“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”

– Oscar Wilde



Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick

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ways to drive a woman crazy in bed

Alright, ladies & gents, we’re going to get honest now…really honest.  Some of you may want to take notes because I’m about to drop some serious knowledge on you.  Think of this as your personal Bedroom 101 class. I’m going to reveal secrets – honest & raw secrets of *whispers* the bedroomI’m going to dish the dirt on the things that REALLY drive women crazy in bedno holds barred.  This is as real as real gets, so grab your pen and paper and let’s get started, shall we?


5 Ways to Drive a Woman Crazy in Bed


Secret No. 1: Half Animal, Half Man

ways to drive a woman crazy in bed

There is nothing quite like snuggling with the one you love.  Your legs are intertwined and then you do it.  You move your legs and scrape your talon-like toenails across our feet.  YUCK!  You are not half hawk!  Cut those damn nails!  We do not want to be impaled by your toes while we sleep.  This is basic self-care.  Invest the 3 bucks in a pair of nail clippers and use them pretty please.  And while we’re on the subject of feet…

Secret No. 2: We Don’t Like It Rough

You are manly and men don’t concern themselves with having pretty feet.  We get that.  We really do.  But toenails are just the tip of the basic foot care iceberg.   Not only does it drive us batty when you rake your claws across us…we also don’t like it when you drag your dry, cracked, scaly & insanely rough heels against us either.  We love to exfoliate, but not with our lovers’ feet.  Next time you’re at the store, grab a pumice stone (Pumice stones are manly, aren’t they?  They’re used in Lava soap, so they must be manly.) & when you’re in the shower scrub those feet!  Your feet don’t need to be pretty, polished & perfect but we would appreciate the bare minimum of maintenance.  It will only take you two minutes and we would be really really really grateful.

Secret No. 3: Human Plastic Wrap

Who doesn’t love a good snuggle?  Seriously.  Who?  Even the best snuggles can turn bad when you become human plastic wrap.  No matter where we move in the bed, no matter what position we sleep in you are on us in a never-ending and uncomfortable snuggle.  We are the fly…you, the fly strip trapping us in a perpetual spoon.  A little snuggle while falling asleep or in the morning is fantastic but when you stick to us all night it makes sleeping comfortably damn near impossible.  The solution?  Try a body pillow or even a teddy bear (we promise we won’t tell your buddies).  They might be worth a try.

Secret No. 4: Hoarding

Some of you possess a very unique skill.  Some of you, regardless of the size of the bed or the bedding, manage to hoard all of it.  Give you a king size bed with king size sheets and you still manage to take up 95% of both.  You are bed hoarders.  This royally sucks for us ladies for obvious reasons.  We don’t like clinging desperately to the edge of the bed and breaking our nails as we try to hang on to that one tiny piece of sheet that is just barely big enough to cover our asses.  Sadly, I know of no solution to this issue other than late night wrestling matches (during which you never seem to wake up…or move) which accomplish very little or you making a concerted effort to be more mindful…which is damn near impossible to do while sleeping.  If anyone knows of a practical solution to this problem, then please share with the rest of the class.

Secret No.5: Midnight TKO’s

Few things are more startling than being awakened out of a deep, restful sleep by someone knocking the ever-loving crap out of you.  The flailing, thrashing, twisting, kicking and punching that some of you subject us to borders on abuse.  What in the world are you dreaming about anyway, alligator wrestling?  Were you a UFC fighter in a past life?  This is no way to live.  No sir.  What to do about it?  Restraints & straight jackets.  Seriously.  Of course you could always try an over the counter sleep aid.  I really like Dream Water.  It has melatonin & a few other amino acids in it but doesn’t give you the crazy-assed dreams that plain ol’ melatonin does.  It just might do the trick (but I’d still keep those restraints handy just in case).

What drives you crazy in bed?  All you men out there – feel free to chime in too!

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images:  Taylor Porta 800 – Illusive Photography  |  via Fox News  |  grubby foot – sharyn morrow  |  2/365 days of marriage – stephanie  |  the bed – Porsche Brosseau  |  boxing gloves – john streider  |
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 zombie films


In honor of World Zombie Day (which is today) I have put together a list of 10 essential zombie films ranging from hilarious to horrifying.  Some I’m sure you’ve seen (or at least should have seen…if you haven’t seen Shaun of the Dead yet then I’m very very worried about you) others, not but they are all worth a watch (or 10).  Now get over to Netflix and queue these bloody babies up!



zombie films


This movie made me rethink my opinion of cheerleaders. I think this may be the first zombie movie I ever saw.  Ah, the memories.


 **email subscribers: click here to watch the video**



zombie films


If a zombie doesn’t know it’s a zombie, is it still a zombie?






For those who like their brain eating topped off with a big ol’ slice o’ cheese. So bad it’s good.






There’s nothing worse than a bunch of nazi zombies ruining your vacation.  Laugh it up now, Chuckles, because it’s creepier than you’d think. (There’s even a quick nod to Evil Dead II and Dead Alive.  Let me know if you catch them.)






