mischa collage


The holidays are just around the corner which means most of us are about to go on shopping & crafting frenzies (if we haven’t started already).  If you’re anything like me then the best part of the holidays is giving gifts to the people you love.  It’s the best feeling in the world to see their faces light up as they open that little something that they never knew they wanted until the very moment they lay eyes on it.  It really is awesome.  But during this holiday season let’s not forget some of our favorite family members of all…our furry family members.

I know it can be easy to take care of your bipedal besties first and put your cute cuddle buddy on the back burner, but why not add your pets to the top of your shopping list this year?  Think of all the amazing things your little furballs do for you.  They are always happy to see you.  They give you comfort when you’re sad.  They make you laugh.  They snuggle with you when you watch scary movies.  They give you unconditional love.  And I’m pretty sure they would give you a kidney if you needed one.  Sure they get into the trash and leave the occasional hairball on the floor (which you inevitably find with your bare feet as you stumble to the kitchen in the morning for that first cup of coffee) but what they give us in return is priceless.  Let’s give them a little extra love this year by spoiling them more than we usually do.  Short on ideas?  Let this holiday shopping guide for your furry friends inspire you.


Fluffy Felines

kitty gift

custom cat portrait   |  modern bamboo cat bed  |  modern cat tree  |    red & cream catnip infused cat bed   |  midcentury modern litter box cover  |  handmade fortune cookie cat toy  |  blue and white flipper felt cat toys  | 


Precious Pupsdog gifts


|  custom pet portraits:  1  2  3  |  pink bow foam dog toy  |  custom dog tags  |  shabby chic dog bed  |  mustache & squeaky ball dog toy  | 


Do you buy your pets presents?What is the most outrageous gift you’ve ever bought for your little ball of fur?  Did your little buddy love it?   Do tell, do tell!


Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick


images:  me and mischa © 2012 alli woods frederick.  all rights reserved.
Posted in LIFESTYLE, TIPS + TRICKS | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Two weeks ago we covered 1-5 of The Greatest Mysteries of All Time.  It ranged from ancient alien encounters to a mysterious pit on an island off the coast of Canada which has claimed the money and lives of would-be treasure hunters.  Today we tackle the final mysterious 5.  Strange sounds, murder and mass animal deaths abound as we delve into the world of the unknown and unsolved.  Let’s get our spooky on, shall we?

6) The Bloop


In 1997 a strange sound was recorded by U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration off the southwestern tip of South America.  The sound has been named “the bloop.”  What was so strange about this noise?  Well while its signature is similar to other underwater creatures, it is not an exact match to any known species.  It was loud…very loud.  It was so loud it was recorded over 3000 miles away.  That’s like standing in New York yelling “Hello” at the top of your lungs to your friend in LA and having not only your friend in LA hear you but a man in a boat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean hear you too.  Yeah.  Can you imagine how big an animal would have to be to create a sound that loud?  Let us all hold hands and say “Holy Crap” together.  Thank you, Bloop, for giving me another reason to not want to swim in large bodies of dark, open water.


7) The Sailing Stones of Death Valley


Rocks in Death Valley move without any assistance from animal or man leaving long trails behind them in the dirt.  Sitting still for years at a time, the stones leave unusual trails that are far from uniform in direction or length.  Some are straight while some zigzag.  Some are long while others are short.  Some run parallel to each other and others go off at wild angles.  First noted in 1948 the sailing rocks have left scientists scratching their heads for decades.  The current popular theory involves ice (it gets mighty cold out there), water and wind but it cannot be confirmed since no one has ever witnessed the rocks move.  Until someone is able to document the actual movement of the sailing stones of Death Valley it will remain a mystery.

8) The Mass Animal Deaths of 2011

Possibly the most terrifying of all the mysteries listed, this is the stuff nightmares and horror novels are made of.  It all began on New Year’s day in 2011 in a small town in Arkansas.  People awoke to thousands of dead red winged black birds littering the yards and streets leaving scientists grasping at straws to explain the die off.  That was followed by more in Louisiana.  Then it was hundreds of thousands of barrel fish, once again in Arkansas.  The list of the dead quickly began to grow.  But it wasn’t isolated to Arkansas or even North America.  It was spanning the globe…


Turtle doves in Italy…more birds in Texas…fish in New Zealand, Brazil and Florida…millions of fish in Maryland…crabs in the UK…alligators in South America…buffalo in Vietnam…cows in Wisconsin…

This was not an isolated event.  Millions upon millions of animal died all over the globe within a few short weeks.  Some point to environmental factors as the cause even though no solid evidence has been found to support the claim.  Others fear it is the beginning of the end – a sign of the apocalypse.  Scientists still have not discovered the cause.


9) Roswell

If you haven’t heard of Roswell  & the conspiracies surrounding it then I have to wonder if you grew up in a cult where you weren’t allowed to watch TV, read books or talk to any other living person on the planet.  Considered by many to be not only the greatest government cover-up of all time but the greatest UFO story ever, The Roswell Crash still creates controversy, even after 60 years and numerous official statements by the United States Military regarding the nature of the event.

