I have, admittedly, been not only Instagram impaired lately, but posting impaired as well.  I have been a bit distracted lately.  Spring fever?  Sure.  Let’s blame spring fever.  It was a legitimate excuse when I was in school so why can’t I use it now?


What’s that?  You say I can?
Well hot damn!


My Life in Instagram-vision:


Ahhhh…fortune cookie wisdom.

Spring Sprang Sprung Fever


The Secret Garden Mutation No.1


A zombie love story.  Yes.  Really.  But it’s so much more.  Read it.  Gorgeous.  Poetic.  Don’t think zombies can be poetic?  Check it: 

“In my palm I can feel the echo of her pulse, standing in for the absence of mine.”


Yeah.  I now have a crush on a fictional undead guy.  Read it.  Isaac Marion = Brilliant. (and you can read my interview with him by clicking right here).

Spring Sprang Sprung Fever


Make a wish…(Trite, I know but still…how often do you actually come across a Zoltar machine?)


There’s a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza.  There’s a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, a hole.

Spring Sprang Sprung Fever


You know what old Willy S. said about roses and names…


I know some of you are on Instagram.  Don’t be shy! Share your username in the comments section so we can be nosy and take a peek at your pics.  Pretty please with cherries on top?   And while I’m thinking of it…I’m considering making a series of cute little bitty limited edition books of my Instagram photos.  What do you think?  Hell yes or hell no?  Weigh in here or on facebook.




Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick


image credits:  all image © 2012 Alli Woods Frederick all rights reserved.
Posted in MY LIFE, PHOTOGRAPHY, ZOMBIES | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

“I wrestled with reality for 35 years, doctor, and I’m happy to say I finally won out over it.”

– Jimmy Stewart as Elwood P. Dowd in “Harvey”

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

image credit: Insanity by Giorgia Pallaro

Posted in INSPIRE, LIFESTYLE | Tagged , | Leave a comment

While out for a drive the other day my mom and I came across this beautiful scene:  a 4 hour old foal gamboling about all wobbly legged, trying to quite literally find its footing in this amazing new world with mom by his side, gently encouraging him.  It was too precious.  I feel so fortunate that we had the chance to share such a special moment.

My wish for all of us this weekend is that we are able to see the world with the same awe, curiosity, amazement and selfless, fearless love as the little foal.  How precious a thing is life…so very very precious.


Have an absolutely smashing weekend, my dears.  Smooches!



Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credt: Newborn © 2012 Alli Woods Frederick all rights reserved

Posted in LIFE, MY LIFE, PHOTOGRAPHY | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


When I look in the mirror, what do I see?

Mirror Mirror On The Wall



I see a person riddled with contradictions.  I see a person who is wise but doesn’t really know shit.  I see a person who is loving but self-critical.  I see a person who is brave but scared to death.  I see a person who wants to succeed but feels like a failure.  I see a person who is kind but capable of being anything but.  I see a person who is fiercely proud of individuality but still wishes to be accepted…precisely as she is. 

I see a person who wants to be loved but doesn’t feel deserving.  I see a person who wants to be noticed but is introverted and shy.  I see a person who feels so young but looks older every day (screw you Father Time!).  I see a person who hopes for the best but prepares for the worst.  I see a person who wants to give the world to the people she loves but feels incapable of doing so.  I see a person who knows what she wants but doesn’t know how to get it.  I see a person who looks like a dear friend but is sometimes a stranger.  I see a person who loves to be alone but is scared of living life that way.  I see a person who is strong but wants, just for a little while, to be weak. 

I see a person who is a perfectionist but is undeniably flawed.  I see a person who tries her best but feels like her best is never  good enough.  I see a person who talks a lot but says very little.  I see a person who abhors repetition but finds comfort in routine.  I see a woman who sometimes feels like a child.  I see the good, the bad, the awesome and the awful.  I see it all.  I see me. 

Some days I am more of one, less of another.  Some days I am different.  Some days I am the same.  I am me.  I am riddled with contradictions.  I am…and that’s okay…because somehow I know it’s a good thing.


What do you see when you look in the mirror?


Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick


image credits: multiplicity © alli woods frederick. all rights reserved
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So last week I had a really strange dream.  I had a dream that I was dead, nothing but pure spirit, but instead of staying on the other side I brokered a deal – a deal with the PTB (Powers That Be) and another soul that was tired of living in human form.  The deal  that was made?  I opted to become a “walk-in.”  This is where I imagine the confused look on your face as you think:


“What the hell is a walk-in?”

It’s a rather simple and highly debated concept that dates back centuries.  There are mentions of walk-ins across all cultures and religions and the concept is frequently referenced in pop culture (such as The X-Files, Quantum Leap, The Ghost Whisperer and Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series just to name a few).  So what is it?  It’s simple, really.  A walk-in is a soul that has made an agreement with a body’s current inhabitant to take over said body.  One soul walks out of the body while the other walks in.  Remember the show Quantum Leap?  Yeah…it’s sort of like that.   This arrangement can be either temporary or permanent…it depends on the agreement that is made between the souls.


So it’s the same as possession, right?

Nope.  Possession is when the body is occupied against its will by another being or spirit.  Walk-ins (also called star seeds and wanderers) and walk-outs voluntarily make the swap.  Neither side is forced into the situation.  Both parties are 100% willing.


Why the hell would they want to do that?

The commonly held belief is that the walk-out no longer wishes to remain here in the physical either because of trauma (be it emotional or physical) or because they have completed their soul’s purpose and are ready to move on to a new experience.  The walk-ins typically have goals and experiences that they didn’t complete in their lifetime and are eager to “finish” their mission.  All that being said I’m sure that, as with most things in this universe, the reasons are many and varied.


What is the walk-in experience?

While walk-ins do retain the memories of the body’s first occupant, they often report a sense of emotional detachment  from those memories.  They often feel disoriented by their surroundings and disconnected from the people in their life.  People close to walk-ins often say their loved one’s behavior and tastes change seemingly overnight.  Check out these interesting interviews with walk-ins Faith Ranoli and Robert Young to get the words straight from the horses’ mouths.


Naturally there are a number of mental health professionals who feel the walk-in “experience” is nothing more than attention seeking behavior taken to the extreme, a way to deal with distress when they are unable to articulate their experience.  Personally, I never say anything is impossible.  Do I 100% believe that walk-ins exist?  I have, admittedly, experienced many strange things in my life – things that others would claim were impossible.  So while I’m certainly open to believing, as of right now I find I’m on the fence.  I do find the concept fascinating and the stories told by walk-ins are most certainly compelling.  What do you think?  Are walk-ins real or merely a coping mechanism of a distressed mind?

Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick

image credits:  |  like on a palm of a hand by Katarina Stefanovic  |  Belle’s Dream by Rosie Kernohan  |  I Love October by D. Sharon Pruitt  |  Untitled by Cari Ann Wayman  | 
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