Peter Jackson does zombies. Some of the best movie quotes of all times, not to mention a zombie killing kung fu priest. This film also answers the question “Can zombies have babies?”







Leave It To Beaver with zombies.  This may well be the one and only zombie film you will ever refer to as sweet & adorable.






No survival plan for the zombie apocalypse?  Sod it.  Pop down to the pub! How very, very English.






Nut up or shut up and don’t forget your cardio.  Woody Harrelson at his finest.






Short & sweet….without the sweet. Zombies take over Berlin. (Note to self: don’t partner up with a heartbroken, love sick fool when the zombies take over the planet. Being lovesick effects judgment.)





Ever wonder what it would be like to live in the Big Brother house? Ever wonder what it would be like to live in the Big Brother house when the Zombie Apocalypse happens? Wonder no more. This is an absolutely brilliant BBC mini-series that will scare the shit out of you.




For a pretty damn comprehensive list of zombie movies big and small check out the zombie movie page on wikipedia.


Bloody Kisses & Zombie Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick

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Feminazis Have Ruined The Feminism


I was reading Gala Darling’s recent post, “Feminism Wasn’t Supposed To Make Us Miserable,” and it made me start thinking about something…




Before anyone gets miffed thinking I’m attacking feminism, allow me to explain. A feminazi is an extremist who tells you that being a stay at home mom is degrading and harmful to all women, that makeup and shaving make you subservient to men and the masculine/mass media idea of beauty, that real feminists don’t play with the boys – they play against them – and that doing anything other than that makes you an ignorant traitor to your gender and to feminism. 

I have one word regarding those beliefs: Bullshit.





Feminazis Have Ruined The Feminism

“Modern feminism has become about mandatory consensus and stipulating to an entirely liberal ethical code.”

-via Sodahead


Some extreme feminists have made feminism more about conforming to what they think a woman should be as well as duking it out with and, in some cases, even the outright hatred of men.  But what feminism is really about is a woman’s right to choose the life that makes her happy and to be free and equal to men.


Feminazis Have Ruined The Feminism


Real feminism respects a woman’s choice to enjoy feeling attractive or being a housewife or a CEO who kicks ass and takes names, to having hairy armpits or not – whatever she chooses.

Feminism should be about female empowerment & equality, not being in combat against men or forcing women to conform to a different (read as ‘their’) ideal of what a woman should be.


Feminazis Have Ruined The Feminism


True feminism is about supporting all women and allowing us to create our own standards and establishing our own independent ideas of what it means to be a woman.

I like to look nice because I have respect for myself and I enjoy it.  I like how I feel when I’m gussied up and look good.  It’s fun, damn it.  

If I have a child someday I fully plan on staying at home with it not because it’s “right” or because I “have to” but because I choose to do so. That doesn’t mean I am any less of a woman or a feminist nor does it mean I am kowtowing to men or begging for their approval. It’s what I want, what makes me happy and my freedom to choose those things…and THAT is what true feminism is about.


Feminazis Have Ruined The Feminism

“If we want to be good feminists, real feminists, then we should embrace women, regardless of their political agendas and beliefs.”

-via Sodahead


*end diatribe*


Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick




Posted in BITS + BOBS, CULTURE | Tagged | 3 Comments


As many of you know I have loved Adam Ant since I was 8 years old when I first saw him on Nick Rocks. (Wow, I totally dated myself with that reference.) Seeing him play live has been on my list of dreams for ages so when I heard he was touring the US for the first time in 16 years I was beyond excited.  THEN my super-sweet friend Aimee informed me that she was taking me to the Dallas gig (thank you Aimee!)Mind Officially Blown.  (Now THAT is an awesome friend.) 


The show was amazing.  The man still has it.  I rocked out, sang at the top of my lungs & danced my ass off.

My sole disappointment was his complete lack of sartorial creativity.  He merely took an old persona, stuck a new hat on it and made up some gibberish about  Kings [of the Wild Frontier]  20 years later & Napoleon in Russia.  Sorry,  but I’m not buyin’ it.   I have always loved the characters and aesthetic that Adam created.  He was daring and original and he made it work as part of his ever evolving brand.  It was part of the Adam Ant package & it was gold.   Not familiar with Adam’s different styles?

Adam through the ages:




His new “style?”   *insert sad trombone sound here*  You can see for yourself.  Fashion regurgitation.

Quel dommage.

Sartorial laziness aside, I am still glowing from the show.  It was brilliant.  I had an amazing time.   I can now check dream #23 off my life to-do list.

On to the next.

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

Dog Eat Dog – shot by yours truly at The Granada, Dallas, Texas (September 21, 2012).

(Sorry for the video starting sideways…even when I shoot video I still think like a photographer.  It takes me a minute to remember “Alli!  You can’t shoot video vertically!  Turn the damn camera!”)



images:  © 2012 Alli Woods Frederick.  All rights reserved.
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