The Facts

On July 8, 1947 public information officer Walter Haut of the United States Air Force issued a press release stating that a “flying disc” which had crashed on a ranch outside Roswell, New Mexico, had been recovered.  Within 24 hours the military recanted and claimed the debris was actually from a radar-tracking balloon.


There are many who believe the initial report was accurate & that the second statement was the beginning of very large and elaborate cover-up by the United States government to hide the existence of extra-terrestrial life visiting Earth…and over the years both civilian and military eye witnesses have come forward to substantiate the claims that the recovered object was, in fact, of alien origin.  There are even claims that alien bodies were recovered from the crash site and transported, along with the wreckage, to other air force bases.

There have been so many stories told on the subject, so many accounts and so much “documentation” that  being able to discern what truly happened in Roswell has essentially become an impossibility.  There are hundreds of books and documentaries on the subject should you decide to delve further into the conspiracy.

My personal views? I do believe an alien craft was recovered in Roswell but I am not onboard with many of the more elaborate conspiracy theories (such as the Majestic 12 & the “leaked” documents which I believe to be a hoax).  I doubt we will ever truly know what happened in Roswell that summer.  The only people who know the truth are long dead and still aren’t talking.  The event will remain a mystery.


10) The Zodiac Killer


Serial killers are seriously creepy & screwed up in a major way, no doubt about it, but of all the serial killers out there when it comes to creepy & weird behavior the Zodiac Killer takes the prize. He terrorized Northern California during the 1960’s and 1970’s, taking the lives of 7 people.

What made him different?

He loved attention…media attention.  He would regularly send taunting letters (several written in cipher nonetheless) to the press.  In these letters he claims a total of 37 victims and while 7 is the official count there are some who believe his boasts might have been closer to the truth citing murders that occurred before and after his “active” period.



He also engaged in some very odd behavior, even by serial killer standards.  The Lake Berryessa attacks are a perfect example.  In September of 1969 a young couple were enjoying a nice picnic at Lake Berryessa.  The Zodiac, dressed in an executioner’s hood, clip-on sunglasses, and a bib with a large cross hair on it, proceeded to make his presence known by playing an odd game of one man hide and seek in some nearby trees.  He eventually approached the couple brandishing a gun.  He gave a lengthy story about being an escaped convict in need of their car and money.  I won’t go into detail about the attack but when he was finished he took the time to vandalize the victims’ car with the same cross hair on his bib as well as an unusual message for the police.  Immediately after the attack The Zodiac stopped to call the police from a payphone to notify them of what he’d done.  When the police arrived at the payphone few minutes later he was nowhere to be found.

Although there were several suspects The Zodiac Killer was never caught.  Vallejo Police Department is still looking for leads which can be submitted via their website and the case remains open in both Riverside and Napa County.



What mysteries get your mind whirling and twirling with questions? 

Which ones would you add to the list?



Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

images:  |  scary-ass monster via io9  |  sailing stone via UCSB  |  redwing black birds via the ny times  |  fish via interact blogs |  map via fox news insider  |   roswell newspaper via aim press  |  roswell crash site via x-files wiki  |  wanted poster via zodiac Killer |  zodiac via the mind of a serial killer  |
Posted in THE UNEXPLAINED | Tagged , , | 3 Comments



This past year I underwent a massive and I mean MASSIVE amount of painful change and upheaval in my life.  When I say massive upheaval what I really mean is excruciatingly painful, agonizing, rip-your-world-apart, never-be-the-same-again, catastrophic change…if you think I’m exaggerating then I will remind you I am a cancer survivor and that experience didn’t come close to touching what I went through over the past year.  I don’t know that I’m ready to share the details of what I went through…hell, I don’t know if I’ll ever want to talk about it here, but my point is that over the past 365 days I’ve been to hell and back.  The “and back” is the important part of that statement.


“If you are going through hell, keep going.”

-Winston Churchill


For a long time I felt like I was a slave to my mood.

My mood was something apart from me…separate and beyond my control.  Be it good or bad, my mood was my mood and I was, for all intents and purposes, married to it for however long it lasted.  I had read all the books and heard all the testimonies of people who espoused such clever (and, let’s be honest, somewhat obnoxious) beliefs as “turn that frown upside down” and “only you can make you happy.”  I always thought…

“Well that’s a load of shit. I’m in a bad mood because X,Y & Z happened.  I have every right to be pissed off and miserable about it for as long as I damn well please.”

And you know what?  I was right.  I did have every right to be pissed off and miserable about it…but I didn’t have to be.  I’m not sure when it happened, but one day it actually clicked. I GOT IT.  It really is a choice, happiness.  Awful things happen to all of us.  That’s part of living.  Some days you’re the bird and some days you’re the worm.  Some things are beyond our control, but how we react isn’t.  We are 100% responsible for our actions and REactions.  This epiphany prompted me to take action.  I began a daily newsletter called “Your Daily Dose” to help myself and others explore this new path and to help start each day with a dose of joy and love.  Your Daily Dose chugged along for a little while but it began to take up a lot of my time and I could no longer give it the love and attention it deserved so it fell by the wayside.

