"TTV photograph of a frownie face drawn with marker on paper"


I remember a day about a year ago that was particularly sucky.  I got up at ungodly o’clock to get ready for work.  When I awoke I was elated that it was Friday and then completely deflated when I realized that it was, in fact, only Tuesday. This was NOT the best way to start the day.

For some reason, despite my best efforts to thwart it, my day began to go into a tailspin; a downward spiral from which recovery seemed difficult at best and impossible at worst.  What made it so awful?






For reasons unbeknownst to my conscious mind, my brain decided to be hateful, nay, VISCIOUS, spouting negativity at me and trying its best to “help me” realize “what’s best.”  The nasty inner-voice began pulling Band-Aids (or plasters for my friends across the pond) off emotional wounds that were trying to heal.


“Your art doesn’t matter to anyone but you, so why do you even bother?”

RRRRRRRRip goes a Band-Aid.


“Your art, your writing?  They’re a waste of time, energy and money.  Does anyone see your work?  Does anyone read it?  No one cares about it except your mother and that’s because she has to.”

RRiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip, rip. A bit of scab came off with that one.


“What makes you think you’re special?  You’ll never be anything more than a failure.  The only thing you succeed at is failing – too bad you don’t get paid for sucking because you’d be filthy f*cking rich.”

RIP!  That one hemorrhaged.






Can you relate?  I’m sure I’m not the only person who experiences such moments.

Thoughts should be our loving and supportive companion in life, championing me on…our biggest cheerleader.  So why do they act more like the frenemy from hell?  Why are we our own worst critics…and sometimes viciously brutal critics at that?




As I have discussed before in Confessions of a Negative Nancy, I struggle with maintaining a positive mental attitude at times…some days, like that day last year, are more difficult than others. That day I struggled.

We all have our own inner-battles, fighting that loud and brutal voice in our heads that tells us we’re not good enough, not talented enough, not smart enough or not pretty enough…that we don’t deserve happiness, or nice things, or loving relationships, or a promotion. We tell ourselves we’re too fat, too thin, too boring, too old, too young, too this and too that. Some people’s thoughts even tell them they’re too awful to live. But let me put this question to you:




How many of them come from outside sources like a former teacher, your mother, your grandfather, an abusive ex, a “good” friend or the media?  For many of us negative thoughts are a reflex; a knee-jerk response to stimuli that is so ingrained that it has become automatic.

These thoughts can also snowball with one negative thought leading to another leading to another until the negativity is overwhelming and seemingly insurmountable.






Negative thoughts lie to you.  They lie to you because they are afraid of change, or success, or health.  They lie to you to because they think they are keeping you “safe.” 

What they don’t want you to know is that they are wrong. They can be defeated (or at least quieted).  There is a way to stop them dead in their tracks and turn that dower mood into a better mood, and maybe even a great one.  What is this magic of which I speak?




You must be aware of your inner-critic.  Remember it thinks it’s there to help and protect you so be kind but firm when dealing with that voice.  It is, after all, part of you. 

When you hear that voice start to chime in with its unwanted negative, fear-based “advice” and “wisdom” acknowledge it.  Then try something along the lines of:


“I hear you and thank you for trying to protect me but I’ve got this.”


Next, ask what this voice is trying to protect you from.  Rejection?  Heartbreak?  Ask where it comes from.  Is it really yours or did you learn the thought from someone else?  Your grandmother?  A  teacher? 

Then acknowledge those answers and shift your focus.  Close your eyes and take a slow deep breath to the count of 5.

Inhale 1-2-3-4-5.
Hold it 1-2-3-4-5.
Slowly Exhale 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10. 


Now focus on your heart and think about things you love, things that bring you joy, things that make you smile.  Shift your focus to the positive and allow yourself to feel love…love for yourself and the awesomeness that surrounds you.   Yeah, I know it sounds really corny but give it a try.  You may be surprised. 





We can reprogram our thoughts.  We can quiet that inner-critic.  Yes it will still rear it’s ugly but well meaning head from time to time and yes there will be days that it will get the better of us.  We’re only human after all.  But keep at it.  Keep trying. 

We might not be able to completely silence those voices but we can certainly turn down the volume.  We can stop our inner critic from undermining us and preventing us from enjoying our lives to the fullest. We all deserve to be happy.   



Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


PS – If you want to learn more on the subject I highly recommend reading Louise L. Hay’s ”You Can Heal Your Life.” She even has a workbook to go along with the book to help you work through the exercises and get more out of her teachings.

images  ::  Bad Day © Alli Woods Frederick. all rights reserved  ::  I’m Not Listening © Alli Woods Frederick. all rights reserved  ::  I hear in my mind; all these voices – Meg Wills  ::  a tribute to nosy aunties and aunty-like uncles – Jin Thai  ::  love & hate – abhi
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If you want to see quirky creativity and authenticity at its finest look no further than public access television.  I thought it would be fun to end the week with a collection of some of the weirdest, unique, head-scratching and funny public access videos* out there.  If you know of one that I missed please please please link to it in the comments.    So let’s kick off the weekend with a some bits of beautifully bizarre brilliance that will leave you saying “What the f…”, shall we?

Let’s Paint, Shave & Run


Austin City Lights


3D Chips


CB Walkers’ Psychic Reading Call In Show


Apartment 108


Have a wonderful weekend, my dears!



Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


*email subscribers:  to watch the videos please click on the titles.  Feedburner does not embed videos for some cruel reason.
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I WAS HAVING a conversation with a friend not too very long ago about love, betrayal and heartbreak.  My friend has become, by his own admission, jaded and cynical, saying that betrayal and loss leads to hatred and bitterness, lessening ones ability to not only love but be loved and that it simply wasn’t worth it.


I FIND HIS BELIEFS and feelings to be so sad…that someone would make such a choice, and it is a choice, is heartbreaking.  How can someone feel that way about love?  Love is such a miracle…such a blessing

I had an epiphany.

WELL…not really an epiphany because it’s something I’ve always believed to be true, but I never truly felt the belief with every fiber of my being.  I never experienced it as an ultimate immutable truth of the universe.  I felt the ultimate truth of love.  I understood its nature.  100%.   What was this all encompassing fuzzy blanket of yummy lovey goodness?  Well…




OUR PERCEPTION of love as something internal and existing only inside ourselves is not entirely accurate.  We experience love internally, yes.  It burns with intensity and fills us with warmth, joy and even, on occasion, sadness.  But love is not a 100% internal experience.

Love exists outside the self.

IT IS COMPLETELY and entirely free of ego and functions outside of our mind and, oddly enough, our feelings.

Love is transcendent.

TO LOVE TRULY, completely, unconditionally means loving regardless of external factors.  It exists beyond.  It has no expectations or limitations and it is inextinguishable.

It doesn’t matter if the person you love reciprocates…it doesn’t matter what the physical relationship between you is…whether you’re side by side, miles apart or separated by death.  Love lies beyond it all…above it all.

Love is vast.
Love is expansive.
Love is limitless with no beginning or end.


EVEN MORE AMAZING than all of that is the fact that there is a never ending supply of love.

Love never runs out.

THERE IS ALWAYS an abundance of love and love for one does not diminish love for another.  You love your mother.  You love your father.  Does loving your mother mean you must love your father less?  Of course not.  Love is inexhaustible and infinite.  Love can never be depleted or lessened by loving more.

HOW AMAZING is that?  Love is pretty damn amazing…pretty damn amazing indeed..


Kisses & Chaos & Love Love Love,
Alli Woods Frederick


image credits:  If Loving You is Wrong, I Don’t Want to Be Right (Luther Ingram) by Kevin Dooley  |  Give Love by heyFilbert  |  It’s all about love by Candida Perfroma  | 
Posted in LIFE, MAGIC | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Karl’s Corner

Today’s topic: 

anatomy and physiology


“If your brain was in your foot it would take you ages to say anything.”

-Karl Pilkington

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

image credit:  mouth by harry
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Wow.  I  just realized I haven’t posted any Instagram photos in a few weeks and they are starting to seriously pile up…so here you go.  I won’t bombard you all at once.  Fear not.  Since a picture’s worth a blah blah blah I’ll shut up now and let the photos do the talking. Smooches to you, my dears!


My Life in Instagram-vision:


Inside a Bath House – Hot Springs, Arkansas


ask not for whom the bell tolls…


Bell tower designed by architect Fay Jones – Hot Springs, Arkansas.


Yarn I’ve been spinning…the most gorgeous cotton candy colored roving ever…but I somehow doubt it tastes as good.


Abstract inspired by The Cure’s song “The Forest.”


Came across some stunning hot rods on a Friday morning drive.


Another awesome hot rod…I loved this one so much I made prints available.  Doesn’t it make you want to drag race…or maybe that’s just me?

Manic Photo Post


If you’re going to drag race hot rods a pair of leopard print platforms is a must.  It’s a scientifically proven fact.


From here to there and back again.

Manic Photo Post


A magazine about preparing for the zombie apocalypse?  Hell yes.

Manic Photo Post


The latest in my line of one of a kind skulls…because skulls and pink glitter hearts go together like peanut butter and jelly.


Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick


all images © Alli Woods Frederick all rights reserved
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