footed pajamas all in the comfort of your living room.




…with your favorite furball or the love in your life and give all those rampant emotions someplace to go.  Shower them with adoration and warm fuzzy goodness.

So next time you’re feeling weird maybe a Pisces moon is to blame.  A quick internet search can confirm your suspicions…then all you need to do is act accordingly.

While the moon in Pisces can be fraught with emotional tidal waves and restless sleep (my dreams have run the gamut from taking ex-boyfriends to the hospital, getting a makeover inside a dark twisting labyrinth filled with black lights & electronic music, and being a mom to a 3 year old boy in the 1830’s to being beaten by an angry mob with large tins of canned food & massive glass jars of pickled eggs…restless indeed!) it can also be enriching & soothing.  Just relax, go with the flow & try to enjoy the Pisces moon for what it is – expansive, dreamy & overflowing with emotion…which can all be good things when channeled properly.


Kisses  & Moon-induced Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick


images::  unknown  ::  tim walker – vogue italia  ::  laurie bartley – vogue nippon   ::  ink bottles – imaekelley  ::  jeanne crain by peter stackpole  ::  via yoga & blueberries  ::  couple watching a movie – brett morrison  ::  me & mischa © 2012 alli woods frederick
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