*Cut to 7 months later*


 As I sifted through the remnants of my shattered life I thought back to “Your Daily Dose.”  It was “Your Daily Dose” that gave me the idea to write while I processed and healed from my ordeal.  And write I did.  I wrote about the things that mattered to me.  I wrote about the things that made me smile, the things that really counted, and how I could build on them.  The writing helped me focus on the good in life and on the days when no good could be found it helped me through the bad.  Either way it was healing.  When I felt I had said all I had to say I realized something:


This might help people.
This might encourage good in the world.



And that’s when “52 Doses: A Prescription for 52 Weeks of Positivity, Love & Growth” was conceived.  It has taken a year to transform my ramblings into what they are now – a book that will help you pop emotional wheelies and make mental donuts in the parking lot…a book that makes the process of discovering your happiness fun & practical…a book that gives you time to process it all.

52 Doses is a collection of reflections, quotes and thoughts to help move you to a place of positivity, happiness & love.  I created cute and fun little play sheets for you too, because what fun is anything without the…well…FUN?


What others are saying about 52 Doses


confessionsAMANDA OAKS OF KIND OVER MATTER: “52 Doses is visually & verbally charged with both practical & profound ways to help you recognize & cure your habits of pessimism & bring your optimism back to health. It is chock full of artful messages, valuable intentions, sage wisdom, insightful questions & exercises to help you dance through your days in a lovingly upbeat & offbeat way. Fun, quirky & completely badass, 52 Doses is the perfect fix.”

I want to share Week 14 (& its worksheet ) with you as a gift. The week’s theme is self-forgiveness, which seems to be something we could all use some help with from time to time.  You can download Week 14 here.  It’s short, simple and to the point.  I truly hope you enjoy it.
52 weeks small ad


My life has come full circle.  That which I thought was destroyed has been rebuilt like the million dollar man – bigger, better and stronger than before.  It’s better than ever and I am so very very eternally grateful for that fact.  My heart soars and sings when I think about it.  I feel truly blessed.  I have learned that the impossible is possible…and that’s a helluva a thing.  I hope you recognize the blessings in your life today and everyday…and may you achieve the impossible.

So here it is. Just for you.


52 ideas.
52 chapters of love.
52 opportunities to consider something new.


Writing this provided me with a massive amount of healing and I hope it does the same for you. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to love yourself. You deserve to be loved. We all do. I sincerely hope 52 Doses will help you along your path.

Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick


52 weeks small ad

Ebook: $12
Add to Cart View Cart


image:  Terry Dixon/Getty Images  |  HELP by Christopher Lee
Posted in ANNOUNCEMENTS, LIFESTYLE, MY LIFE, THE HAUS OF CHAOS | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment


I don’t know about you but I’m pretty well sick of any and all political conversations.  Not because of the ads and debates and news stories but because of the complete lack of grace and taste from both the ungracious winners and the sore losers.  Didn’t anyone teach them that if they don’t have anything nice to say they shouldn’t say anying at all?  So what do you say we set it all aside and focus on happier topics for a little while – topics like Danish pancakes and getting swilly on spiked apple cider.

“Danish pancakes and spiked apple cider you say?”


God bless America.

  • I’ve been advocating drawing on your face since 1995.  Now it’s finally getting the fashion cred it deserves.
  • Just when you thought Pinterest couldn’t get more addictive they announce secret boards.  Oh crap.  Now we can pin like ninjas.
  • Gala Darling and Veronica Varlow give you an inside look at hurricane Sandy & their experiences at the heart of the storm.
  • Speaking of hurricane Sandy, here’s info on how you can help.
  • Are you on instagram?  Are you a style addict?  Then check out Coast to Coast Challenge for weekly instagram fashion contests.
  • I am totally digging the heart rings over at Luxurious Poverty.
  • Getting ready to deck the halls but like your holidays a little less traditional?  Check out SWSitchery’s little bat ornament.  Adorable!
  • Little Links o’ Love would hardly be the same if there wasn’t a zombie mention somewhere…so here are two!  First up?  A little film about the zombie kitty apocalypse.  And we’ll follow that up with the trailer for the upcoming movie World War Z (rest assured there will a more in-depth post about my love/hate relationship with this book as well as my concern over Brad Pitt’s involvement on the film at a later date).   I hate to admit it looks good…and best of all it will be out for my birthday in June.  Nothing says Happy Birthday like battling hoards of the undead.


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image:  via KEKB FM  |  via A Beautiful Mess  | 
Posted in BITS + BOBS | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Wisdom of Patti Smith

“To me, punk rock is the freedom to create, freedom to be successful, freedom to not be successful, freedom to be who you are. It’s freedom.“

– Patti Smith



Let’s all be punk as f*ck, shall we? Oh yes, we shall.”
The Wisdom of Patti Smith
The Wisdom of Patti Smith

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images: all images © Judy Linn
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